


 A lot of things happens to different people, different things happens to those different people and some will leave you in awe. A single mother of 5 children says that she's tired of everything that has been happening in her house.

She lives in a 2 room house with her 5 children and two grandchildren and says her children are no longer comfortable in their own home.

She's unemployed but if there's one thing she makes sure they always have is food for her and her children. She says it shocks her why her house has become what it is because she is struggling.

If it's witches then she's wondering what it is that they want from her because her life is not anything anyone could be envious of. Don't witches bewitch people who have made it in life ?

She says that she is not living her dream and wonders why anyone would want to torment her life and her childrens lives. She lost her parents at an early age leading her to having children early and dropping out of school because she was the eldest child so she had to take care of her younger siblings.

The video shows how she caught an untouchable ant that's been tormenting them for years and they finally called a prophet to catch it into a plastic bag then when they went to throw it away it turned into a bat and later returned into their house again.