



Eish I don't even know where to start but I've signed my own death contract. Poverty will make you lose your mind and make choices you'd never make on a full stomach.

My hunger made me put my life on the line without even thinking twice and now I am not even enjoying my life anymore.

I don't even know where to start but I'll just try. Growing up I knew my worth and which class I belonged to and that was the very lowest class. The poverty class.

Both my parents passed away in the 90's due to the famous HIV deases. Well back then it was very deadly as science had not found the right treatment for it. And as you know back in the day having the viris or rather having a family member with such a virus automatically made you isolated by the community especially if you lived in a village.

I was only left with my grandparents because they were the only ones who wanted me. My relatives wanted nothing to do with as they referred to me as the product of the virus. Somehow I became a curse to my family and my extended members. Only my grandparents treated me like a normal human being. I was and still am hiv negative but no one believed that it is possible.

With that being said I even had to drop out of school Because I was badly treated. Parents held endless meetings to have me removed from the school before I infected their children or rather to have me isolated and attend classes alone.

Luckily my teachers knew my rights and they fought for me until they got tired of the endless illegal protests from parents who did not want me anywhere near their kids. 

I was then taught alone separately or sometimes I'd have to sit outside next to the window and attend my classes. This made me feel worthless and unwanted. If I wasn't a coward I would have taken my own life but man I did not have the guts. No one deserves to go through what I went through,I was young and I didn't deserve any of the things that I was put through.

Break times were the worst. I had to sit far away from the pupils. I sat alone by the school fence where there was a huge rock which I was told to sit behind. No one wanted to breath the same air as me.

I got tired of breaking my own heart everyday so I decided quiting school was the only way to end my misery. I stopped going to school and stayed home. I couldn't even go to the streets and it was even worse when children were back from school. So the only time I could go buy anything from the shop was when the children are at school because that's when the streets aren't too busy.

The shop owner would use a plastic to take my money. He did not want to be in contact with me in anyway.

As I grew older HIV became something people got educated about and also science found a way to make it much easier with things like finding treatments and stuff.

People started getting used to it and with more people getting infected then they started being more open minded about the disease and accepting it bit by bit.

They also started behaving better towards me but then it was already too late for me.  It was too late for me to go back to school or even be normal again.

I was so used to keeping to myself and just being alone to a point that I did not want people around me anymore because they made me anxious.

During the day I'd go sit by myself at the mountains and return when it was dark. I hated everyone and wanted nothing to do with them and I no longer needed their kindness.

My grandparents also passed away and that made me close in even more. When people realised that I go to the mountain just to go chill they then offered me a job of a herd man. I agreed because I preffered animals over people. So clearly I won't have a problem with spending the whole day with cattles,goats and sheeps in the bushes.

I became famous for being the best herd man in the village. One day while I was in the mountains enjoying my river water ,I was drinking with my mouth from the river. I saw a very short old man walking towards me,he asked me to help him with water. He said he was tired of walking as he has been walking for months to find me.

I was very shocked when this guy called me by name. I took out my metal cup and fetched water for him to drink. This man was making my hair stand up and I had a very fast heartbeat the entire time I was with him.

He said that he was sent by the mountain Goddess who always watched me whenever I was there. He told me my life story summarized and I was left in shock.

He said to me that he was sent to make me an offer that will make my entire village respect me and I can play revenge on all those family members that wrote me off in my time of need. 

He offered to take me somewhere for luck,power and wealth. I became very interested because the best revenge to your enemies is becoming successful.

He explained everything to me , he did not filter anything honestly speaking he even gave me 7 days to think about the offer.

The offer was that he would take me to a very strong sangoma who will make me rich by giving me a tortoise. I would have to exchange my soul with the tortoise,I give it my soul and it would give me riches and power.

The man then gave me a very green leaf and said this leaf will wear off and become dry with each passing day in the 7 days that you will be given to think about the offer until if dies off. On the 7th day it will turn to dust to show that it is no longer productive.

If within the 7days given I accept the offer I must just eat the leaf the everything else will follow. He said that the leaf is the leaf of knowledge and power and once I eat it then I will know what to do next. I will be equiped with knowledge and instructions.

He put the leaf in my hand and walked away. I hardly asked questions or say anything,it was like a mariculously became mute and dumb.

From that day on I couldn't stop thinking about the offer and each and everyday going to the mountain I was always looking around to see if I'll see the short guy or the mountain goddess he spoke about. I was no longer comfortable in the bushes because now I knew I was watched.

On the 6th day I decided to eat the leaf and I did. Everything came to me as a dream. For 7 days I had very scary dreams. I dreamt flying naked to some place under the river that I always drink water from. I was shocked to see a very beautiful paradise under the river and it was filled with very short people same as the man who approached me. I even saw the man but he ignored me like he had never seen me. This came as a dream but for that seven days everytime I woke up I woke up with everything I was given under the water.

The first night I dreamt having my hair shaved with a razor blade and a black mark was made in the middle of my head. When. I woke up I woke up looking exactly like that with my hair shaved off and a Mark on my head.

The second night around I  had razor cuts and my blood being taken and then stopped with a black Muti being inserted on the cuts to slow or stop the bleeding.

This went on for 6 days, there was always something new happening and this made me very confused because all the dreams I had were turning into reality. On other nights I had to drink blood from a black pot and when I woke up I vomited the blood out inside a black clay pot that I didn't even know where it came from but if was the closest thing I found when I needed to vomit. Eish let me just cut the story short and not dwell too much on the happenings because I might take the whole day.

On the 7th day a celebration ceremony was performed and we had to eat a raw cow. The short people were cheering for me ,dancing ,singing and playing drums they were in a celebratory mode and I was still a bit confused as to what exactly was happening.

A tortoise was given to me as a present. I was told that the tortoise was named after me as it now possess my soul. I was also instructed to put it in an empty room with a black cloth. I was given the cloth and told that when I get home I must cover the window with that black cloth to avoid light from entering the room and lock the tortoise there.

I was also told to only open the room after seven days and whatever I find in the will be my gift I can keep it and do anything I want with it.

Then on that 7th day I must take the tortoise very far away from me, I can take it wherever I want but I only have 7 days to take it there and return. So if I'm not back by the 7th day then I will die.

I was told that the distance I leave it at will determine the time phrase of my life. The day the tortoise locates me will be the day that I will die.

And for aslong as it hasn't found me I will be very wealthy and powerful. The whole village will respect and worship me. I was also told that the day that the tortoise locates me then everything I had will perish with me unless if I will have an offspring that can also exchange their soul to continue the legacy wealth.

I woke up with a tortoise and black cloth on my bedroom floor indeed as indicated. I went to my grandparents room and removed everything there and cleaned it up. I emptied it and put the black cloth on the window as a curtain as instructed then left the tortoise there.

During the 7 days it was in there the house was extremely cold and had a cooked mashed potato smell.

I couldn't wait to go in there and see what the gift was. On the 7th night I went in as instructed and found a looooot of money. The room floor was covered with money and there was an hour glass shaped brown calabash that was there and it had smoke coming from it. 

I was instructed not to touch it as it will be the one making sure that I never run out of money and the smoke will stop the day the tortoise locates me.

The very same night I began my journey to dislocate the tortoise. I traveled for 5days and on the 5th day I made my way back home. The trick in all this is you can only travel through the bushes on barefoot and not using any transportation method unless you are coming back from dropping it off wherever. You are not allowed to use any transportation mode except for your barefoot when you are with the tortoise but as soon as you drop it then you can return home anyhow you like.

I've been living a very nice life since. I have nice cars, extended my house and yes I have an unopened room at my house,it's a no entry room and only I can enter. 

It's been 6 years since I made the ritual but these days I have endless dreams of myself being in a black coffin and it is making me very anxious. My life has since changed in the six years. I am now married to my crush and we have two boys but she lives in her own mansion with the boys and I only visit them . I had to build them the mansion to avoid the dark room being tempered with.

7 played a hunge role in this ritual thing and since now it's been 6 years and suddenly I'm dreaming about black coffins could it mean that on the 7th year I might die? What will then happen to my wife and kids? My wife is a stay at home mom.

The money does not allow you to open any business with it but if you do know that when the tortoise locates you then the business will also fall. I am scared of death and I feel so sorry for my wife and kids. Losing me then losing everything I came with it hurts. I want them to continue having the comfortable life even when I'm gone but I know it's impossible.

I wish I could tell my wife about the ritual but I am scared she will leave me. My boys are still very young and I can't ask any of them to continue the legacy. I am in my most darkest place and I don't know what to do to protect my family.