



I grew up in a very dodgy village. The village was well known for witchcraft and there was a lot of elderly generation living there. Very few younger generation made it through to their 40's especialy if they seem to have a direction or drive.

Those who made it past forty in that village had no direction whatsoever. I strongly believe that the misfortunes were caused by the elders in the village. A couple of times I've seen my neighbour's elderly woman sprinkling weird things at our gate at night. 

My mom always told me to ignore her and not even confront her but instead pray against whatever she was planting at our home. We lived in a family house. My father''s parents passed away before i even got to meet them, way before i was born. 

My mom suspects that our neighbour is responsible for their deaths. MY grandfather apparently died after buying a few bricks. He was hit by lightning. Then my grandmother died the following year after buying a new gate at home and using my grandfather's bricks to build a wall around the yard. 

My dad then passed away after paying lobola for my mother, and my mom passed away after getting employed at a local shop in the village. In that village any kind of progress guaranteed your passing. Thank God my siblings and I moved away even though we moved when it was already too late. 

So after my mom bought bricks she fell sick and passed a few weeks after struggling with a short illness. I was then left with my little brother and an older sister. My older sister is now mentaly unstable since she saw the old Gogo at our yard one night and she decided to open the window and ask what the Gogo was doing in our yard.

The following day

she couldn't walk and had a terrible headache. Then she told us what had happened the night before she got sick. She was admitted and two weeks in the hospital then she was taken into a psych hospital. She hasn't been well ever since and whenver she sees the Gogo she becomes extremely scared. 

You know how, villages consists of free range chickens, goats, cows and so forth. MY neighbor has only one colour chickens. All her chickens are black and she treats them like they are people. Sometimes you'll find her sitting under a tree at her house with the chickens sitting next to her in a circle. She would be sitting there talking to the chickens as if they were human beings. 

No one from the neighbourhood is close with her, angisho she doesn't like people. She's very moody. Today she could wake up very happy and chatty chatty then the next day she wakes up super angry and when you greet her she just gives you a death stare. 

So thina she just stopped talking to us long ago but it's been on and offs because my sister would scream in fear everytime she saw her. There was something that was very off about the chickens. They weren't behaving like the normal chickens. 

Even if you pour seeds on the ground they would just ignore you and not run to get them like normal chickens. My little brother being the child that he is he would sometimes go to the fence and play there. The fence is close by the neighbours favourite shade tree that she usually sits under with the chickens. 

So my brother had been saying that one of the chickens there always goes to him and starts talking in my mother's voice. He says that's why the fence became his favourite spot. He says my mom is disguised as a chicken and is always playing with him and asking him if he's okay, if we are okay.

He says the chicken always reminds him to eat and finish his food, the chicken also tells him not to forget to close the Windows, take baths and so on. And that sounds exactly like my mom.

He realised that we don't believe him so one day he made the worst mistake of his life just to prove a point. He was only a child didn't fully understand what's really going on and the circumstances that came with his actions. 

He picked up the chicken and ran into the house and hid it inside the closet and locked the room. He waited for me to get back but didn't say anything. He was actualy waiting for the night to come and when it was bed time he told me what he had done. 

It started making sense why our neighbour was going up and down searching everywhere in her yard as if she lost something, she kept on looking at our home with so much anger but i ignored her.

Just before bed time after my big sister fell asleep my little brother opened the closet and took out the chicken and said here is the chicken that speaks exactly like our mother. I felt heat the very same time. I got very scared and disturbed. I got scared because i was scared of what my brother had done. 

He has just bought danger to our home. The old lady was obviously looking for her chicken so obviously now we were in danger. I didn't know what to do but going out at night to return the chicken was not an option. It was very dangerous out there. 

I scolded at him and told him to return the chicken first thing in the morning. We locked back the chicken in the closet, it didn't talk to us he forced it talk but it didn't. That's when i suspected that he could be imagining things.

We tried sleeping but in the middle of the night we were woken up by heavy footsteps on the roof and it suddenly got very windy outside. We were so scared listening to what was happening. On the roof it felt like a very aggressive animal was trying to force entry from the roof.

We didn't sleep that night. We were up with our hearts beating on our throats the whole night. It got silent around 4am and we suddenly felt very sleepy...as we were about to sleep we heard my mom's voice coming from the closet singing calmly her favourite lullaby song.

Instead of being scared we all fell asleep. We couldn't fight the sleep and it was like we were getting hypnotized. My mom's lullaby brought back all the right feelings that I've been longing for. I felt safe and at peace as i dozed off. I wanted to fight the feeling as my unconsciousness kept reminding me that my mother was late so why am I hearing her voice.

I don't know how i ended up asleep or when she stopped singing but in the morning when i woke up the closet where the chicken was, was wide open. There was a very bad smell of human faece. I nervously went to see if the chicken was still there and it wasn't. Instead i found very fresh human faece.

Tried waking up my brother and he wouldn't wake up. My sister was up but very quiet and traumatised. She was starting at the closet as if she saw something. MY worry was more on my brother though. 

He was breathing but wouldn't wake up. I called an ambulance and he was admitted. He was in a coma for four months. The Dr's say he had a cardiac attack and a stroke in his sleep. Today my little brother has been mute, deaf, blind and paralysed since that day. He uses a wheelchair. 

My neighbor stopped talking to us since that day and i am very scared of her.  I can't stop wondering what happened to the chicken that left human faece in our closet.

I wish my brother hadn't brought this upon himself he probably would be okay. Life has since been hard. I am now taking care of my two siblings with special needs that they were not born with. Witchcraft is real and brutal.