



Life has become something else,it is very hard to survive financialy.  My mom was and still is a very selfish woman.

When my siblings and I turn 10 years old she expects us to start being independent. She literally wants us to take care of ourselves financially without any assistance.

So Because of that we became very naughty and troubled kids who were hated by everyone where we live. They hated us because we used to steal from them a lot.

We became rebellious children who had no respect for anyone including elders. That led us to droping out from school and just being kids with no future.

I became someone who became a very addicted and focused thief. Stealing in the village had become very boring so I ended up in Johannesburg to look for more dangerous and even bigger pools to steal from.

Obviously because I did not know anyone in Johannesburg I had to start from living in the streets while I made myself familiar with the place.

I mean you can't just walk into a city as big as Johannesburg being a small town Jimmy and think you are just going to have it easy. Even thieves go to Johannesburg to study the INS and outs. I met with other street kids some were nice while others made me feel that I did not belong.

But I had to win their trust so that I become one of them. It took me a few months to finally fit in and own the streets. We used to mug people at night and during the day we used to pick pocket them.

Eventualy I ended up selling drugs for a foreign man. The man took very good care of me and after a couple of months of working for him he took me off the streets. That man was very wealthy,he owned flats around hillbrow and that's where he moved me.

Later that year he moved me to Pretoria in Sunnyside. He told me that he wanted me to live and become the main dealer in Sunnyside.

He was very impressed with my job so he moved me to a flat called Tamboti in Sunnyside. The flat was popular back then I am not sure about that. It was filled with many foreigners and not only that but it was close to certain clubs which were also our targets.

Tamboti was really not far from Sunnyside police station but I wasn't at any risk of getting caught because my boss had inside connections in the police station.

Esselen street was my territory. I knew all my clients and we used to deal very smoothly.

I used to go to clubs such as Europa, Cubana and house 22 for my dealings. Pretoria back then was a smooth sailing and man I became the big time dealer.

I was so used to the place that sometimes I'd even meet up with my clients at Sunny Park Mall and no one would suspect a thing. 

I also had my goons at Mandela drive so I was all over Pretoria. Sunnyside was my territory and with time I expanded to Pretoria East were I targeted kids from the expensive colleges such as CTI and Varsity college .

My boss saw how big I was growing and he was getting older and sicker and he decided to let me in on how to keep the wealth growing without ever being caught.

I was his best drug dealer and he knew he wasn't gonna stay forever on this earth as he is slowly ageing and getting weaker but his kids had to continue eating and living the luxury life even in his absence.

He had to have a successor he knew he could trust but he didn't want any of his children in such a business. He didn't want them to live the life that he chose for himself because it was a very dangerous life and his children were all softies.

He then invited me to fly with him to Nigeria so I could meet his sangoma who makes him untouchable yet very successful and wealthy in this kind of Business.

It was quiet a long journey. I had passports and all traveling papers because I used to travel a lot for work and sometimes holidays. We flew from O.R Tambo to Murtala Muhammad international Airport. We used British Airways and took us approximately 6 hours and 20 minutes. 

I had never been to Lagos before so this was definitely exciting for me.

We found a shuttle ready for us and we drove to his mansion at Banana island. What a beautiful estate. You could easily pick up that only the rich resided there.

Anyway we only had about 3 days to get things done Because we had a huge and important shipping back in South Africa so we had no time to explore Nigeria but I made a promise that I would one day return.

The following day we drove to one of the villages nearby where we had to meet the sangoma at a village called Ibeju-Lekki. By the way sangomas are traditions healers and in Nigeria I think they are called Bablawo. And surprisingly in Nigeria most healers are men because of the taboo that comes with menstruations.

Anyway we got to Ibeju-Lekki at night because the ritual had to be performed at night. When we got there it was a very scary experience for me but I had to stomach it Because I wanted the lavish life without being caught.

So I had to get in a very dark room with no clothes on. In that hut all I could see was a bit of burning coals and all I could hear was sounds of chicken and someone coughing. But I was told what to expect and I was also told not to be scared as there is someone in there who would help me and the person hates the smell of fear and if he smells fear from me then I will not get out of the hut breathing.

I sniffed a bit of coke before going in there to help me with  the reduction of my fear and nerves. I was speaking to someone in there but never saw his face.

The person washed my body then slightly cut my skin and inserted herbs inside and then wrapped my kneck with a very huge snake. He even named the snake Ola he said I must address the snake as Ola and that meant wealth and wealth it shall bring.

He told me that when I get to South Africa I must make sure I Put Ola under my bed and sleep with two different women on the bed who are on their periods. Just sleep with them no intimacy as Ola will do the job. He said Ola will regain strength and powers from the women and that will give me so much power and money.

I had to take Ola home with me but no one besides the healer and I could see him. The ritual took a few hours then we travelled back to Banana and the next day we returned to South Africa.

The snake was invisible but I could see and feel it's presence. From that day on a lot changed. People even strangers treat me with the outmost respect and not only that but also my business had been booming. I am feared and highly respected.

Every month I bring two women in my bed whilst on their periods so that I can feed Ola. Ola waits for them to fall asleep and feeds them with their menstruals. A few days later he will poop and I have to eat that poop and that strengthens Ola and I to continue being one.

I have built my siblings back at home a mansion and bought them cars. I am now paying for their education but the problem is that I am now not allowed to have my own kids.

This was not discussed with me I just had the message in a form of a dream. Apparently I should've had kids way before I did the ritual then it would have protected my kids but after the ritual there is no having kids. This kills me inside. I can't have all the wealth and not have heirs. Why am I building this wealth then?

The most stressful part is that my boss is now no more and I want out of this kind of life but I can't. I don't even know who to turn to because I've been to Nigeria once and I don't even know where to begin. I do remember the names and all but how to get there always becomes blank when I plan to go. I have a problem of hearing whistles in my head and a very loud cricket.

It's like my head will explode if I don't bring women on their periods. I don't know what to do anymore but I am on this platform hoping to find someone from Nigeria who might know the places I've mentioned who might help me get there so that I can untie my opportunity of becoming a father. Please.