


 I'm always in shock when people don't believe the confessions here I have seen it all and I believe it Shem. Please hide my name.

My grandmother used to have a very big house and she lived alone. She literally did not want to live with anyone. She was very rich so she would rather build you a house than have you stay with her.

My dad and his siblings also were not raised by my grandmother. She always gave an excuse that she likes her house spotless and living with other people was an inconvenience to her cleanliness. Even her own children were not allowed to live with her guys.

Even as she got older she still didn't want anyone in her own space. But we as grandchildren were allowed to visit for atleast a weekend but nothing more than that. But nakhona we were allowed to visit for a weekend until a certain age then we were no longer allowed to visit for a sleepover.

We at some point thought she had a rare condition. I mean imagine building a house for my children and hiring a nanny to live with them in that house and as they got older she built them houses each. The weird part was that she is not building the houses too far from her own house.

So there would never be any reason why any of her kids would want to sleep over. My grandmother used to buy 80kg of maize meal and a live goat every week,yes every week. This is one thing we all never understood ,how can an elderly woman with a few teeth and such a tiny body eat so much in just a week?

But we were not allowed to ask her questions unless we were looking for world war two! She literally wouldn't waste time to cut off anyone who questioned her decisions and her ways.

She hated her daughter in-law with a passion,the daughter in-law is my mother. My mom comes from a prayerful family and that annoyed my grandmother so much. My mom says on many occasions my grandmother tried breaking up her union with my dad but it never worked.

My dad loved my mom so much that he couldn't see his life with anyone else. My grandmother tried on many occasions to end my mom's life but instead it is my father she ended up sending to an early grave. Spiritually my mom was super strong.

But she has managed to make her sick on many occasions. She even ended up having cancer. Apparently my grandmother planted Muti on our door with my mom's name and when my mom stepped on the door the Muti entered her body.

The Muti turned into an unknown reptile which was very poisonous making my mom very sick. The reptile destroyed my mom's womb and caused cancer. it's been over 20 years and my mom is still chronic. Anyway that is a story for another day. Let's go back to my grandmother's mansion.

As she got older it seemed as if she was slowly losing her mind. It was horrible to watch. She would sometimes Walk around naked and be shouting dead people's names in the streets telling them to leave her alone and  move out of her house.

It pained me a lot because at the end of the day she's still my father's mother and I loved her. She would even walk into people's yards at night naked saying senseless things about dead people from the house she'd been stuck in.

The villagers tried burning her more than twice but the police always came to her rescue. I then decided to move into her house and keep a close eye on her because I was scared that one day she won't be so lucky and the community will burn her.

Moving in with her was the worst torture I've ever put myself through. And I could no longer move back to my house because I was now moving around with weird creatures who followed me wherever I Went.

My grandmother's mansion turns into a graveyard at night. The goats and big sack of maize meal was to feed the dead people she lived with. I can't believe that I lived to tell the story.

A couple of weeks before she died she told me how she was trying to protect us from inheriting this generational witchcraft which she also inherited. She said she didn't want us in her house to protect us from being exposed to such.

But now it was already too late for me as I've already joined. She explained everything and admitted that she is from a family of Witches and she has tokoloshis in her house which she feeds the 80kg and goat to.

She cooks for them every night because when they are hungry they are very grumpy and when they are grumpy all hell breaks lose. She showed me how to cook and feed them.

These were humans behaving like wild animals. She used a big pot to cook pap but she fed them the goat uncooked. After cooking she would leave the food on the floor in the kitchen and they came out running to eat.

If you've seen how wild animals ate then that's exactly how the tokoloshis ate. I was in shock the whole time. it was like I had a magnet that kept my feet on the ground,I couldn't run nor scream for help.

It was shock the whole time. The next Morning I ran back home and I heard a day later that my grandmother was found de@d in the house with teeth marks,it was suspect that she was eaten by many different human beings. She was covered in blood.

I remembered that she had said that if she doesn't cook for the tikoloshis then they will eat her instead. I told my mom everything then I became mentally ill for a few months but st John Church in Katlegong saved me. I spent months there chained there though but today I am able to give my testimony without fear.