



I worked as a paralegal from the day i graducated until covid 19 hit us in 2020. I grew up as a rebellious child who was known for drinking alcohol and hanging out with older men from a very young age.

My mother passed away while i was still in grade 9 and a few months later my dad brought another woman to the house. She brought a very rude and heartless woman home.

The woman was very nice to my siblings and i whenever our dad was around but she was Dracula the minute he leaves. At some

point we even believed that she had a personality disorder.

No normal person can switch their personality as fast and as good as she did. My dad has always been someone who put us first and loved us so the lady knew that if we told our dad her behaviour in absence he would believe us instantly. 

I was the oldest child so she made me do all the hard chores but i thank her because it made me the woman that i am today. 

Hard working and humble. Anyway my dad passed away when i was in grade 10 and the lady just dissapeared with all that my dad had. Leaving us with just the house.

I had to become the parent. MY dad was Zimbabwean so we never met any of his relatives. My mom's family disowned us after my mom's funeral because we chose to continue living with our dad.

I had to become my siblings mother. I had to make sure they eat and dress. So that's how i started entertaining older men. 

I fell pregnant in grade 10 and grade 12. I was a laughing stock. I wrote my matric final exams heavily pregnant but i passed well. Because i worked hard. The only dream i ever had was to change my home situation without depending on a man so i knew that i needed to work extremely hard.

I did my paralegal diploma at Vaal University of Technology and i finished in record time. I was so proud of myself.  Luckily I didn't struggle getting a job. I worked as a legal assistant for a law firm until i was retrenched in 2020 due to covid.

I was so broken because my kids and younger siblings DEPENDED on me. All this years i was able to give them a comfortable life. How was i to now explain to them that we are going back to the struggles?

I felt like i was failing them. While i was going up and down fixing my UIF money i came across a very beautiful young lady who drove a very nice car. 

A G Wagon, my dream car. She had also been retrenched but she didn't seem bothered. We clicked and we had a very long conversation. She told me not to worry because when the UIF money comes I should start a business so that i can continue living well. 

Loved her idea because it honestly never crossed my mind. But since i had a chat with her i started thinking about it none stop and i was now looking forward to getting the money and starting a business. 

I started doing business researches and also looking for inspirations and role model locally so that i can learn from them.

I was always on social media searching for business women I can draw inspiration from. One day i came across a group called Ukuthwala on Facebook. 

It caught my attention because there was a post from one mkhulu who spoke about how he can make businesses successful. 

I took his number down and contacted him a few days later. We spoke and he explained how he works and he also had very successful references. I was so excited and ready to start. 

A couple of months later i received my pay out and the first thing i did was to contact mkhulu.

He made arrangements for us to meet and when i got there he said he is going to give me money worms. But in order for them to work they must be inserted inside my woman part and after 7 days they will be out and i must put them all in a a huge container and every 7 days they will give me money. 

I was desperately looking for wealth plus he promised me that it will be a generational wealth that nothing and no one will break no matter how bad the economy gets. 

I agreed but the only way he could get the worms inside me was for me to spend the night with his tikoloshi. He said i was not go see his tikoloshi but i would feel it and i shouldn't be scared.

He said that if i am scared then it will also be scared and run off without giving me the blessings. Yoh the first night i got really scared. It is the manner which it entered the room that scared me. I screamed and it ran off. I was sleeping when it came , it was very late must have been just after 1am. 

I heard it open the door and then suddenly a very cold and heavy wind entered the room. Then i felt something very very cold touching me and that's when i screamed. 

Mkhulu was very angry at me and made me pay R5000 for that. I paid and went back again a week later and this time i braved through it all.

I was still very scared but i had to be strong. When all was done i fell into very deep sleep. Then mkhulu said i was well on my way to wealth. He said now that all was done i must pay 10K before the 7 days ended otherwise the worms would stay inside me.

I paid the 10K and i couldn't wait to get the wealth rolling. But i also noticed that i was now having a foul smell down there and when i asked mkhulu he assured me that it was very Normal because worms are known for living in rotten environments. 

The smell became worse, i started feeling sickly and 7 days went by, 7 days turned into 7 months and mkhulu was nowhere to be found. MY health was worsening and i decided to go see a Doctor.

My private part smelled so bad as if something was rotting inside and i was even embarassed to be around people because the smell was horrible. 

The Doctor wrote me a letter to go to the hospital for admission immediately. I was admitted instantly. I had lost a lot of weight and my skin was peeling.

I was a walking skeleton.  Tests were done and i was told that my womb had an infection and had to be removed because it was rotting inside and the infection might spread to other organs leading me to an early demise.

I never cried this much. I had lost my money and womb and mkhulu to this day is nowhere to be found. 

I'm now recovering and my heart bleeds for my children and siblings because i am now a burden to them. They help me get by day by day instead of me helping them they are now the ones taking care of me and that breaks me.

I feel useless and i know i am big failures. I am now a laughing stock in my community.  They don't know my story and what i went through but they are celebrating my pain spreading rumours that i am HIV positive.  I don't blame them though because i don't have a clean past and i have hurt a lot of women in the past. I sometimes think this is what they mean when they say Karma is a b###.