


Ukuthwala is real and most people bathwalayo are men. I often hear people saying women are witches and there's no greater witch than a woman but I for one would like to tell you now that men are the worst. 

Ukuthwala has got to be the most worse thing than witchcraft,if it's witchcraft then it's in the PHD level. I witnessed ukuthwala with my own eyes and to this day I still wonder how I made it out alive.

My father impregnated my wife while he was married to another woman. My mom all this time thought he was divorced only to later learn that he made up lies so he can impregnate my mother over and over again.

My mother was ofcos a lover of things, my dad was a very wealthy man and my mom from what I heard was beauty without brain and my dad took advantage of that.

I had two siblings with myself being the oldest. We are all from the same man. This man like I said was married and had kids in his marriage who are all still alive to this day.

Which really makes it obvious that his plan to impregnate my mother then use us as sacrifices to maintain his wealth and power was well orchestrated. Ukuthwala apparently needs your own flesh and blood so he was very intentional about his doings.

The only reason why I am alive to tell my story is Because of my maternal grandparents. Being the older one my mom had me while she still lived at home , unemployed and all that.

So my maternal grandparents took care of me and I became their own child. My grandparents were powerful prayer warriors which made it hard for my dad to get to us when we were under their care.

Like I said my mom was said to have been beauty without brain so she obeyed my dad in everything. When he could see that my grandparents were over protective when coming to me he then convinced my mom to move out of home and he bought her a house.

He did this after finding out that they were expecting their second child. He needed them at their vulnerable state so he can do his evilness on them.

My mom thought she was loved. I mean the signs that she wasn't were there but she ignored them and stayed. He bought her a house but never bothered to visit them or even cared if they had food or not.

All he wanted was to clearly secure access to them and that's it. I continued living with my maternal grandparents and my parents had a third child. A lot of people even thought he was my step dad Because we didn't have any relationship at all. I would go visit them once in a while but I'd never stay two nights.

The house never felt like a home to me. It was very uncomfortable for me and I always felt like there were other people in the house watching us especially at night.

My dad turned my mom into a zombie. She wasn't her normal self it was as if she was a lost somebody living the life of a robot and someone somewhere had the remote control.

She wasn't herself at all I don't even know how to explain it. She couldn't even hold a conversation for more than 10minutes she would simply just zone out and just sit there looking lost and confused.

I believe he did sometimes to her. There was a time when my little sister one who comes after me called me to rush to the house as they urgently need my help and that there was an emergency.

That's just how bad my mom was...they couldn't ask for help from her at all and apparently they tried calling my dad and he wasn't picking up nor returning their calls.

When I arrived I found my little brother laying on the couch and my sister sitting besides him while my mom was just in the house going about her business.

My little sister then told me that the little one just woke up paralyzed. He can't talk,walk or do anything. We couldn't understand how that could happen over night. It didn't make sense. I was only 17 at that time and he was 9 years old.

So I decided to rush him to the hospital but before I could even call the hospital he soiled on himself. I had to bath him and change his clothes before the ambulance got there.

While taking of his clothes I noticed dark marks on his spinal cord. It was like someone used a needle and raizor blade on his lower back. He also had a very bad rash and I got very scared.

When we arrived at the hospital I explained that to the hospital and they took tests and they also saw the marks and it was quiet scary. His skin was very dry and peeling off like that of a lizard or snake.

I had to leave so that I could be home with my 13 year old little sister. She was traumatised and she kept on saying the house had two evil women. She said one woman was holding a razor blade and the other was holding a needle.

I was so scared for her because I thought she was losing her mind. In all this my mom was unbothered. Okay fine I decided to take my little sister to our grandparents house because clearly she didn't want to be there.

My dad was nowhere to be found. I kept going up and down the hospital to visit my little brother. One day when I got there he looked so much better and he could now say a few words again and he was also trying to walk again. His skin was back to normal overnight,this shocked the care givers but I was just so happy that he was recovering.

Before I left he told me that he was the way that he was because two old women stabbed him with a razor blade and a needle in his dream. I told him not to try and think about it because it will slow down his healing. I was scared but I didn't want to show him. I wanted us to talk about it when he was well and strong again.

The next day I got a call that my little brother was no more. Guess what? On the day that he passed away my dad showed up with his funeral planned and organized. Everything was readily waiting for the burial day. That was off because who told about his son's passing because he had been unreasonable all this while.

From that day on I knew something was off with that man for real. We buried my little brother and after his funeral I wanted to take my little sister with but my dad got very aggressive and angry about it. I let go but kept visiting her frequently. Three years later the same thing that happened to my little brother happened to my little sister and once again my dad appeared and reappeared. At this point it was clear that my mom had a mental problem and she was in an out of a hospital called vista hospital which is an institute for mental health. She was completely mute now.

My little sister went through the same thing that my little brother went through and she even died the very same way. With her she mentioned that her dad was the one bringing the two old ladies in the house.

Apparently the old women were wearing a Basotho attire with blankets and what nots. It's been five years since we buried my little sister and my grandparents took back their daughter from that evil man and he has since dissapeared.

I see his kids posting him calling him the best dad and they are still living their best lives and it makes me wonder if they know about his shady life  and it's not even my place to tell them. They are a happy family that's living a very luxurious life and I hope one day I can forgive him even though he has never asked for forgiveness.

I have a feeling he still impregnates outside his marriage and use the kids as his sacrifices. I survived and it's all thanks to my grandparents.