



I grew up in a church going household. My parents taught us the importance of going to church and resting under the shadow of God's wings. My dad was a pastor and for many years we loved listening to him on the pulpit.

We attended church every Sunday without fail and even when sick we attended church because we believed that that's where our healing would be found.

I had a twin sister whom wasn't much of a fan of church but she didn't have much choice. In my parents home it's either you go to church or you move out. They didn't take disobedient lying low.

After I passing our matric we then went to university. When we got there our parents encouraged us to find a church we can make our second home. I tried finding one that I felt comfortable in but failed.

But something shocking happens,the unexpected happened. My twin found a church that we both liked instantly after the first attendance. My parents could not believe it when I told them that my twin sister was the one who found the church. They were very proud of her and their trust in her was restored.

I was very happy with the church. It even had a Wednesday service just like the one back at home. The pastor reminded me so much of my dad,he preached exactly like my dad and I used to tease my dad about having a twin.

The pastor had my dad's character in all kinds of ways, they just didn't look identical ofcos but everything else other than looks took me back to my dad.

We attended the church for an entire year and the following year when we went back we continued. It was weird how my twin sister was more alive in that church and very much bored and grumpy at our dad's Church.

During the holidays I realised that my twin lived two lives. Back at home it was like she was a shadow of herself and didn't want to be there. But back at school oh my god she was more lively than she has ever been in  her whole existence.

My twin sister had developed some sort of hate for my parents and also she couldn't wait to go back to school. But even at school I would only see her at church or between classes because we were not studying the same course. 

She used to attend church so much that I remember her at some point telling me that she attends night vigils. The reason why she told me this was because I asked her why she always looked so tired. My twin was always tired, she even had developed eye bags because she looked like someone who hardly sleeps. But her response came as a shock to me because we did not have any night vigils that I knew of and when I tried finding out about them from our church members no one knew anything about them,even the pastor.

I got very worried because something truly wasn't right. But let me tell you now that my twin had all the problems in the world but money wasn't a part of them. 

She dressed super nice clothes and had a lot of clothes. She hardly repeated her clothes and her room didn't look like a student's room. It looked like a working person's room. Which was shocking and confusing because our parents couldn't have afforded us that lifestyle.

They could only send us money enough for rent and food and that's that. We were able to buy clothes twice a year using my mom's clothing account.

But ofcourse she knew that she couldn't take her clothes home because then my parents would want to know what was happening and how she could afford all those. I also decided not to snitch on her because I knew it wouldn't be nice if they were to know what was going on.

Finaly the year ended and we went back home. My twin and I shared a bedroom back at home. During the nights I'd get sleep paralysis and during those sleep paralysis I'd see my twin taking off her clothes and walking out the room through the wall. She would dissapear into the wall and I'd be fighting my sleep paralysis. This of is came as a dream.

I would be in that sleep paralysis until she returned naked still and before getting into her bed she would first take out a calabash from under her bed and I'd see her pouting red liquid that looks like blood with a syringe in the calabash.

She also had her mouth and hands covered with blood. That looked scary for me. I wanted to scream but my voice wasn't coming out.

The next morning when I woke up. The first thing that I did was check on my twin on her bed,we had twin beds. She was sleeping very peacefully and she had her night gown on and there was no sign of blood. I looked under her bed and there was no calabash but however I found a big stash of money under the bed. But she was someone who always had money so it wasn't much of a shock I just thought she hid it there so my parents won't see it. 

The dream really felt so real that I even had to touch and feel the walls to see if they were solid. Anyway my twin woke up and asked me why I'm snooping around,her tone was that of an irritated person.

I told her all about my dream and she rubbished it very quickly saying that I'm just jealous that she's dating someone who takes care of her and now I'm fabricating lies. At first there was a rumour that she's dating blessers which she proudly admitted and told me to stay out of her business because these blessers takes good care of her. She once again called me a jealous ugly twin and I could see that she was very anger so I moved away from her and went back to my bed.

Fine life continued as usual and we went back to school. She stopped taking my parents call so they would constantly call me to find out if she was okay. My dad saying he has bad dreams about her and he asked me to go give her the phone so that he can pray for her. Even in varsity we used to share a room but she moved to a single room. We never told my parents that we no longer live together. I told dad that she went to take a shower but I'll call him back as soon as she finishes.

I rushed to her room and when I got there I found her in bed naked with her legs wide open and she was making funny sounds but there was no one else in there. It was around 7pm and did she not get angry? I saw her eyes turning red with flames and I immediately got a very bad headache and fell down. I had to crawl back to my room after she aggressively pushed me out of her room and slammed her door.

My head was so heavy so I couldn't stand up, the headache was a lot. Later that night in my sleep I started hearing whispering voices and they kept on getting louder and louder. Seems like they were all in my head because my room mate wouldn't hear them even after I woke her up to listen.

The next day I couldn't find my twin anywhere,she wasn't even at school. Two days later when I was about to call my parents because I was very worried and scared that something bad happened to her. She came running in my room looking like someone who lived under mud, she was muddy and had tweaks of dry wood on her head.

She kneeled on my bed and started crying and screaming. Everyone in the commune had followed her to my room because she had been screeming all the way down the hall as if she was being chased by a lion. I quickly went and closed my door and even locked it to try and protect her little dignity that was barely left.

I tried to calm her down by hugging her tight but I was also breaking down. I was scared and crying with her. After an hour she was finaly calm and I gave her a glass of water. She then started telling me the most unbelievable thing ever.

She told me how she was initiated into evil things by the pastor that imitated our dad. The church that she found for us at the Vaal was not a real church, at night they made them practice dark things.

She says they targeted rich men especially the married ones. The unmarried ones were a risk because they might end up catching feelings and wanting to Marry them and they didn't want any lasting bonds with them because all they needed was their blood.

According to my late sister, a few girls and women from the church were chosen and I wasn't chosen because my faith was protecting me. They would scout for rich men and they would sleep with them and after a couple of days ,they would find them at night and use an injection to take out their blood while the rich men are sleeping. 

Then they would then feed an animal living inside their calabash which they were given by the pastor. From there on  there are nights when the animal from the calabash leaves the calabash to sleep with the women. That way they are keeping their bond with the calabash alive.

Once the calabash if fed with the needed blood then it will reward them with money and that's where she's been getting all the money. The pastor convinced them that it's miracle money and they are doing exactly what the Lord expects from them.

The blood needed were only of the rich men because most of them also perform blood rituals. They were never told how that benefits the calabash but they have been following instructions.

She eventually got tired of that life and when she wanted to quit the evil spirit abducted her. As I speak to you now my twin is in a mental hospital as she has since been diagnosed with a mental illness.

I believe her story because I've seen her leave her bed and walked through the Walls. I've seen it all and now they made her mad so that no one believes her. The pastor tells people that she's been sleeping with married men and one of the wives dealt with her traditionaly.

I know he's lying but I can't prove it. The calabash has dissapeared and I now have a problem of hearing loud whispers in my head when I sleep.