



For many years I've wanted to share my story but I was scared of sharing this with people close to me because I probably would've lost all the respect they had for me.

I worked to hard to earn their respect and I couldn't afford to lose it just like that. So I was raised by my grandmother because my mom ran away from home leaving me behind while I was only 3 years old.

According to my grandmother, my mother ran away with a man. But according to the community only my grandmother knows what happened to my mother.

My grandmother was a very wealthy woman who aged very gracefuly. She used to say that only those without money aged fast.

One thing about my grandmother is that she had a cat which she treated like a human being. Not just a human being but a king. My grandmother adored the cat so much and she did almost anything for it.

But now that I think of it, during the day you would never ever see the cat anywhere. It used to only appear at night.

Most times it would arrive just before dinner and my grandmother would be so happy to see it. She would pick it up and put it on the couch. She would prepare it's dinner and serve it like a human being.

The cat only ate from a black dish. Now that I start thinking about it, my grandmother used to be a slave to the cat. Whenever the cat was around,my grandmother would be a totaly different person. She would move around like a zombie and she would lower her self for the cat to shine.

By that I mean, in the cat's presents my grandmother would sit on the floor while the cat laid on the couch. My grandmother liked talking to the cat as if it was responding. 

She would never look the cat in the eye while talking to it. I swear you'd think she had lost her mind. This went on for many years and all I could do was observe.

Another thing is that, whenever the cat was around I would always fail to control my level of sleepiness. It used to be so bad that I would fall asleep and have the worst nightmares. 

I would always dream of the cat being as big as a lion. I would be walking barefoot and naked in a very scary jungle. Then try there would be a very big hole where I would enter and find the cat waiting for me,it was the same black cat my grandmother had only that it would be the size of a lion.

In the dream I'd dream of the cat as my boyfriend and it would do all kinds of intimate things to me. In the dream it would feel so great and the truth is I would enjoy it.

But at the end of the dream the cat always attacked me. It would end up entering its pours deep inside me and scratching my womb then licking it's paws full of my blood. Then I would wake up from the dream.

Each time I woke up from the dream I'd find myself naked even though I slept fully dressed. My feet would be very dirty underneath and my abdomen would be in so much pain.

My grandmother would always be sitting by my side holding a cup of warm water mixed with some Muti. She would always drink this and you'll feel better. 

She would somehow know that I was in pain without me even telling her. After drinking the water then the abdominal pain would disappear right away.

Most times when the cat was around I would fall asleep on the couch and wake up in bed. This happened for many years from a very early age until my grandmother got sick and beyond.

To these day my grandmother is still reported missing. My grandmother got very sick and I used to take care of her until one day i had a weird dream. In the dream she woke me up and said my grandchild I am very fine and healed now.

I am now following my great grandmother,mother and your mother. I smiled in the dream and said please bring my mother home I'd like to talk to her. She smiled and disappeared in the same jungle that I always dreamt about.

While disappearing she kept on saying I will bless you with a daughter whom will help you continue the legacy and please do as the cat tells you. You are now in charge.

When I woke up in the morning,my grandmother was not in her bed. She was gone and I was so confused. I went to the police station to open a missing person case hoping they would help me find her but it never happened.

From that day on the cat has been acting very weird towards me. I am left to take care of it and most times it is always angry at me. The cat actually talks and that is something that traumatises me. It controls my life and more than anything I am very sure that it is sleeping with me.

It does not allow me to have friends, it does not allow me to go anywhere and it gets very angry when I don't do as it says. The voice it uses its somehow my grandmother's voice especially when it is angry and reprimanding me. This scares me all the time.

My grandmother had an ATM card that never ran out of money. To this day I can tell you now that my grandmother has never worked a day in her life but she has a bank card that always had money. I am now using the card monthly and it always has money.

I buy everything I need and take care of myself using the card and it never runs out. On the card I can only withdraw a maximum of R1000 in cash nothing more. But there is no swiping maximum.

Lately this cat has been forcing me to go out there and fall pregnant and come home leaving the man who impregnates me. It now makes sense why I've never met or heard anything about my grand father, my father or any uncle from my family. It is a long list of females. This could be because they get out there, get pregnant and disappear from the men.

The cat somehow seems to have my grandmother's spirit inside it. It has even taught me how to make the concoction my grandmother used to give me whenever I wake up with a painful abdomen. 

Since my grandmother left,I make it before bedtime and on that day I wake up with a painful abdominal and I just drink it and becomes fine. I've been having the very same dream to this day I am still sleeping with the enlarged cat in my dream.

I don't want to lie Neh but the dream feels so nice and the pleasure I get is out of this world until I wake up with a painful abdomen.

Now the cat is always on my case and it disturbs me to the Core because it forces me to enter some man's house at night and sleep with him. The man is an old mentally ill man who lives alone and has been living alone for the longest time. The cat wants me to fall pregnant and the man has to father my child.

Everytime I say no it's always telling me that I need to get pregnant fast before my womb disappears so I need to bring someone in the world with a stronger womb to continue the legacy.

This are the exact same words my grandmother used to tell me. I didn't understand how I would be brought in this world just to be treated the way that I am. My house fence is surrounded by so many trees that I don't get to see neighbours. I am trapped in what looks like a jungle. I live like a prisoner with no friends and no life.

The only time I leave the house is when I am going out to do groceries. Even then I am monitored. I should never be at the shops by 12 noon. I must go as early as the shops open and be home before 12 noon. I have been given a strict instruction on that one. I was told that should I be outside the yard by 12 noon then I will turn into salt.

When 12 is approaching I always hear a lot of cats screaming in my head then I know it's almost time. I then drop everything and go back home even when I'm not done with what I would be doing.

Honestly I am very tired of this life and I need help. I might not be alive by the time this is broadcasted because I have spilled out secrets but please share it anywhere.

Even if you try to contact me and fail to find me just go ahead and share my story even if it's just for awareness to show how others how cruel our own blood could be. My blood line is nothing but a curse to me.