



I came to Gauteng to seek for a job. I graduated years ago and I have never been lucky enough to find a job. I was always on social media following my ex class mates and it made my heart bleed Because most of them were doing very well while I was stuck in one place.

What made matters worse was the fact that I was my family's only hope. I was the first one to pass matric and also the first and only one to graduate.

So they relied on me to change our home situation but sadly things weren't going how we all had hoped. It felt like God was blocking his ears from our prayers.

Life was just getting harder and harder. I watched my family lose hope and faith in me and that was very painful because honestly I was their light and now i was failing to brighten their lives.

On social media there was this particular girl that I went to school with , but she never graduated. She actualy failed untill she was excluded and she didn't seem bothered by that.

She left school and is she now not living the life we all wish for? She drives big cars,wears designer clothes and goes to expensive vacations every month.

She even bought her little brother a car for his 21st birthday and she renovated her parents house. Well her home was a child headed home because both her parents  passed away. So she hired a stay in helper for her younger siblings.

Her siblings attended multi racial schools. I mean life was definitely giving her lemonade after all the lemons that had been thrown at her. We were a bit close in varsity before she was excluded. We would hang out every now and then. You could see that girl was never interested in school even then.

She used to love doing my hair and most times when she came to my room she would come with nail polishes and stuff just so we keep ourselves busy while while we chat. She loved the glam life she was a definite girly girl.

She had a very beautiful and attractive dress sense. But once you start talking about books then she was gone. Lol she would make excuses like she forgot to check up on her younger siblings who lived with relatives at that time,then she'd say lemme go call them quickly and I'll be back and guess what she'd never come back.

Or sometimes when you take out books she'd jump up quickly and run saying she forgot to switch off the stove and gone was the girl. Lol she always had so many excuses that I had even made peace with it. Sometimes when I just wanted to be alone or sleep and she was in my room I'd just take out books knowing that she'd leave then I'll sleep.

But that very same girl was now living the life that we studied so much to have. While we who studied were suffering. I would react on all her post until one day I saw a post of her saying she's selling perfumes and she's looking for people who are interested in selling and making money. Her caption was very interesting and attractive,it said something about being your own boss and making a lot of money.

I then assumed that that's where she was making her money and I immediately sent her a DM which she immediately replied to. It's funny because she didn't recognize me, I mean I don't think she even knew my real name because she used to calle "four eyes". That's because I used to wear spectacles. While she explained the business to me and gave me packages to choose from I realised that no man sisters doesn't recognize me. So I re introduced myself with the name she was familiar with and boy was she not thrown back . We had exchanged numbers so she called me with so much excitement and we had a warn conversation.

I told her my story and she was like girl let me send you money , come see me ASAP. I was so excited because in my head I was thinking we gonna sell perfumes and I'd change my home situation.

Okay I visited girl and there was something off about her beautiful house. It was too quiet and it had this heavy aura. Anyway she asked me not to take pictures using flash light in the apartment and also she asked me to always make sure that my phone is forever on silent, no vibrations or even ringing out loud.

She acted weirdly in her house,she lived like she was obeying someone else's rules, she wasn't her bubbly loud self there oh and the tv and music must never be too loud infact it should low as a whisper. She was too totally different people when in that house and when outside the house.

She lived at a beautiful estate at the East of Johannesburg. Anyway I was there for a week and she told me that I should let her know as soon as I was on my periods so that she can take somewhere. Fine my periods were well on their way so I waited for about a week and I got them and I let her know. She then said don't bath or put on lotions,perfumes even roll on. I am taking you somewhere tonight and the place wants your natural scent and nothing else. It was a bit shocking but when You look up to someone you hardly any questions because you want to be exactly like them as they inspire you.

Cool that night she gave me a black pad,and a black dress that looked like a hospital gown. She was also wearing it and she said " don't put on shoes,let's leave bare footed and please don't ask me questions I'll explain everything once you results."

We drove to. Mortuary,at first I couldn't see that it was a mortuary I just saw a big building with lots of lights. We walked in and in the reception we found a out 8 young ladies dressed exactly like us sitting on the chair as if they were waiting for something.

She went to the desk and I overheard her telling then receptionist that she has brought the new member that she spoke to him about few weeks ago. And the receptionist walked towards me with a glass of water and a very black pill. I was told to drink it and I looked at my friend and she nodded her head and I drank it. Looks like everyone who was there drank it because they all had a half empty glass of water like the one I was holding.

Yoh after drinking that pill I became soooo aroused and at the same time I felt like I was a bit dizzy and weak.

We were the taken to a cold room with fresh corpses. By fresh I mean they had just the bodies had just arrived. A very beautiful lady went around injecting the bodies and soon as she injected them they got an erection. Shuuu we all got so excited and went and helped ourselves. It was so satisfying it was something I had never experienced before.

Never thought intimacy would be so enjoyable while one is on their PERIODS. Anyway about 30 mins later some old lady came to fetch us and we went to the next room. When we got there we all had to lay down and open our legs. She scooped some liquids from inside our private parts, I am guessing that it's our orgasms and also our cycle juice.

It was a bit Painful and we were told to leave and we shouldn't talk to anyone, shouldn't bath for atleast 3 days nor should we look back when we leave the place.

Fine my friend was waiting for me in the reception where I had left her and looked like she knew the rules. She didn't even try to talk to me on the way she was driving quietly and avoiding eye contact with me.

She avoided me for the three days that I was told to isolate myself. On the fourth day she came holding a black small handbag stuffed with money. Then she said for being brave and obedient this is yours. She also told me to take a bath and she was going to give me a make over then we going out to make money.

Something dumb struck me,it was I was controlled by something inside me that made me not to ask questions and also I had developed a very strong bravery sense. I was fearless.

After taking the bath,she gave me an very nice baddie outfit, a wig and nice stilettos. Make up and everything I was on point looking snazzy and all that. 

We went to some elegant club Yoh. Men were all over us,not just ordinary men,filthy rich men. I recognized a few faces from the mortuary. The girls that were there are also here looking all beautiful. You'd never tell that we slept with corpses,we were too gorgeous for such.

Men couldn't keep their hands off us. We ended up in hotels with those strange men and the next day I got a transfer of R30 000 rands. I could not believe it,just for one night nje wow.

That is how I ended up in the dirty slay queen life. My life became one rosey court and I loved every minute of it. I was able to take care of my family,buy myself a car and a nice house. My parents back at home were lied to,I told them I was a manager at big perfume company.

Being a sly queen is not easy, I was supposed to go to the mortuary once a month and eventually I got tired of it and stopped going. Now i am having a huge problem of seeing many shadows of men gathering in a circle in my house. My friend no longer takes my call. The last time we spoke she said that for disobeying the queen I was going to get a heavy punishment and since then she has been avoiding me.

I tried going to the mortuary but I can no longer find my way there,I keep getting lost or end up at the cemetry. I don't know how to get rid of the men in my house. 

Anyone who knows what kind of ritual this was and if they could help me overcome it please do. I am struggling a lot.