



My life was going well,not much setbacks were happening in my life. I finished my degree on record time and my first job offer even without experience was very generous.

I didn't go job hunting,,the job hunted me. So I was a very active person on all social media platforms. I really lived for content and my life was balanced in all aspects.

One day when I logged into my Instagram I received a job offer from a well known company. Quiet a big company and I was excited but of course I had doubts here and there because why would they just offer me such an opportunity.

I was invited to an interview at that company. So I googled the company name just to make sure it's not a scam and they were ofcourse well away that the company was sending DM's for interviews on social media. Everything was legit and boy was I not happy and ecstatic.

Waited impatiently for the interview and when entering the company building I was already imagining myself working there. I was already seeing my self purchasing the car of my dreams. I was just happy and hopeful.

The interview went very well and within a few days the company called me to congratulate me for my appointment. I was told to come the following week to sign my contract. I've never in my life been that happy. life nje was lifeing well well.

They called me on a Thursday and told me to sign that contract on a Tuesday. Yoh time couldn't have moved more slower. That weekend felt like it had 5 days in between. Anyway the day finally came and I went in to sign the9 contract.

After signing the contract the HR then told me that the boss was expecting me.

By boss she meant the owner of the company. I was so excited yet nervous. The HR then walked me to the boss's office and introduced me to him then excused herself. The boss was a man who was probably in his late 50's who obviously had a younger taste in fashion. He dressed like a classy 30 year old and I must say he didn't look bad. I also realized that he looked familiar but wasn't sure from where. I was only 22 but I also had a body of a 30 year old then.

He told me not to call me by his surname nor call me sir. He introduced himself as Nathan to me and said he would be happy if I called him that. He told me that everyone who was on the panel on my interview really loved me so he just had to see for himself what his employers saw and he is indeed very impressed. He was a bit seductive but I didn't mind because for me that meant being a boss's favorite Just like the good old days when I used to be the teacher's pet. The more we spoke the more I couldn't shake off the feeling that I've seen this man before.

We had a nice chat and i went home with a happy heart knowing i will start working soon. When i got home i couldn't wait to share the news that i officially got the job with my family. 

They were excited when i told them, very excited. It was mid month and i was starting work on the 1st of the following month. So i had about 15 days prior serious commitments. I used the time as wisely as possible. Went out, met up with friends man i enjoyed my final days as an unemployed youth. Utilized the time very well.

A few days before starting with my new job, i saw a familiar face posting a pic of themselves. It hit me right there and there that my boss was one of my follower. I went through his profile and really there was nothing dodgy or weird.  He hardly posted even. He posted a pic every 4 months so ja that was all to find out. There was nothing inappropriate on his wall at all.

I finaly started my new job and my life was everything i dreamt of. Two months into working there my boss started sending me DM's asking to take me out.  Took me a week to agree. We went out and we clicked instantly. Had no idea that i could ever fall for an older man.

He doubled my salary. Got me a very expensive fully furnished apartment. I was able to buy myself my dream car. Lived a very larvish life through this man. Wasn't even doing well at work but i was the boss's girl so i feared nothing. 

But ofcourse no one knew i was dating the boss at work. We kept it very low and proffesional. We dated for almost a year and in that year he treated me like a real princess. He spoiled me sooooo much. But let me tell you that him and i were never intimate. I was a virgin but i was ready to give my virginity to this man but he kept making excuses. 

I really wanted him bad but he was not interested at all and i had to accept.  I even started suspecting that maybe he has diabetes and suggested that we get toys to satisfy me but he refused.

One day he came to my apartment acting very weird. Firstly he never spoke a word to me since he arrived. He just got there and sat on the couch quiet, with his eyes wide open and he didn't smell of my favourite cologne. He always smelled good but that day he smelled like smoke and he wasn't even wearing shoes. He was not clean at all and i suspected he might have been mugged or robbed. Tried getting him to talk but nothing. I wanted to call for help but something quickly made me forget that i wanted to call for help. Instead i went and sat next to him.  He opened his mouth and blew some powder on my face from his mouth.

Then a few minutes later he started kissing me so passionately. Next thig w are in the bedroom. When he took off his pants i realised that he was doing his best to hide his manhood from me. But i insisted on seeing it before we do anything. But eventualy he overpowered me.

Next thing he is inside me and it's very painful. It felt like there was something alive inside me eating up my insides. He went on and on for over an hour on top of me.

Then when he stopped he passed away and i saw a snake leaving his private part and into his bag. I couldn't move and all i could do was just watch. I also passed out, then the next morning when i woke up he was gone. 

It was the weekend and monday was work. I felt so tired and drained and had no interest in anything. But i pushed myself anyway. I couldn't get a hold of him the whole weekend so i had to force myself to go to work because i needed answers. 

When i arrived i looked for him but he wasn't there. The whole month i looked for him and he hasn't been to work. They say he is away on vacation to celebrate his 20 years of marriage with his wife. He told me they were getting divorced. 

Since i slept with this man badluck seems to be following me around. My colleagues are always arguing with me for no reason. No one likes me, my neighbor no longer talks to me. My friends are always too busy for me yet they make time for each other. My family barely talks to me and i feel some kind of distance.

I am now back to using public transport because i was involved in a car accident. My car just rolled unprovoked but luckily i came out with zero injuries. 

No man looks my way, i am literally watching my life trumble. Please save me. I have one last final warning remaining at work so i could very well lose my job soon. I sometimes wish i was brave enough to take my own life becaue this can't be life. Please save me!