



I don't know where to even begin...i am embarrassed to even share my story but honestly feel like I no longer have any option but to come forward. I ruined my whole life because I had an obsession of getting rich quick without working hard.

I lived at an informal settlement in Gauteng where by its only shacks and most people living there worked in industries or firms.

I worked for a company where we made body lotions and other fragranced toiletries. 

I earned very little money and my challenge was one,I am a lover of finer things in life so the life that I was living was frustrating very much.

So I was always on the verge of hunting for blessers but sadly I did not have the qualities of a blessee so I have never been successful with my hunt.

But not being successful in finding blessers did not stop me from hunting for wealth. At that point I was desperate for anything.

I turned to social media Get quick rich sangomas. I texted one who promised me very Quick cash and I didn't need to do much.

All I had to do was pay R2000 which I did. Then I was instructed to get donkey poo and then go to the bushes and smear my private part with the DONKEY poo while saying out loud what I would love to see happen.

I asked for wealth and a man. I practically asked for a healthy relationship that came with a lot of money and I put on my clothes and went back home.

I was instructed not to bath for 7 full days and only bath on the 8th day and I must say that was really disturbing. But I kept at it anyways.

I smelled horrible and I avoided being around people because the smell would have ticked anyone off. On the 8th day I woke up very early and went to the river to bath as instructed.

Without Soap that is. Then when I got home I took a proper bath with soap and I used orange sac just to make sure I am very clean.

Days passed by and money wise nothing was happening. But I could see that I was starting to attract a lot of men in the streets and that scared me because most were aggressive and I started being uncomfortable.

I then realised that I performed a ritual to make the online sangoma rich instead of myself. The money came from him, then he would send the money to me. But it was very little amounts. Bo ma R700 to R1000 on a monthly basis.

But looking at his statuses he sure was living a soft life. He would send me the money once a month and this would be after I'd have a dream being intimate with a donkey.

The dream always felt so real and the next day I would wake up feeling exhausted and very wet to show that the dream was not just a dream.

Plus I'd have a very bad odour down there not forgetting how painful it would be. On other days I'd find it difficult to walk.

When I told the man he then told me that yes the donkey was my spiritual husband and that the spiritual husband gives him mavuso to give to me every time.

I asked him to reverse the ritual as I am no longer interested and he just laughed and hung up. Only for him to later send me a message saying that the ritual is none reversible and When I pass away then my spiritual husband will then move on to my children. Male or female children it doesn't matter.

The fact that I've made a generational curse scares me and I feel horrible for my next Generation. On other days when I'm walking and I meet a man before even talking to me he just looks at me in fear and runs away.

When I look around I see a shadow of an aroused donkey disappear. This means I'll never be in a relationship because it seems I have a very jealous spiritual husband. 

I've tried churches and inyanga but nothing seems to work.

I come from a village with a lot of donkeys. Sometimes I feel like the donkeys in my village are being too friendly towards me and it frustrates me so much. The other day I found a donkey in my yard and when it saw me coming it moved swiftly without me saying anything.

When I looked at it I think I saw it blink at me, I think I sometimes see donkeys just randomly smiling. I think I am going crazy and losing my mind. Please help me.