


I was raised by a very evil woman who hated everyone on earth including her own siblings. My mother is a woman filled with hate and cruelty.

She has 5 children and according to my aunt who is my mom's little sister apparently that's where the cruelty began. My mother was a part of the statistics of teenage mother's who kept on having a baby after another with no plan for a better future.

Our dad kept on impregnating her while he kept on excelling at school. She had to drop out with her third child and be a stay at home mom Because my grandmother had enough of helping her out with her children yet she keeps going out for more.

After dropping out she had two more kids and my dad was still taking his schooling very serious.

He promised her that he will finish school then marry her and build her a big house. My mother believed him and stayed home and continue nurturing his kids. A few years later he got a job and hardly came home. My mother would only hear from people that he was back.

Until one day he came back with a new woman who wasn't from our village and their new child. Everyone kept going on and on about how beautiful the woman is and how my dad looks so happy.

My mom had to endure the pain and embarrassment. She became depressed and isolated herself. She began hating every pregnant woman,it didn't matter if she knew them or not she just straight up hated them.

She hated us too. She would buy beer and drink in the house and start crying and calling us names. She would tell us how she should've ended our lives because our existence costed her future.

She became a drunkard till she started drinking out at weird places. My grandmother who is my father's mother passed away and we had to go attend her funeral.

When we got there our dad came home with his educated wife in their Fancy car and their baby. The woman was pregnant again and that drove my mom crazy.

She literally lost it infront of the whole village. She wanted to even fight the woman and my dad had to protect his wife so he chased my mom out of his home. It was very painful to watch,my mom was crying, screaming and all that. All this because she never got closure.

My siblings and I decided to also go home with her. We were all crying and we walked home. It was more painful than embarrassing. 

Amongst the guests that were there at the funeral there was an old we didn't know who was very touched by this and she followed us home. She didn't walk with us she was literally walking behind us and not even talking to us.

A few minutes after we arrived at home she walked in an did not even greet us. She just sat down on the floor and started crying and acting exactly how my mom acted at the funeral.

We were shocked and didn't even know what to do. I think I forgot to mention the fact that we lived at our own stand. Mom had found a stand and built a 2 room house for us so that she can stop feeling like a burden to her family.

That's where we've been living and our father promised us a double story house until he started his own family elsewhere. I was the oldest child so I went through every emotion with my mom. Honestly since my dad left her she started treating us very bad. She hated us and in as much as we want to call her abusive I instead understand where her anger came from.

Anyway back to the old lady. We were shocked more than anything so we just froze and watched her act like that.   After a couple of minutes she then passed out. She literally fainted and we didn't know what to do. We at some point even thought she was dead hey.

Then she woke up and left. Just like that she woke up and walked out our gate. We were all left flabbergasted and wondered what was that all about. But we ended up concluding that she was there to mock our mom and maybe she's my dad's relative Because we didn't know her. Her face was new to us.

A couple of days later the woman returned and this time she had groceries for us. It is as if she knew that we were starving. She then asked to speak to my mom in private. We went outside to leave them to talk.

But me being me I was very curious so I stood by the window to eavesdrop. I heard the old woman telling my mom that she felt her pain that day at the funeral and she fully understand why she acted the way that she did.

The woman became a good friend of my mom and we also gained a grandmother who actually loved and cared for us. She would bring us food and second hand clothes that her grandkids gave to her to give to us.

She became a very big part of our family and we started loving her. One day she told my mom that my dad's wife is due in a couple of weeks and since we are invited to her baby shower she will buy us gifts to present to her on the shower day.

She also begged us to begg for forgiveness on behalf of our mom and it must be very genuine so that they can trust us. She went as far as saying we must speak ill of our mom to gain our trust and to make them believe we are on their side.

My dad had money,he was well off but only sent my mom R1500 for all 6 of us. That's how selfish those two were. Anyway we attended the baby shower and we did exactly as we were told and they seemed very happy to have us there.

A few weeks later we heard that she gave birth to a stillborn child. We were in shock when the old lady celebrated this news. Then she said to us this is all your mom's tears , god is for us all. 

I saw my mom smile a bit so we all burst out laughing because we haven't seen mom smile in a very long time and her smile warmed our hearts. We had a goodnight that night and the old lady then said if any man or anyone messes with you in that manner please come to me I will shield your hearts and restore your dignity at all times.

We started running to her for even minor things that really never needed adult intervention. We would have arguments with kids on the streets and report to her and we would secretly visit that child at night.

So this other day she asked my mom if she wasn't tired of living in poverty,I remember my mom saying she wishes she could go back to school and the old lady said school isn't everything. There's many shortcuts in life and she could live a life envied by many even our dad would wish to come back.

My mother loved my dad so much that anything that involved him coming back she would do it. I don't know how their conversation went at the end but the next day mommy told us that she will be leaving us alone for a week but we will have enough food and we would be safe.

It was shocking that she didn't want to close up about where she was going. My mom was an open book but since the old lady showed up she became a closed book and there was absolutely nothing we could do about it.

She was indeed gone for a week and when she came back she came back at her happiest. She even bought us new clothes and shoes and that's something we hadn't had in a very long time.

Since she got home she was more interested in who's pregnant and their pictures. Guys this was rather weird but we brushed it off.

Since my mom got back to wherever she went for that week, life has been shockingly beautiful. She always has money and she even built a stable house for us. We now never envy other kids because we have whatever we need. Our lives improved so much and we were ofcos happy until I discovered the truth.

My mom is so interested in pregnant women at first I thought she wanted to be get pregnant too. Only to later realise that she was making money from causing the unborn baby's deaths prematurely.

We had an empty room that we were not allowed to enter in the house but like I said I am curious being I always want to know and see so I entered. In that room I found a coffin a size of a baby and a tombstone for a baby. And there was a white big cloth sparkled in red paint and on the cloth there were pictures of pregnant women pinned on the cloth with a needle piercing their tummies.

Entering that room was the worst mistake ever. I became a part of the cult. Snooping around made me join the dark world and that is how we remain rich now. By ending lives of innocent unborn baby babies. That is the kind of business my mom was introduced to and had I not snooped around I wouldn't be where I am right now. I should've just minded my business and appreciated the fact that we were well taken care of.

After entering the room I started having very bad dreams about the coffin in that room and that tombstone. I dreamt of myself being initiated in that room for darkness and it wasn't just a dream. When I woke up I found myself with a teeth bite mark that I dreamt getting. From that day on I too became obsessed with Facebook pregnant women and I would print out their pictures and pin them on the wall in that dream.

I don't know how exactly we get money from all this but we keep getting richer and richer. But I am tired of this life and the only way to quit is if I end my life. I fear for my younger siblings and I'm always crossing thumbs that they never become as curious as I am or this is how their story end.

I am not allowed to have friends nor have a boyfriend so basically I don't have a life of my own anymore.