


 I have a blood tree that gives me blood money

I woke up in a family that has always participated in witchcraft. My grandparents were known as this power sangoma couple that also had children who all became sangomas.

We have good and bad sangomas and I must tell you now that my family was the bad sangoma couple. Even my mother was a bad sangoma.

Ofcourse they sometimes would heal the sick and save the stranded but they could also make one's life very difficult and block people's success.

In my village people knew not to mess with us. In as much as my mom grew up in a dark place she really didn't want that for my siblings and I. But my grandparents were not having it.

My grandparents were known for having initiation school that had zero death year after year. My grandmother handled female initiation school while my grandfather the male one.

To this day they have zero death rate and so forth. Weird things would happen at the initiation school and I know this because every year we had to help out.

People feared my family very much. They knew that they practiced dark magic and they knew that there was nothing they could do about it. The initiation schools were always packed. I mean ofcos there was a ritual performed that literally made people grow an interest and that's how it would get full.

My mom tried leaving this kinda world by running to church but believe you me if you are born into a household of Muti and have had Muti used on you and you've also used Muti then it's very hard to win that battle.

My mom says the reason she hates the life was because of the many evil spirits that surrounded her life.

When she ran to church for saving a lot happened to her which forced her to go to the dark world. she says that she would have spirits tormenting her day and night until eventually it looked like she had lost her mind.

A lot of people believe that she has a mental problem because of her actions. Sometimes she screams and shouts and speaks to what people can not see. That is how she was diagnosed with a mental case. But the truth is she is not crazy she was tormented by the many spirits that she woke for her dark magic purposes.

Saddens me that my own grandmother also made me join the dark world from a tender age. I remember when I was young I think I was about 11 years old. She took me to a river I didn't know we had in the village. But as I grew older I got to learn that the river only appear at night.

She took me there and had me bath in the river. The moment I got in the river it felt like I was at a totally different world. There were so many people in the river. I saw even cars and houses.

The people there were many but it was very quiet. I realised that most of them don't even have tongues that's why there was no noise in the river at all.

But the minute I steeped out of the river I couldn't see anyone in there. Very weird and uncomfortable. While I was in the river I noticed one familiar face,it was the face of one of my peers from our village. When I got out my grandmother asked me if I saw anyone I knew in the river and when I said yes she seemed very happy.

We walked home and when we got there she then told me that I must bring her the person that I recognized in the river's hair and footprints. 

By footprints she meant that I should scoop the soil she stepped on and bring them to her. There's something about witchcraft that a lot of people avoid talking about.

See, in witchcraft you can't seem to think for yourself. It's like you are channelled to agree to everything that you are told. You can never say no their instructions.

Anyway I did as instructed and a couple of days later the girl was hit by a car on our way from school. 

She died on the spot. Later that night my grandmother and I went to the spot where she died and collected her spirit before her family could. Ofcourse her family went to collect her soul a day before her burial but if was already too late because we had taken her spirit already.

They went there with her body in a coffin the Friday before her funeral to collect her spirit without knowing that my grandmother had already captured her spirit.

The day of her funeral we didn't attend the funeral. We were busy transferring her Spirit into a tree. We then named the tree after her.

So her spirit lived in the tree and I was told that it was my lucky charm. I had to slaughter any edible animal and water the tree with it's blood.

I have to communicate with the tree and take care of it as if it is my baby. I was then told that should I stop looking after it then it meant I was ending my own life.

The person who's spirit lives in my tree is a spirit of someone who's from a very wealthy family. Her family is the wealthiest family in the village. We don't have indian shops in village we have shops owned by that family.

Our village has very few taxis because of the kind of road we have and how far we are from town. 80% of transport is owned by that family.

Not just that but the dad is a retired lawyer and the mother is a retired teacher so their wealth is not just in business.

I Believe the spirit in that tree has drawn her family towards me. They offered me a job without me even searching for one. Not just that but they treat me like one of them. You'd swear we are related if you were to see me around them.

They even randomly buy me gifts and give me extra money should I complain about finances. I am never in need. Honestly speaking the tree has made them very attracted to me . They adore me in such a way that even if I make a mistake at work I don't get warnings like other employees instead they treat me like they are the ones in the wrong.

People suspect that I have used Muti on the entire family, I've heard rumours and denied them. Even reported the rumour as it was spread by one of my colleagues and he got fired on the spot after I reported him.

And his friend whom he gossiped with had been banned from using their taxis. That has since served as a warning to the whole village and now I doubt anyone will ever talk about me in that manner.

But honestly I am not happy about the way things have turned out. I live with so much guilt because I am living a life that was not meant for me but the girl whom my grandparents killed.

The tree at night sometimes makes a crying sound. It is her cry,the cry is honestly heart breaking. She is begging to be freed so that she can rest peacefully. She feels tortured and abused. And when the crying start it can go on the whole night without stopping it is really heart piercing.

But apparently only we can hear and feel her presence. I've tried talking to me grandparents to free and they said if that happens she will visit her family in a form of a seer or dream and that will be the end of my life. Infact they get very angry that I am choosing to suffer when I now have a soft life which will be a generational wealth.

But what they don't know is that my spirit is also suffering. I believe the family has a snake and the snake slept with their daughter whom we've decided to kill.

I feel like they love me the way that they do because their snake is now feeding off me. Sometimes at work I just fall asleep randomly and while in that sleep I get a sleep paralysis and I see a a very handsome man walking towards me and next thing I know we are intimate and it feels very real. In between the intimacy dream the handsome man turns into a snake then from there on I don't know what happens.

When I wake up I wake up from the office chair wet and very tired and I'd be smelling like someone who had just had intimacy it would even feel like it down there.

Always after this dream the wealthy man and his wife are always the first ones to find me. I would be weak and confused and they have convinced everyone at work that I might have a calling and they must always give me space when this starts happening.

They will then allow me to rest and then take me home. I once had a dream when the girl was sitting with me in the office telling me how she has been sleeping with the snake her whole life and she got so tired that she prayed for death. But never in her life did she ever think that even in her next life she would still be used as a sacrifice.

Before she could even tell me more , I woke up from the dream. I ignored it the first time i got it but when she came back to explain the same thing again that is when I knew that it was very real. She told me never to have a partner in my life because the snake is a very jealous creature and it will destroy anyone who gets close to me in that manner.

I feel like the snake is eating my womb or intestines because I no longer have an appetite and I no longer go on my periods at all. 

My body is strangely changing too. I am losing constant weight and my skin is ageing fast. The girl who's spirit we decided to take also had the same issue. She was petite and had a wrinkled skin that made her look a bit more than her actual weight.

My grandparents are greedy and they don't care how much this is destroying me. All they care about is the powers they have over the family.  During the day my grandparents are very old and at night their energy surpass that of all the energy drinks you can think of.

I want to confess to the family that has indirectly adopted me. I want to tell them everything so that I can be freed from their snake and their daughter's spirit can be laid to peaceful rest. But I fear for my life. I am looking for someone who can strengthen my body and spirit enough so that after I confess I will still be safe and no harm can ever come near me.
