



There are evil pastors and evil nurses working together at mostly public hospitals to make themselves rich.

You find people saying public hospitals are neglegent and that's why there's a high rate of death there. No one ever talks about the random pastors with a group of their people visiting hospitals claiming to pray for sick patients without the patient's concern.

I once worked at a public hospital as a nurse and the evil things that happens there made me never wish to work at any public hospitals ever again.

Private hospital have strict rules therefore fake pastors would never use the Private medical centers as their playground.

There was this nurse who worked at my previous hospital as a nurse too. She wasn't that old but had been working there for quiet sometime because she started working at a very tender age.

So this nurse was every nurse's dream. She lived a very beautiful luxurious lives. She had it all. She drove a very nice expensive car, her lunchbox was forever appetising. When she was off from work her social media was buzzing with amazing content. She had the best lifestyle, she would go on expensive vacations. If it's not vacations it's expensive restaurants. 

Her house? If I get started on that I'll never finish. Like this nurse had zero financial problems like most of us.

She was a very closed book, she was shy and hardly spoke to anyone but she was nice. We all admired her. We all wished to be very close to her but we it wasn't that easy because she didn't talk much.

She was every nurse's dream,no lie. Anyway I used to have the same shifts as her. One thing I thought I had picked about her was her love for God. There was a pastor who always came with a group of people and they would go around the wards with the nurse to pray for patients. That's how I concluded that she put God first in everything she does.

Most of us assumed that she was married to a very wealthy man who took very good care of her financialy because our salaries could never afford the life she led. 

Little did we know that there was no rich husband. She was just a ritualist. Yoh how I found out? She made me join because I caught her on one of our night shifts doing her things.

So that nurse carried a very fancy black lunchbox bag that was shiny with diamonds that looked like real diamonds. She would only carry the bag on night shifts like twice a month. Not every other night. But what surprised me was that whenever she carried that lunch box she would carry it literally everywhere especially when doing her rounds.

We assumed it might have costed an arm and a leg so she didn't want to risk losing it. The bag was glamorous guys there was no way you would miss it. To this day I still haven't seen it anywhere else. As beautiful as it was it has a bad smell coming from it if you sat closer to it or if she crossed it by your nose while passing.

There's just so much that went on on days that the bag was present. She used to come to work barefooted and a bit untidy on such days. Well she would come wearing slides and claim that her feet were burning and itchy when she put on shoes.

When doing her rounds she would leave her flip flops at the desk and do her rounds barefooted. We honestly did not suspect anything at first.

The pastor would come and pray for certain patients on shifts and she would accompany the pastor to the wards for the prayers but they didn't want anyone else accompanying them.

The next night she would come with the bag and we would lose three patients everytime. This went on for about a year and that's when I started having suspicions of what could be happening.

One night I silently followed her and I found her kneeling down beside the patients bed with her hands in the air and a rat was sucking out blood from the patients body.

I screamed and she got up very quick and took the rat and stuffed it in the glamorous back and quickly ran to the bathroom. The patient was none responsive and certified dead soon after that.

She came out looking rather annoyed than ashamed. Here is the thing, no one  believed me when I tried to explain what I just witnessed. There was no sign of a rat or rat bites like there was nothing. They checked her bag and there was just her lunchbox.

She denied until I started doubting my sanity. From that day on I was perceived as a jealous colleague,everyone hated me now. Work became very toxic for me.

I mean obviously they will defend someone who buys them lunch or borrow them money when and they needed it. I was bringing nothing to the table.

They hated me so much and work was traumatic for me. But she continued talking to me as if nothing happened.

It annoyed me so much because I was seen as a jealous devil wherelse she and I know the truth. I decided to confront her and she looked at me bluntly and said we all need extra money sis so I do what I need to do.

You have the information of how money is made ,and not just money but a lot of it. So what are you going to do with the information? Stay broke? I was lost for words that innocent looking nurse who spoke softly was really the devil's keeper. She then spoke in a very deep scary voice and said stay out of my business and you'll suffer along with your entire family.

The next day she continued as if nothing was happening. She was her sweet normal self. From that day on I started getting sleep paralysis telling to join the cult since I've already seen their secrets or I will perish. This went on for so long that I ended up joining.

It was then that I learnt what was really happening. The pastor was not really a pastor and the people he moved around with were dark spirits. Whenever he would be pretending to pray for the patients he wouldn't really be praying for them but sacrificing them for a ritual. The nurse knew all along what was happening and was taken to school by the evil spirit so that she will be grant them access to the hospital and the patients.

She would complete the job by feeding the money rats which would later provide her with a lot of money in exchange. I am beyond ashamed to say I also worked with them for almost a year.

I broke the chain when I seeked help from an African famous church that protected me and still is protecting me. I had to change hospitals and since then I never want to go anywhere near public hospitals.

Those hospitals are a playground for evil doers and that is why theres a high rate of mortality. It is not always because the nurses are lazy or that they don't have enough resources. The workers there sabotage the hospitals for their own gain. Obviously it can't be all of them but it is most of them. 

If you have someone in a public hospital never get tired of praying for them and covering them with the holy water. Scavengers are at a lose.

Yes I've made almost half a million in the 11 months I joined but it was not peaceful money. The money changes and cages you. Their rules are heavy,you can't be too social and you can't have friends at the hospital. You must isolate yourself and keep to yourself. I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed the money because even the rat sleeps with you on some nights even during the day.

I am thankful that I prayed about it till I broke the chains. The nurse is still in the very hospital and she does the ritual with an easy conscience because it was never her heart or love for nursing that brought her there. She had an agenda from day one of her nursing school. 

She does not find herself attached to the patients hence it's so easy for her to get rid of them like it's not a problem. My heart bleeds for the families of the lost souls.

This is why you take someone to a public hospital while they are stable and within a day of being in the hospital they just get worse and the shock comes when you hear that they are no more. Most patients don't get better but worse because of the evil spirits lingering around.

This is also why most public hospitals have cats or monkeys. Those also are not just animals lingering around,they are sometimes tools used for rituals.