


 I hated my grandmother with everything in me. Yes i was arrested for living with a dead body and also for withdrawing her sassa money every month but she's the reason i did what i did to her.

The old lady murdered my parents and made me suffer in all the years i lived with her. I have no remorse or whatsoever for doing all that i did to her. She made me this way. 

Gogo was a witch and the whole village knows this. She made me do the most painful and scariest things at a very tender age. My childhood is filled with nothing but trauma. Imagine being 6 and sleeping outside starverd even.  I had to even eat rotten food from the rubbish hole.

My parents left me some inheritance but my grandmother gave them to my aunt, her daughter. My parents died in a car accident and RAF also gave me a lot of money but i didn't see a single penny from it.  I watched my cousin's live the life that's meant for me while i was suffering but there was nothing i could do. RAF even offered to take me to school till I was done i think but they were quick to dismiss that. No one enquired further about that. But when i asked to further my studies after matric they asked me with what money and i let it go.

But you know how money Is, they ended up fighting until they eventualy cut each other off. Now it was just my grandmother and i. My aunt even moved away and didn't bother telling anyone where she had moved to.

We suffered a lot and as for me i was sent to do dark errands by force. Whenever i refused I'd have to sleep outside and i would have no food given to me so basically I'd have to starve. 

My grandmother's yard was fence with a very tall wall. No one not even the neighbours had ever sat foot in there. She was not a people's person. She preferred being by herself. So as i grew older I would be the one going to buy all that we need for the month.

I'd leave the yard once a month so that's how neighbours suspected a thing. My grandmother got sick and she refused to go to the clinic until she died. I had no other source of income so i didn't tell anyone about her passing. I buried her inside our house as i continued getting her sassa money.

After years of getting her sassa money one day her card had complications and it wouldn't work. I had to go enquire at Sassa offices and basically that's how i got myself arrested. 

See, i was given forms for her to fill in and there were finger prints needed and to cut the lonf story short i made a fraud offence but got caught. 

I served my years and now I'm out and i have zero regret of what i did. I furthered my studies at jail and i am now a qualified teacher and i am looking forward to changing my life and forgetting about my childhood traumas.

I am the lady known for living with my late grand mother because of her sassa money and that's my story.