


Not everything that glitters us gold,sadly I learned the hard way. I come from a proper family who was never in need of anything. By that I mean my parents gave me the Princess treatment because I was their only child after they lost their first child.

I went to the best schools,had the best clothes and life had given me only strawberries. My parents had a beautiful marriage and they were hands on parents.

But you know how it is,as we grow older we start making our own decisions and finding our feet we become our own selves and the outcome is never based on the upbringing.

When I got to varsity I became a wild child. The way I was so wild you'd never think my dad was present in my life. I am pretty sure a lot of people thought I had daddy issues.

I became what most people call slay queens. I was out almost every weekend and during the week I'd be nursing my hangover.

That led to me failing my modules. I knew my parents were not going to be happy about that so I became a statistic that goes to internet cafe's and fake results. This was just so I can have peace when I get home during holidays.

You should've seen how proud my parents were. They even went as far as bragging about my marks to everyone who cared to listen.

My parents used to send me more than enough pocket money and I spent it on my wild life. But you know what they say, everything will eventually come to light. Years passed and my peers were graduating. My folks were shocked to learn the truth.

I had dropped out of varsity and my everyday life was to just party. I moved out of res and went to a private property but there I had to be honest with my parents but only told them that I moved because I feel like my roommate is using Muti on me. I lied so much about my room mate that hey my parents supported my moving out gesture and they were paying for my expensive apartment.

I told them that my roommate was a very bad influence. She brings boys to the room and parties even on school days and one day she tried to even hook me up with one of her male Nigerian friends so when I refused she started using Muti on me.

I basically told my parents about the life that I was living but I impersonated it on my room mate. My room mate was a wild looking slay queen but she didn't drink nor groove, she was so dedicated to her school work it was even annoying.

But my parents met her when they took me to school and they saw tattoos on her body, lots of piercings and they judged her based on that.

So when I fed them the lies that I did they immediately believed me. They judged a book by it's a cover and I was merely telling them what they wanted to here. 

Anyway when graduation time came,I was shaking in my shoes because this now meant the truth was coming out. I had to go home a few days before graduation and pretend to be very ill. I acted very very sick so that my parents would decide that it wouldn't be right to  force me to go graduate.

I thought they would say we will remain home so that they take care of me but boy was I wrong.

The two woke up two days before graduation and decided that my dad would go fetch my qualification for me and my mom would stay home with me and take care of me. I froze completely.

Graduation day came and I knew I had to leave. While my parents were sleeping I woke up very early around 4am and sneaked out of the house with my belongings. I left them a note on my bed. A note with nothing but the truth of how much I've let them down and most of all disappointed them.

I ran away from home because I honestly couldn't handle the disappointment I've caused them. Not just that but the embarrassment too. I remember a night before I ran away I overheard my dad on a call telling someone that witches are trying to destroy me just because I'm done with my studies hence I am sick. He was boasting about how he's gonna go on that stage and fetch my degree with pride and I'll get better and go get a job and live the life that I was meant to live.

Anyway, after leaving home I deactivated all my social media and moved in with my Nigerian boyfriend who took very good care of me for the first few months. I didn't want anything to do with social media because I feard missing home.

After a couple of months he started treating me bad. I stayed because I had no choice. He would even bring girls home in my presence. Younger girls and I practically became his maid.

I started moving from men to men until eventually I met a very wealthy older men who took me in. Bought me an apartment and a car and just started taking very excellent care of me.

His love seemed genuine,he respected and treated me so right. The only problem was that he had multiple wives. He was actually a blast from my past. I had a one night stand with him when I was doing my first year.

Met at a club and it got wild and I woke up in a hotel room with him. He dropped me off at res and gave me a lot of money and I ghosted him because back then my parents were taking very good care of me so I wasn't going to settle for such an old man.

He tried so much to keep in touch but I blocked him. So when men I liked were showing me dust that's when I contacted him and he was super happy to hear from me.

A couple of months after being with him he proposed. I was becoming a fourth wife.

He did everything that I asked him to do, honestly I thought it was love. He bought me an appointment,gave me a fat allowance, bought me a car and made me his wife.

He took me home to his wives and introduced us. They didn't seem to care about me at all. They were all just there but you could see that they were not interested.

They asked me how long I've been with him and when I said two years they asked if I had a baby with him and I said no and they said another one with a man's womb? I got offended but I kept quiet.

I was on contraceptives all this time because we never discussed having kids yet. But that nasty comment put me off and I stopped taking contraceptives and I started trying for a baby.

He told me not to let his wives nasty comments put me under pressure. But he was there they mocked me and laughed and all he said was " that's not why we are here".

After we got married ,he built me my own mansion in his big yard and where his wives lived too. Each and everyone had their own mansion. All he had to do was choose where he was sleeping. He didn't have a roaster that indicated where he will be sleeping. He would just decide on his feet and no one questioned his decision.

His wives were friends but I was isolated. You could see that they didn't like me and they would never accept me. To them I was just a little homeless girl whom he took in out of pity.

I was forever in my house and they would visit each other and I'd never get invited. What was more painful was the man would also hardly sleep in my house too. In a month he'd only sleep at my place once or twice a month.

Actualy he did not build me a mansion. He just renovated the mansion that his wife who couldn't give birth lived in. She passed on so he renovated it and gave it to me.

Ever since I moved into that house a lot changed about me.  I was always tired,I had even developed weird sleeping patterns. I would sleep on the bed and fall asleep with my pyjamas on but wake up on the floor with no clothes on. I'd be sleep straight on back facing the ceiling and my clothes would be next to me instead of on me.

It was very weird, not only that but I'd wake up with a very heavy headache and painful tummy cramps. I didn't tell anyone about this because I found it very embarrassing that maybe I have a spiritual husband because I'd have a dream doing the deeds then wake up like that.

I kept it to myself and not even tell my husband because I didn't know how he would act. I assumed that maybe that's why he comes to me once a month,it could be because of all that. Maybe he knew what was going on but couldn't tell me. Like I thought maybe he could feel that I have a spiritual husband and wasn't enjoying me. Sometimes he would come and just sleep without touching me.

The house at night would get very cold and there were a lot of ants that I could only see at dawn only. A whole lot of ants but during the day you'd never even see one. During the day there were only green flies that were so annoying that showed up every once in a while.

This went on for years  until I just started becoming sickly. My skin colour changed,I became dark and I was getting skinnier but my belly was growing. My skin was flaky and had pimples that left dark marks. At some point I even thought I was HIV positive and I went to test and the results came back negative. I didn't know what was happening to me but I wasn't well. I started missing my parents so much,I needed them and I hadn't spoken to them in years so I didn't even know where I'd even begin.

The man's treatment when coming to finance hadn't changed towards me. He was still giving me a fat allowance and also buying me gift and cars. I was living a very comfortable life but I wasn't happy deep down. I wanted to have kids but it wasn't happening and my health was detoriating drastically.

I made a decision to go home to my parents. I remember telling my husband that I needed to see a sangoma and he brought me his own. The sangoma told me that I am becoming the way that I am because my parents cursed me for deceiving them. He said they were still very angry with me and wanted nothing to do with me.

Before he told me this I had been thinking of going home but he made me change my mind. I became scared. 

But after a while when my body was truly giving up on me I knew I had to go back home and make things right with my parents. I woke up one morning and left. I drove back home. I was nervous and scare but I did it anyway. When my mom saw me she cried so much and hugged me very warmly. I cried too because I got a reaction I wasn't expecting.

My mom had aged and didn't look well. She told me how my dad passed away looking for me. She  showed me all the newspapers that they had reported me missing to no luck.

I felt so bad for doing what I did to my parents then dissapearing on them. My mom had a mild stroke ever since and my dad had a heart problem that he got since I left.

My mom on the other hand had a mild stroke. I am a terrible person. She could see that I am not well and she asked me about it and I told her what the sangoma said. She denied that being true and the next day she took me to our family sangoma.

He told me everything that's happening in my life. I could not believe the betrayal of the man I was married to. I even remembered how angry he got when I told him I had gone home and he stopped talking to me.

I found out that the house that I live at is a spook huis with a male ghost whom I'm spiritualy married to. I was told that my husband hardly touches me because he knows about the ghost and it's his way of maintaining his riches. Each time the ghost sleeps with me he gains money power. He married me for that. Each time the ghost sleeps with me then he is feeding off my womb and for that I'll never in my life be a mother.

I was used as a sacrifice and that's why the other wives ignored me. They understood my purpose in their home. He has never spoken to me in months yet he has never demanded anything of his back. I still have his car and he sends me half the money he used to send me. I think the spiritual husband followed me home because I sometimes wake up the very same way but it's no longer that strong now. I need help.