


I regret my choice with all my heart and the most painful thing about all this is that there is no turning back. Once you have sold your soul to the devil there is absolutely no turning back.

I sold myself to the devil in a devil worshiping place disguised as a church. I could say I was brain washed and tricked into selling my soul because I did not make the decision to sell my soul on a conscious mind.

Growing up we had a certain church which I will not mention but this church targeted poor villages. My village happened to be one of those villages.

The church had white people and we all know that in underprivileged villages seeing a white person was fascinating. My mom was a single mother of 6 girls.

We were only girls and we don't know who our father is to this day. So the white people when they had just arrived in our village they lived at an open field with tenants like they were on a camp vacation.

They had everything planned out. They came with musical instruments which they played on Sundays and ofcourse we love music so we were always fascinated as to how cool the church is because they have speakers,pianos and etc.

We were curious and we went in big numbers to see for ourselves what was happening. After church we were given meals and snacks and that's how almost the whole village ended up attending the church almost every Sunday.

We all wanted free lunch and snacks,that was a luxury to most of us. We became committed members of the church,I was very young at that time so jah it was all fun.

Within a year,the church was no longer a tent they were given a stand to build a proper church and rooms. But before we joined their church the white people used to walk do to door preaching the word of God. Little did we know that they were using the name of the Lord in vein.

Anyway not everyone who attended the church sold their souls to the devil. Only a few of us were so unlucky. I became a very committed member of the church to an extend that I started dating one of the white young men of the church.

I was chosen in a church full of people to become a wife to the white guy who claimed to have been summoned by God to marry me. Their weddings were different yet we never questioned their motives.

The day I got married to my guy was the day I sold my soul to the devil forever. I was taken away to a big river , we drove about 5 hours from our village to where the river was. No one from my family was allowed and only four church elders from the church were present.

When we got there the sun was just about to set and we set up our tents by the river and we made a fire and started praying,we had been fasting for about 7 days before we went there so we were gonna break the fast 7 days after the marriage ritual had been performed.

Okay fine when we got there I was told to pray but not mention God's name nor anything that had to do with God's way of life. I was told to pray for my heart's desires. To pray for things that sinners have , that should have been a red flag but believe you me I wasn't flagged at all.

I was told to pray for a lot of money, fancy cars, expensive clothes and mansions. But then I was  also told to pray asking them to be gifted to my soon to be husband and I should direct the prayer to the water Queen.

So in my prayer I was actually worshipping the water Queen and asking her to use me as a weapon to fulfil my soon to be husband's desires. I was convinced that by praying for him in that light meant I'm also praying for myself because we will soon become one.

The night came and we went to the tents to sleep. In the very early hours of the morning before dawn broke I was woken up by my soon to be husband. Before we slept we had taken off our clothes and painted our bodies with a white substance,I'm not sure what that was but it wasn't polish because it didn't smell like it and it dried up very quickly and also it was easy to wash off.

He woke me up and we walked into the water. It kinda felt like I was still dreaming. To my surprise there were so many other people surrounding the river and I didn't know even one of them but they were all black people. They were just there standing unconsciously not moving or anything.

They had no clothes on and they had red crosses drawn on their chests. You know how soldiers stand? Head up,chest out and all that? That's how those people were standing. We kept walking inside the water sinking lower and lower with every step. Next thing we were at a very beautiful place with green pastures it was more like a garden. There was a very beautiful chubby lady dressed in all White waiting for us at what looked like an alter.

I was then told that we had arrived at our wedding and the beautiful lady is the one who will get us married. She was the one to bless our marriage. Indeed we were told that our ceremony has began.

I don't even understand the language that was used there but I was told what to say. Then we had to kiss. When we kissed it felt like my groom was sucking out the breath out of me ,it was as if he was sucking out my soul out of my breath. I couldn't breathe no more and I started coughing.

I coughed so much and next thing I heard was someone shaking me very hard telling me to open my eyes. When I opened my eyes I realized that it was all a dream and I was super grateful. I was then told that it was time to go home. It didn't make sense because I was told that  I was now married. 

When we got home , I dreamt of my late grandmother' telling me that I married a mermaid's son and for that bad luck will start following me everywhere. Indeed bad luck has been my bestfriend lately. Nothing is going right for me,I live under the shadow of my husband now and it's frustrating me.

We are married but he doesn't even treat me well...he only treats me like his wife around people but when we are alone you'd swear I disgust him. Another thing is at night our house smells like dried fish, I don't even know how to explain that but it smells like we are under water. Most nights when he wants to get intimate with me he wants the light off. And it gets so dark that I can't even see a thing it's like I temporarily get blind. He becomes cold and slippery aswel. As slippery as a fish I can rarely even touch him.

The next day after intimacy I will feel so weak and sick and he on the other hand will be well rejuvenated and he always tells me to skip Church.

A lot of weird things are happening and most of all people hate me for no reason. I used to be a people person but now they ignore me every chance they get. It's really tiring and discouraging to live .

Since I got married to this man I have never been able to genuinely pray from the heart. He refuses for me to pray,instead he wants me to follow his prayer lead where he is praising the water Queen.

I don't know how to get out of this one. I prayed for a rich man and yes he is rich but not like this, I literally sold my soul for riches that aren't even mine. Help me confession hub.