



I come from a family of businesses. By that I mean my family is that family that had different kinds of businesses but they just wouldn't get rich.

The businesses only made enough to put food on their plates and also sustain themselves. By sustaining themselves I mean that there was enough money to restock and also just enough profit to put food on the table.

There was another man who was my dad's friend who also ran a few different businesses but he made a lot of profit. He made him enough profit to buy him cars and he also built a Mansion for his family. His kids went to private schools and life for them was just every child's dream.

But this made me wonder why he wasn't helping my dad or why wasn't my dad asking for some tips and advices from that men since they were friends.

We lived in a 5 roomed house which also took forever to build and my dad has been the very same old car for aslong as I could remember.

We wouldn't get things we wanted in most cases and we knew that we had to be grateful for the little things that we had. My dad and his friend both owned spaza shops. My father's friend started with one and ended up with 7 spaza shops across the villages.

My dad owned just one while my mom also owned a restaurant where she cooks traditional food. I don't want to lie both shops had customers but it was just demotivating how the businesses we're not giving them the life they wanted.

My dad opened his shop years ago, and it was doing very well when it started. Then in just a year of running the shop he then became my mom's sponsor and opened a restaurant for her. Built her a shop , bought her equipments and the show began. 

They started off so wells and they were what the village called the power couple. They both came from poor backgrounds so to achieve what they achieved was just amazing.

Their families were very proud of them. We lived a comfortable life. I remember we were the first kids in the village to have bicycles. We also saw that as an opportunity so we made children from the village pay in order to ride out bicycles.

So we were a family of businesses. Things unfortunately changed when my father advised his friend to also start a business. He even went as far as helping him start his business from scratch. He helped him financialy too. Biggest mistake of his life.

Since he helped his friend things started going too slow for my parents. While his business blossomed but they remained friends.

But as I grew older I started realising weird things about their friendship. My dad had become more like a puppet to the men while he was the master.

The friend didn't make it obvious that he was the master but I picked it up. There was nothing my dad wouldn't tell that man. My dad was very business minded and he always came up with ways to expand his business.

But before implementing the idea he would first run it by his friend. His friends would then implement it to his business before my dad could do it.

In the end my dad wouldn't do it , he would dread doing it until he would eventualy give up on it. You'd think he would have learned from the betrayal but no he continued feeding his friend his ideas which his friend would always steal and my dad saw nothing's wrong with it.

My mom too saw nothing wrong with it. Infact they adored that man so much they would end up embracing him for the improvements he always brought to his business. That time they are applauding him for stealing their ideas and it didn't even bother him.

My elder brother also noticed this weird behavior and tried talking  my father out of sharing his ideas with that friend but Yoh my dad got super angry at my brother and even told him that his peers are working and married not trying to control their parents and fighting for their businesses.

It became a big issue to an extend that my dad stopped talking to my brother until my brother had to move out to go live at my maternal grandparents house.

My dad went as far as telling the man that my brother is a traitor and wants to come between them. I hated the man so much that I couldn't wait to finish school and move out so that I may never see his face ever again.

My younger sister who was 5 years old at that time was very scared of my dad's friend. Which I found very weird, whenever the friend would come to our house my little sister would run to me and even begg me to take her to bed no matter how early it was.

My little sister used to sleep with my parents and most night I would hear her screaming my father's friend's name in the middle of the night.

The next day I would ask her why she was screaming and she would always say "my father's friend was hurting my mom and dad" but ofcos my parents laughed about it and they would say but mommy and daddy are perfectly fine so it was just a bad dream.

She was just a kid so her dreams weren't taken serious. But I decided not to ignore her nightmares because they could be helpful so that we understand why my parents worship their friend so much.

I then decided to ask for help from my aunt. My dad's sister. I explained everything to her and she was like "I've never liked that friend". She further explained how ever since my dad became friends with that man my dad became an irresponsible person. My aunt told me how my dad had even stopped helping their parents out financialy and he would always tell them how slow business was doing.

She explained how at some point they even blamed my mom thinking that she's the reason my dad has abandoned his family. I understood where she came from because my dad contributed nothing for his parents funeral. Obviously he had a few funeral covers that covered his parents but he used the money for his own thing. We don't even know what he used the money for because he didn't do anything at his own house.

My aunt agreed to help me with seeking answers as to what was really happening. We went to some prophet who revealed the most shocking thing to us. The prophet is from an apostolic church so he revealed everything as it was and I was shocked at how accurate he was at everything he said. He even mentioned incidents that happened at home and he also mentioned that my little sister sees through that man.

So we found out that my dad's bestfriend casted a spell on my both my parents. He came to our house at night and buried a dead animal at our gate. The animal had my dad and mom's picture together with their hair and needles stabbed on the pictures.

He also explained that the man also used a lizards at their businesses to slow everything down and also the lizzards were his eyes and ears.

He buried the things at the gate so that he will be able to control their minds which he has been successfully doing. And the lizzards were to make sure that the business never grows beyond their expectations. The lizzards were there to slow growth and progress at my parents businesses and also he used them to steal some of the profits from my parents.

On days that my parents made a lot of money especially on busy days then the lizzards would steal the profit and took the profit to my dad's friends.

As soon as they entered our home gate then they wouldn't be bothered about what happened to some of their money. The curse at the gate made them carefree and ignorant.

The prophet further said that on the day that little sister would be screaming his name it's because the dead animal at our gate would be in our house confirming that my parents are still under the man's spell. So my sister would see an image of the man in my parents bedroom. He would be cutting them with raizors and inserting muthi to their skin. That is another way of insuring that the curse stays strong and is renewed so that it never fades away.

He was smart enough to use lizzards because lizzards are common to be found in premises and also in our homes. If one sees a lizzard they won't even think of killing it or even suspect witchcraft so he made a wise choice there.

The prophet gave us salt and Peri Peri powder to spread at the shop and at home. He also went to my house with us and digged out the animal and indeed my parents pictures and their hair were attached to it.

When we went to the shop to spread the coarse salt and Peri Peri we watched the lizzards literally turning into soil right before our eyes and the soil had a lot of ants running around like they were drugged. 

We then had to have cleansing baths. My parents minds came back but you could tell that they were a bit confused. They were still stuck in past years. They only remember the time that they were building their empire and their shop and everything was going extremely well. They did not understand how they were where they were because according to them they were doing super well and their businesses had expanded. This means that in their minds by expanding the man's businesses they were expanding theirs.

They became slow to this day both my parents have mental problems. Medical Doctors call it dementia. 

And my father's friend is now mentaly ill. It's not dementia on his side he is just mentaly ill. He runs around the village almost n@ked telling everyone that he is looking for his lizzards and on other days he goes around screaming for help saying that lizzards are attacking him. He is a very cruel man and I don't feel sorry for him.

My brother is now back at home helping me take care of our parents shops and also raising our little sister who is now 10. But in raising our little sister my aunt is playing a bigger role and we are eternaly grateful for her as she's also taking care of our parents for us.

It's not easy running the businesses but we are doing a much better job than our parents did in those years that they had a spell cast on them and we know that they would be very proud of us if they could understand what was happening.

Let this be a lesson to all business people and aspiring business business people. Never mix business with friendship it can become very dangerous and also make sure that protect yourselves from the world's evil.