


 I'm a TARVEN owner who's been in the business for many years. Growing up school was not for me and I knew that I had a thing for owning a business,not any business but the alcohol business.

Reason for wanting to be in the alcohol business is because of how I grew up. See,I grew up in a home of alcoholics and my parents would rather not have food but have alcohol. My aunts and uncles were also alcoholics and my siblings, cousins and I had nowhere to run to.

Even some of my cousins became alcoholics because alcohol was always available at home and not food. I on the other hand would wait for the elders to drink till they passed out then I'd hide the remaining bottles and sell them the next day. 

Unlike my cousins who stole to drink i saw an opportunity to make money so we can buy something to eat. It went on like that until eventually i grew older and decided to open a tarven. 

It doesn't take a lot to open a tarven at the villages but ofcos i had to meet certain requirements which i did. I wasn't a fan of school at all so owning a business and becoming a successful business man was an obsession of mine. 

Soon my business was up and running. I struggled a lot in the first two years because it wasn't going as i had hoped it would. Business was very slow and i was getting depressed and suicidal. 

I literally watched my dream struggling to strive and i felt helpless. One day when i went to where i stock i came upon and elderly man who asked me how my business was going. I signed and he could see that i wanted to cry. 

He then told me that he has been there before and he survived. He told me that i needed to involve black science sometimes to force my destiny to be how i see it in my vision. 

He told me how he loves seeing young black men striving to become somebodies in this oppressing politically favoring system. Not sure i understood what he meant but he asked me where i lived and if i would be able to visit him so he can teach a trick or two.

Well he didn't look like someone who had made it in life. He just looked like an average man who was just making means to live. Fine we spoke a bit and he said i must follow him to his car he has a little bottle he would like to give to me. 

Once done with what we were doing i followed him to the parking lot and boy was i shocked to see the car he drove. Yoh never judge a book by it's cover indeed. When he got to his luxury car he took out five small black bottles and told me to take one.

I took one and he told me to take it when i get home i must sleep outside n@ked and i should draw my eyebrows with the substance in the bottle, draw the line on my lips and also under my nose. Then smear the rest in my hands.

Then he gave me his business card and said you'll thank me later that's my number. When i got home my desperation for wealth made me not waste any time that night i followed the instructions. He also said that i must walk around my village telling everyone to come to the tarven.

I must also touch them if i can and just pretend to be patting them then go to the tarven when i am satisfied. He told me not to bath even though the substance had a very bad odour i must ignore that. 

Fine i ignored it vele although it was very bad and people covered their noses when i walked past them. It made me wonder if this muti was to bring or chase customers away. I started having doubts plus he was a competitor in the same business. 

Maybe he gave me the muti to ruin my business and i was just too dumb to believe he meant well. But i still did everything he told me to do including the last one that when i was satisfied with the hunt walk i must get to the tarven and sit on the ground by the gate for atleast 2 hours then spit on the ground there then go inside to sell.

I did all that and the whole day nothing happened. That's when i decided to call him and his number went unanswered. A few minutes later he called me back and when i told him who i was he said he was still in a meeting and he would call me back.

Suddenly a huge tornado came and my tarven turned dark like midnight dark with no moon in 3 seconds then the tornado passed then it was back to normal.  Suddenly I felt very tired and i was now convinced that the man stole my luck. The little luck that i had.

That entire day not a single customer  came to buy , no one was even seen passing by. I started regretting and crying. The whole day i did not even sell a single beer. My heart was very broken. 

My body felt a little heavy so I decided i was gonna close at 6pm even if it was a Friday night.  6pm was nearing and i started getting ready to close. Then two cars drove inside. Out came 10 people, they were friends.

It was mixed genders.  They walked in and bought 48 ciders and 48 beers (cans). As I was still excited about them a couple walked in. You should've seen me switching on the speakers and playing music. 

Then a group of guys walked in, then ladies. Before i knew it it was super full and i was running low on stock. Everything went smoothly and i was so happy. I felt like I've just won the lottery. 

That was the beginning of my success in business. I was so excited the entire weekend was booming. I made so much money that i truly couldn't believe it. I was more than happy.

So on that following Monday i called the guy who made this happen, i wanted to thank him. He told me to bring a certain amount and to meet him somewhere i can't mention. He said i must use a taxi and not put the money in the bag.

Just hold it by hand. This was scary  because it was a large amount of money and the place I was going to meant i was going to pass a very busy place. Chances of being robbed were high and he said that's fine just do as i say.

Indeed i got into a taxi with that lump sum of money and as anticipated i got mugged. When i got there i told him he laughed and said mission accomplished. 

The person who stole from you has submitted themselves as a sacrife for the success of your business. 

His entire family, relatives and friends will die one after the other making your business a success. That's all you needed. Now take this 20L bucket and use it to mop your floor at the tarven every weekend once you've closed. 

Don't ask any questions just go back home and start doing so and you'll continue making a lot of money. I was shocked to find blood in the bucket when i got home. But ofcourse i needed money so i did as told.

My obsession over success was on another level i tell you. Anyway since using that bucket to mop my business keeps growing. I am told that each time the guy who stole from me's family member died the blood becomes redder and more powerful and it is now their generational curse so my business will be a generational wealth. 

Ofcourse I had to pay the man for all his help but i have no regrets and i do not feel bad at all for the thief because he did not feel anything for me when he robbed me. He even slapped me on the face and made me kneel down and twerk then close my eyes and kiss the ground with a French kiss before he disappeared. 

I continued kissing the ground with my eyes closed thinking he's still there only to later realise that he did that so that i won't see which way he went to. But i am grateful for his evil heart it is giving me a very soft life now.

Also there's a lady who gave me money for my taxifare to continue my trip. I forgot to take her number but if she sees this i am super grateful and i would like to reward your kindness. Thank you.