


Life is just weird and it sometimes presses you to do things that you made a promise to yourself that you'll never ever do.

I was one of the many people that kept on emphasized how bad and evil ukuthwala is and  how I'll never do it.

Not all ukuthwala requires blood but it is still evil and it still takes something from you even if it's not your loved ones.

For me it took away genuine opportunities and my youth. I didn't join ukuthwala Because things were bad at home or because life was showing flames and I was desperate.

No I made friends and that's what led me to ukuthwala. I've always loved trading and I was doing trading since high school and it gave me enough pocket money.

Ofcourse I wasn't making millions which could afford me luxury cars and homes. Or even big brand clothes. But I could afford what I wanted at that time. I could spoil my self and my younger siblings here and there.

But sometimes it would clean me out but I loved it so much that I wasn't about to give up on it. When I got to Varsity I met older guys who were also in trading and Yoh they drove big machines, lived a very lavish life for that matter. I became close to them Because I loved trading and they were always on their laptops trading.

I wanted to be like them and make money fast like them, I'm talking big money so that I can also enjoy the life that they were living. sunddenly the pocket money wasn't enough anymore.

The more I got closer to them the more they enlightened me about how they really make it that far. Cool so one day they sat me down and told me how much they see my love for trading and how they would like to rope me into big money.

I was super excited,those guys were chick magnets. They dated the hottest girls in varsity and guess what? Even celebrity girls which I won't mention. Eyii POPIA act my guys(giggles).

Those guys threw massive parties where they would even book celebrity guests and artists. Why wouldn't I want to be like them.

They said to me that whenever I am ready I should let them know so that they can make life very soft for me. I was super excited and a bit nervous because I didn't know what to expect.

After a month I told them I was ready and they were so excited. I believe their sacrifice needs them to bring a new member every year and that is why they were so keen to rope me in.

Fine they said we would be traveling to Maputo in a week's time so I must be ready. A week passed and we hit the road. I slept most times on the road so I hardly saw anything. But I remember being woken up because we had arrived. When I looked out it was as if I was at a dessert with fewer houses. Made me very uncomfortable.

By the time I was woken up all the guys were topless and wearing red shorts. They loved their expensive clothes but on that particular day they were looking very poor. They were also barefooted and their shots looked like they hadn't been washed in forever.

I was rather scared and they could see so they assured me that all was well. What scared me more was the fact that they were all carrying swords that looked like it was deeped in blood.

They told me to follow them. One of them put his arm around my kneck and told me that all will be well and I shouldn't worry he further said that it takes more than trading to make one as rich as they are. All wealthy people need a little push he said.

We arrived at a mud house that was surrounded by dry trees. Outside the mud hut we found a very old woman sitting outside with a very huge snake. I almost peed on myself Yoh. 

The snake was literally cosy with her and she seemed very comfortable. when the guys got to her they all laid down on their tummies face down and greeted her without even looking at her. I quickly did the same so that I also looked like I knew what was happening.

One of the guys then said "Vovo we brought a fresh one" and she replied well done my boys. Tell him to go inside and wait for me there. Apparently Vovo is mama in Maputo.

Anyway I went inside and when I got there it was just a dark room with little light. The woman also walked in and there was a big bath that seemed like it was boiling in the middle of the room but no fire underneath it.

The old woman just came in closed the door and took off her clothes then got in the bath that seemed like it was boiling. I shyly watched her bath and in the bath she poured some Muti and would constantly spit in it while splashing her body with water.

I watched in disgust but I made sure she doesn't see me. Once she was done she allowed her big snake to swim in there aswel.

Then she told me to get in and bath. Eh I almost refused but when I thought about how that would make the guys angry I went in and bath with the snake. Imagine.

I was very scared. The water was even cold yet looked hot. After the bath  I was given a 2L bottle to fill the water in . Then I was told to get out. On the same note I was give a mug and I was told to fill it with the water and drink the water.

I refused and the old lady then said it's too late to refuse anything or else bad luck and death will follow my family and I. She said you've already seen the secret and you can't leave it half way.

I drank the water and it's funny how the water tasted like pee. Don't ask me how I know pee tastes,I've drank donkey pee back at home because I wanted my whistle to be very loud.

Anyway after drinking from the mug full of bath water the old lady then said welcome my new son let luck and wealth follow you. It was honestly very dirty water and it stinked too.

I left the mud house stinking very bad. But keh it was what it was. We journied back home and I felt very sick the whole time. Everyone was very quiet in there so it was like we were all strangers. By the way we used a hired quantum to travel there not their Fancy cars.

From that day on luck just miraculously started following me. Ofcos I didn't get miracle money my trading shot up. I was making a killing. I made so much money that I didn't see the need for school anymore. I didn't do any blood sacrifices,me being rich didn't take any family member of mine but it however got me a spiritual wife.

I am troubled by my spiritual wife so much that I can't even date anymore. The 2L of water I took from there I think is where the spiritual wife lives. I was told to open the bottle lid every Saturday and close it and put the bottle back the next day.

On the night that I open the bottle is the night the spiritual wife shows up in my dreams and I wake up wet and very tired. I once attempted to not open it but Yoh I had shortness of breath the whole night as if I was being choked by something but the minute I opened the bottle lid then I was fine and I fell asleep beautifuly.

Eish so I am here wondering if anyone knows what the spiritual wife could be taking from me. It worries me a lot and sadly I am not allowed to ask the guys ant questions but rolling Shem we are rolling in cash.