


I am not proud of what I'm  to share today and I hope the judgements will go easy on me. I never believed in the saying that money is the root of all evil until I had money myself and the quote made perfect sense to me.

Once you have money you have some powers that automatically comes with the money and the power is addictive.

It is the kind of power that will make you want more powers or rather that will make you do whatever it takes to maintain the power.

I was happily married before I had money. I was an average earning South African man who lived very happily with his family and that's my wife and kids.

We had the privilege of affording a home and car loan. We were very happy but greed got the best of me. An old friend of mine was living an extravagant life. He owned a few businesses and he travelled all over the world.

He drove nice cars and man his life was just something to look at and only dream of. He wasn't married,he used to visit the village with different women every festives.

He only used to visit his parents once a year and that's during the festives. When he was around it was very visible that a very powerful man had landed.

His presence in the village made everyone happy because everyone knew that they benefited from his presence. For us his old Mates he used to buy a goat to slaughter and a lot of drinks so that we can have some kind of get together chillas. If you are from the villages then you know how important and well respected a person who slaughtered an animal for his friends is.

His presence commanded respect without him even saying anything. He wasn't a loud person infact he was a socially awkward person who would just sit there and be quiet while we went on and on about filling him in about what has been having in the village while he was away.

He was our peer but trust me when I say we acted like kids around him. This man made a huge difference each time he came home. If he wasn't renovating schools,he was renovating the village clinic. He even built a soup kitchen for the less privileged children so that they don't go to bed hungry.

There was a time when our river was overflowing during floods and he heard that the kids weren't going to school because it was unsafe for them to cross the river and when he came that year he built a bridge.

No lies,my friend was making major moves and helping the village a lot. He was what they call the villages pride and joy.  He would buy families groceries,guys would get paid R500 just for going to buy him ice or washing his car. Everyone just wanted to be around him.

I looked up to him. Whenever he was home I knew that I wasn't spending any single cent of mine because he took care of everything including my family.

He built his parents a Sandton worthy mansion in the village. I knew he was a true Friend when he bought me a brand car when my car was giving me trouble.

I had to try my luck and ask him to introduce ke to his world of honey and milk. I was more than ready to give up my job and start a business even if it meant relocating. He was a good hearted gentleman so obvious he wouldn't say no.

He told me to go back with him to Gauteng when the holidays were over,he promised to teach me everything there was to learn about his businesses.

My friend brought home different and very beautiful women each year. He would even date women of other races. I mean dating a white woman automatically makes you the very richest man to ever walk on this earth in our village.

Anyway, there was also something confusing about my friend that I think a lot of us noticed but we never spoke about because we were scared of losing the benefits,if you know what I mean. He had this weird vibe towards young men.

You know,normaly rich men will tell you about stoko and they liked being surrounded by young beautiful women but my friend preferred a table full of younger men. Infact he would get very annoyed when young women challenged him or overcrowded his space but when it's men overcrowding his space then no problem infact he would fill up the table until the next day.

My wife liked that about him. She would even always tell me that any man who prefers hanging out with men than random women respects himself.

He used to get everyone so drunk that only a few remembered what had happened the previous night. But all we know is that most younger men used to wake up at his house the next day and they would all complain about their an*s being painful the next day and he would always make an excuse that drinking too much has that effect especially his expensive stuff. We worshiped him so we believed him alright. Besides, what do we know about after effects of expensive drinks? 

The truth came to light when I went to Gauteng with him to learn and take home his financial wisdom. He invited me to go back with him so that he can teach me a thing or two about making money.

When we arrived there I got the shock of my life. He was a totally different person. He was feminine and he has an older boyfriend,yes he had a very wealthy sugar daddy. He then told me that this is what made him as rich as he is. He sleeps with other men to strain their powers and maintain his riches. At first I was judging him but I consoled myself that it's better than blood rituals. He wasn't harming anyone so it wasn't such a bad thing.

I decided to give his ways a chance and unfortunately I ended up hooked. He took me to a sangoma who performed a gay ritual on me. This ritual was so I would have to have a sugar daddy who's wealthy and on the other side remain married but also sleep with younger men so that I can consume their souls for power and wealth.

Eish I don't even know how to explain this but foreign sangomas are dangerous. I was given a gay goat and a gay cow to live with in the same kraal for a whole month. The kraal was at the top of the mountain where random people don't go. You had to be one of the ritualist in order to make it to the top of the mountain.

Moreover I didn't even know that they were gay animals until I was taken to this particular sangoma and I would have never believed they existed if I didn't witness this myself.

I had to have intimacy with this animals as a part of the ritual. I kept consoling myself that aslong as it's not me sacrificing my family for money then there is nothing wrong with what I am doing. For an entire month I stayed at the mountain in the kraal with the animals as a ritual and I got used to it.

After a month I was released back to the normal world and I was told that there will be a few changes that will come naturally and I should accept them as they come with the wealth I asked for.

I then noticed that I was now interested in men more than women. I was now attracted and drawn to straight younger men. Ofcos I was still married and I loved my wife very much but just not in a sexual way anymore. My sexuality had changed but I had to keep it a secret.

A lot happened and Just like my friend I had a wealthy sugar daddy and I also targeted younger men to feed the animal that was inserted inside me when I found myself living with gay animals.

Life had changed drastically for me and my wife. Financialy we were striving but bedroomicaly it was horrible but my wife was a good woman and she chose to stand by my side through it all.

She was also a prayer warrior so she told me that ever since I came back from Gauteng I brought back a dark cloud and human shadows.

I knew what she was talking about because I was well aware but I denied and assured her that she was just imagining things. But I could see sadness in her eyes whenever she was Quiet,my wife was starting to lose weight and ageing very Quickly.

It saddened me that my once happy home was no more and there was nothing I could do to bring it back because I was warned before accepting the ritual that there are certain things that I will lose in order to gain the wealth.

My kids distanced themselves from me but I had to ignore all that and chase after my gay spirit to keep it fed or it would have harmed me and my entire family.

I am mad at my friend for not being straight up with me about the ritual but at the same time I'm also mad at myself for envying a life I didn't understand and not appreciating my own perfect life.

Even today the spirit that was inserted inside me can still sense gay animals in the village and I attract those gay animals. It's even embarrassing for me to admit that yes I have interactions with all the gay animals in my village now and not only that but I also sleep with younger men in order to feed the gay spirit that lives inside me.

What's weird is that my friend and I still talk but not once have we ever spoken about the ritual. That's one topic we avoid with everything in us and that is Because it's embarrassing. 

I have now joined him in filling the table or my circle rather with younger men. It started making sense why the young men complained about their an*s. The gay spirit would enter their bodies and I'd use them to regain powers and wealth through intercourse. 

The next day the gay spirit would go back to where it lives and the young men would not remember a single thing. Only I remember and that's what my friend has been doing to young men all this time. And once you use them in that way then they automatically become obsessed with you and it's sad because they put their whole lives on hold so that they can serve yours.

Ignoring the spirit is not an option because when it is angry it will destroy you and your whole family. I am not happy and I miss my old life but there's no getting it back.

The mistake I made was envying the life I did not understand when I had been blessed with a life many can only dream of. I have destroyed my perfect little family by inviting spirits into our lives and now the spirits have totally taken over my life.