


 I learned the hard way when coming to witchcraft. I've never really believed that indeed existed until i encountered it. Growing up yes we would hear stories but i always gave the stories side eyes.

For me I've always believed that they are just superstition. So i come from a very small village where witchcraft is not a thing.  By not a thing i mean we were never troubled by such. So most of us never really believed in it.

And again my family wasn't so very strong in faith. Ofcos we believed in chtistiantiy and we prayed but we were not intense church goers. Sometimes we would even go an entire year without going to church. 

So a couple of years ago, i was invited by a friend of mine to Gauteng. My friend worked in Gauteng so her life was now there. She was having her 25th birthday party and as someone i grew up with and someone i was very close to i had to go show some love.

It was an all expenses paid trip, courtesy of my friend. I arrived a week before the party because i had to help her with getting ready for it. This was my childhood best friend so we were that close.

A few days in Gauteng and i picked up that my friend wasn't really employed.  She lived off men. She had countless boyfriends who were also her providers. Well i just observed from a distance and kept my opinions to myself because i didn't want to offend her.

But this was someone our village was very proud of. Literally every parent referenced her as a role model for their children. She built her parents a house, bought them a car and she also has her own car and lives a very comfortable life. 

Whenever she came to the village we felt her presence and her success. Anyway the day of the party came and i was amazed at how many foreign men were there. There was this one in particular who was actualy very cute and calm natured. As much as i had a long term boyfriend at home and i had never dated any foreigner that one definitely caught my eye.

But that was all it Was, distance admiration and that was it. Kodwa keh after a few drinks i found myself all over him and apparently the feeling was mutual. He had been eyeing me for a while so we hit the night off. 

I don't know what happened but i woke up in his apartment the next day. I woke up in fresh bedding sets and i was wearing an oversized T shirt that smelled so good. The apartment was very beautiful aswell but asikho lapho(that's not the point). As I was wondering where i was and how i got there.

He walked through the door topless holding a tray with breakfast and i quickly jumped up in fear. He then said "relax I'm just bringing you breakfast and i will be in the tv room". If you are not comfortable here you can get ready after eating and I'll take you home. 

He walked out and man i had to inspect myself to see if anything happened the previous night because i couldn't remember anything. Well it seemed as if nothing happened. I was hungry so i ate up my food and when i Checked my phone the battery was dead.

I picked up my clothes and dressed up and i found him watching tv. The weather was very cosy and personal outside so i asked him to take me home. He then said my friend had called and asked me to call her back when i wake up. She called on his phone  so i used his phone to call her back. 

She told me that she wasn't at her apartment and she had the keys. She said she was a bit far and would pick me up when she was done. I could hear that wherever she was she was having a continuation of last night. 

When i hung up he said come join me, let's watch this movie. It's quite interesting and ofcos it was a chick flick and i am sucker for those yoh. I shyly  sat next to him and he put my head on his chest and cuddled me.

This was a total stranger but it was at that moment that i felt very safe around him. Yoh i don't know what happened but we both fell asleep while watching the movie. Must have been the weather it was really weathering. 

When we woke up it was almost dark outside so i asked if my friend had called and she hadn't. I tried calling her and her phone was off. So i asked to take a bath and while i was bathing he prepared a very hearty meal.

We ate and he opened a bottle of wine. We starting having a very nice conversion and we became very comfortable with each other. The rest was history. This was now my man. After a few months of dating i found myself behaving very weirdly.

Not just me but my entire family. I dont even know how to explain what was happening to us but we were no longer ourselves. We all knew that there was something that was sleeping with all of us in the house but we were not comfortable to talk about it to each other. 

We ignored it although it was destroying us. We became distant from each other. Mind you my dad too was also being r@ped by that thing. Everyone of us was. I had never introduced any man to my family before but i allowed that guy into my home and they welcomed him.

We found it hard to say no to him. Yoh i don't even know how to explain this but we worshipped that guy. My dad was even scared of him. Whenever he came around one would swear that he was the man of the house. 

He used to give us a lot of money but we could not enjoy the money because it felt like everytime we accepted the money our souls lefr our bodies. One day i went to visit him unannounced. He wasn't home but the care taker knew me so he let me in.

Opened for me with a spare key. His phone was off and it was raining cars and dogs so the caretaker came through for me plus i lied to him and told him that he told me to ask him to give me the spare key.

When i got inside i got the shock of my life. He had burning candles on the floor in the bedroom corner. My family picture was in the middle of the burning candles. Everyone on the picture had a piece of what looked like a bubble gum on their head. There was also muti and needles and a cup of bl00d there.

I took the picture and kicked that little corner of witchcraft and left. When i got home i removed the bubble gum on our heads and it felt like something heavy was lifted off our heads. We were ourselves again.

We still not sure what the ritual is called and how it benefited him but I've never heard from him since that day. My long time lover has now married someone else because of what i had done to him and honestly they look very happy.

Does anyone know what the ritual is for and how it benefited him? I'll read comments. I'm even embarassed to share how my entire family took loans for him. How i signed with him at home affairs and we gave him our home. Everything is in his names but he hasn't said anything about evicting us.

He has been quiet since i went to his house and found the truth behind us worshiping him. His silence scares me. Someone help us please.