



I now believe it when they say love is blind. I'm a typical village girl who got swallowed by Johannesburg Hilbrow.

Growing up we were always told about how other nationalities never have good intentions in relationships and best believe that all the stories that I heard, I told myself that never will I ever date any nationality except my own.

The stories were quiet scary and they would make you look at any other nationality a different way.

After matric I then came to Gauteng to further my studies. It was a very exciting time for me yet very scary. I had never been away from home let along being independent.

But luckily I made very good friends on my first day at college and that made life very easy for me.

Amongst the friends I made there were a few that were just so wild but honestly I enjoyed and loved their company because they had that energy that was just so warm and would make one very comfortable.

They were repeating their first year for their third time and they didn't see bothered at all. These were girls who would skip classes just to go to clubs and sometimes they wouldn't sleep in their rooms.

They would disappear for days without attending classes but they always made sure that they let you know that they are fine where they were.

Their lifestyle started being more interesting and tempting when I was in second year and started envying their lifestyle. I was becoming more aware of the importance of affordability. Man, those girls could afford literally anything and everything. For varsity students they were living a very porsh life.

One day I asked to go out with them. They had to do a 360 makeover on me because they were not happy with how I looked, they even used to jokingly call me the bundu Queen.

I had a nice body so getting me to look like the IT girl was that easy. I was a beautiful girl. But today I have burn scars all over my body and face.

Anyway we went out and being the new girl in the club,every rich guy wanted a piece of. Worst of all those guys were Nigerian guys. My friends made me calm and relax and they told me that the foreigners are where real money is at.

I was struggling financially obviously temptation took over. Okay let me just cut to the chase. They hooked me up with one Nigerian guy whom I fell helplessly Inlove with after a few weeks of dating I moved in with him.

He made life make sense,he treated me so well and spoiled me like crazy. I was living the life I had dreamt about . He unfortunately became my priority and school be came the last thing on my mind.

Who needed school when they had the kind of money I had? After a few months of dating he booked us a vacation in Brazil for two weeks,it was my birthday gift. Or atleast that's what he said to convince me to go.

I was chasing after content creating so I was super excited and I couldn't wait to just flood my wall with the Brazil content.

We went to Brazil and everything seemed normal at first I was super excited. But let me tell you now, the first of being in that hotel when we got back our traveling documents went missing in the hotel room.

He kept on assuring me that all is well and I shouldn't panic. But he told me that I was no longer allowed to leave the room anymore untill the paper issue was sorted. He left me in the room and said that his cousins would come pick me up yena he's going to fix our papers.

He was gone for two days and I couldn't get a hold of him. Two days later his so called cousins showed up. It was a woman and a man. They said they were taking me to where my boyfriend was waiting for.

I was told to pack everything and check out and I did. But there was just something dodgy about them . They had an off aura hanging on them. But I kept quiet and did as I was told.

They drove me to a very dogy palace where I joined other south African women who were also abducted and sold by their Nigerian boyfriends.

My heart that day sank so low it felt like it wanted to come out. We were kept in a very big room with our legs claimed.  We were given food the same way dogs are given food. Dogs are even treated way better, we were treated the worst kind of way.

Every night there was someone who looked like  a sangoma who would come into the room and start performing weird rituals on us. It was an elderly man who spoke a language we did not understand.

He would draw our bodies with Muti then insert weird things in our women parts. Whatever was inserted made our bodies very weak and sweaty.

This happened for almost a month. I thought my boyfriend was also in trouble and I was very worried about him,I couldn't stop asking about him and each time I asked we were beaten. Apparently the ritual that was performed on us was meant to make us loose girls,always wanting to be having s** because we were going to be sex workers over seas. That ritual was to make sure our bodies were always ready.

After a month we were then told we are moving to our new home that would be a permanent home for us. I cried so much knowing that I'll never go back home. We were then chained in line and walked to a van that would be taking us to our new home. 

While walking there I saw my boyfriend being given a very big bag of money and him shaking hands with the dodgy men. Then one of the girls in line screamed in disbelief as she saw her supposed to be boyfriend doing the same. We tried calling their names but they ignored us bluntly.

We were all sold by people we trusted. Another girl screamed for her supposed to be bestfriend but it was like they didn't even know us. My boyfriend even gave me the middle finger.

I now remembered how much we were warned about other nationalities and how we chose not to listen.

When we got to the van we all got our mouths covered so we couldn't scream on the way. We were too weak and tired to fight back or scream.

We had been given drugs so that we get addicted to the drugs but my body rejected the drugs I'd always vomit them out. Anyway I never forgot to speak to my God and Ancestors on a daily base. I always asked God to see me through.

Luckily something happened. Our van got into an accident and the drivers flee the scene . Before fleeing they torched the van alight and man that is how most of us got the fire scars but we were saved on time.

It took a few weeks for us to be exported back to our countries and be re united with our loved ones. I am back home but very traumatised. 

As for the boyfriend? He is living his best life. He has become more wealthy and he acts like he does not know me. I have tried confronting him but he brushed me off like a dog. The law says it's my word against his and that's why he's still free.

Most of his exes just dissapeared from the face of the earth with no answers. I survived his evil ways. He is now a permanent resident of South Africa because he is married to one of us.

I regret the day I went to that Varsity and met the friends that led me to meeting him. I have so much anger towards him that I am willing to pay for a witchcraft revenge. The law failed me now I want to take care of my pain the AFRICAN way.

I want him to suffer more than I did.