



I have decided to share my story because I now believe my rich dad is a ritualist.

The confessions here have opened my eyes. I can’t believe I have been living with a ritualist my whole life and not even know about it all these years until now.

My mom passed away some years back. Both my parents were unemployed so life was difficult then. My mom died a mysterious death.

Not even Doctors knew what her condition was. The funny thing is since my mom’s passing many other ladies who dates my dad died the same way.

So just a few months before my mom passed away, my dad asked her to buy a big black pot. You know those big black pots that are used to cook on fire at large gatherings. I am just not sure what size the pot was but it was insanely big.

We were poor as I've briefly explained that both my parents were unemployed so affording those pots was rather ambitious. But my dad made a plan. He gave my mom money for the pot and my mom was very upset because to her that clearly indicated that dad could afford to buy pots yet we were struggling with needs such as food in the house.

But you know how parents are, they never wake up with the same tension that was there on the previous night. I think my parents strongest point was being able to iron out their differences in their bedroom. I'm not insinuating anything though. 

The next morning my mom went and ordered the pot from a Zimbabwe an man who was famous for making pots and more. The particular pot had to be ordered because the wanted an enormous size that the man did not make.

My mom paid more for the size my dad wanted. I had escorted her to make the order. On our way back i asked her what made her change her mind about this pot because she was obviously totally against it.

She smiled at me and held my hand and said my child, this pot will change our whole lives for the better. Just don't ask anymore questions but trust and believe that your dad and i got this.

We continued walking and finaly we got home. My dad was eagerly waiting to hear if the man agreed. He bumped up with joy and a loud scream when my mom nodded. Things started being weird at home.

My dad dissapeared for two weeks and not even my mom knew where he had gone to. He just woke up one day and left without telling anyone where he was going to and he didn't take anything with him. Not even a toothbrush. My

 mom got so worried that she opened a missing person case. Two weeks later my dad came back home. He came home the same day the pot making man delivers the gigantic pot. Few minutes after the man left my dad showed up.

We were all confused yet very happy to see him. He looked like someone who might have lost his mind. He was extremely dirty and looked very tired. His skin looked pale as if he had no blood flow. But when he opened his mouth he sounded very sane. My mom prepared bathing water for him and he refused. He wasn't even wearing shoes he was holding them in his hands. 

He was also dragging a very big sack. A very dirty sack that stinked a lot. I even suspected that maybe he was carrying a dead person. 

He specifically told us not to go anywhere near the sack or we will die. Being scared of death we  listened and went nowhere near it.

My dad woke up in the middle of the night and lit black candies behind the kitchen door. That's where the pot was. My siblings and i slept on the kitchen floor so we were able to see everything but we pretended to be asleep.

He lit the candles and surrounded the pot with the black candles. Then he placed two candles on the window. I heard mumbling please don't escape nor hurt my children.

Then he took the sack and opened it and emptied it into the pot. We didn't get to see what was in there but whatever it was we heard it fall into the pot and it was quiet a heavy sound. 

He placed the candles on every window and door in the house then he dissapeared into his room. We did not sleep that night because we felt something moving in the pot the whole night.

We woke up tired but pretended as though we saw nothing. We got even scared when the candles dissapeared right infront of our eyes just before sunrise. There was no sign of the candles at all.

Being tired became a norm in the house. Our home was no longer a home but a house. My dad's presence was always so heavy, it was like he wasn't alone anymore. There was just a big shadow hanging around him. He became less talkative around us but when he was alone he was always talking to himself.

We also started noticing that our mom was now very unhappy and looking kinda old. She was ageing drastically fast and losing a lot of weight. 

We tried taking her to the clinic but dad told us never to make decisions in his home. One day while we were sleeping we saw dad taking mom's black panty, her picture and a plastic bag full of used pads. He knelt infront of the pot and said " i have brought you what you have asked of me and I'll wait for results. 

He said here is the black panties you asked for, the photo and used pads. These are all my wife's and i can guarantee you that all instructions have been thoroughly followed. The power is now in your hands. 

We suddenly saw a huge snake shadow coming out of the pot after he threw in the things that belonged to my mom. The shadow immediately turned into my father's split copy and my dad fell on the ground, we assume he fainted. 

We couldn't scream nor move. The snake that is now in my dad's image went inside the room and soon after that we had our mom moaning like she was making love. We've never heard such from her that was our first and last time. I would be lying if i say we know what happened thereafter because the last thing we heard were the love making sounds and next thing mom is waking us up to get ready for school. Dad was up having his cup of tea as usual.

Even though mom woke us up that day she looked verry very sick. Her nose even started bleeding. She collapsed and dad took her back to bed. He told us she will be fine and we must just go to school and try not to worry. 

We indeedd left and whem went back home we learned that mom was deceased.

Dad wouldn't let Anyone in the house especialy the kitchen. Our neighbours and relatives that came to sympathise with us were turned back and told to come back on the funeral day anf that's not how we do things traditionally.

My dad planned and arranged the whole funeral alone. The pot behind the door sounded like it was boiling, we had water being boiled sounds and we could smelll potatoes too. 

This went on for days and stopped.  Two days to the funeral dad received a large amount of money from the pot. He thanked the pot so much, he was even kneeling for it naked at night. 

Since our mom's passing life has been very smooth. Dad has money now. He has dated three other women and the same thing happened. 

When we realised what was really happening we ran away from home to live with mom's big sister.

And dad no longer speaks to us he has disowned us. He has bought a car and extended his house. I am definetely convinced that he is a ritualist