


 My girlfriend appeared at the Palm Ridge magistrate court for allegedly killing three children in Orange Farm for a ritual to make her business successful.

The three children killed in Orange Farm more than two years ago were used as sacrificial lambs intended to grow tavern business profits.

This was argument submitted in the Gauteng South High Court, sitting at the Palm Ridge magistrate’s court, by murder accused Pontsho Mohlanka.

Mohlanka is accused of killing three children named Mzwandile Zitho, 5, Simphiwe Mgcina, 6, and Mpho Makondo, 8. My girlfriend's obsession with success has gone too far and now i can't forgive myself.

The children were killed on different dates but they were all found naked, smeared with a black substance on their faces and with no visible injuries on their bodies.

According to a sangoma the reason why there are no injuries found on the children is because ,She does not torture the children she uses muti to end their lives then smear black Muti on their faces so that their bodies attract customers to her TARVEN. This is based on the sangomas knowledge it's not a fact on this case 

First body was found at the tavern on April 15 2020.

Second and third bodies were found near the same establishment on September 19 2020.

Mohlanka’s lover, who is under witness protection, testified in the murder trial as a witness. He told the court that the couple regularly consulted different traditional healers to seek medical assistance and guidance to grow their business.

Most of the traditional healers we consulted were recommended by my girlfriend. But she brought a different version to court , firmly pointing the accusing finger back at her lover.

Defence lawyer put it to me that the accused warned him that their continued visits to traditional healers would backfire. 

I  am the one that warned her after the first child was found dead at their tavern. I was becoming very uncomfortable with how the house was becoming spooky as if we lived with dead people. It always felt like we were never alone in the house so I tried stopping My partner who refused to listen.

The use of Muti became became intense and excessive I was no longer fine at all 

When my girlfriend got caught she put the blame on me saying she communicated with me over the phone, telling me that the assistance they had sourced from traditional healers was working against them.

“ She lied and said after warning me i told her that two more children must be killed for protection and business growth,” She's putting me under fire for things that were all her doings.

I recorded all our telephone conversations and I can make those recordings available  to prove that I had nothing to do with the death of those three children

“I played no part in the killing of those children. My girlfriend called me several times while she was arrested but we never spoke about killing anyone. I recorded all our telephone conversations and I can make those recordings available to the court to prove that I had nothing to do with the death of those three children.

Instead she had intended to make the killings appear as if they were carried out by his opposite neighbour who was also a good friend of hers.

One body was found dumped inside the yard, with a handwritten note tied to his body.

The note mentioned the names of five people. The neighbor and myself are among those mentioned in the recovered note

Families of murdered kids feel let down by justice system

The families of two of three children that were allegedly killed by a tavern owner in Orange Farm believe they would still be alive if police had taken their jobs serious.

The neighbor was also called in to testify on Tuesday. He said he was not on speaking terms with TARVEN owner when the children were killed.

The neighbor says he had no idea how the body landed up at his yard.

I don’t know who killed these children. I still want to know why my name was mentioned on the handwritten note that was found on Simphiwe’s body. This thing happened almost two years ago but it has left me with so many unanswered questions,” said the neighbor.