


 Please keep me anonymous 

Many of you don't believe that God exists and I don't blame you cause Im also losing faith in him. My life is not easy at all😭😭 I am a 22 year old girl and Im suffering from spiritual husband. People hate me for no reason, I have a boyfriend. 

I think he is strong cause I've been dating him for years now and he is treating me right, he understands and loves me unconditionally.

  The spiritual husband r@pes me almost every night, no matter how I pray or even play gospel music the whole night or sprinkle salt it still comes. I've tried churches and prophets but it doesn't wanna go away.

 My vj hurts so bad that I cant be intimate with my partner. The only nights I get peace is when I sleep at my boyfriend's place. Its sad how Im sick now, always feeling nauseous, back pains, stomach cramps and a lot more.

I have sleepless nights, I tried all the tricks in the book to help myself but nothing changes. Im tired of this life, this thing keeps calling my name at night. It wants me to follow it outside so that its owner can use me.

 Im spiritually gifted but I don't understand why my ancestors are not fighting for me. Its been years and Im so drained. I have skin problems, pimples all over my face and body, its too much and every night I pray, read the bible but I wake up with my vj paining.

Im unemployed so its hard to find help from traditional healers as they are expensive. Every night before I sleep I wish for a better life, I wish I was okay so I can enjoy life. I believe I died and came back to life cause one night I got sleep paralysis and I saw myself leaving my body but the moment I wanted to leave my house, an old man told me to go back cause my journey in this world is not over.

Why me? 😭😭 To those who believe in prayer please keep me in your prayers. Pray for me so that I can heal😭 ask God on my behalf to help me cause I need him.

Life never chose me, all my life bad things kept happening, its more like a generational curse. Someone out there is bewitching me and obsessed about me and I don't know why. Readers please pray for me so that I find a job and go seek help, thats all I ask from you. Somehow I believe there's a better tomorrow for me.