



I am a broken soul. I am a troubled heart and an angry human being and it's all because of men. They took advantage of me and I turned into something and someone I am not.

I lost my parents at a very young age, I had no one to take care of me after my grandmother also passed away. I was just 16 and I had to learn to be independent at that age and also learn to survive on my own.

A lot was happening, other times I couldn't go to school because I didn't have sanitary pads while sometimes I would be too weak because I slept on an empty stomach the previous night. I could go the entire week without eating and no one cared.

My whole community turned their backs on me because my family has always been accused of witchcraft. Apparently people would see their deceased relatives in our yards at night. My grandmother was accused of turning them into goblins.

I have never seen such and to this die I don't know how true that was. My grandmother or parents never showed me any sign of witchcraft at all. My father was sbari makoti because he lived at my maternal grandmother's house with us.

That too made the community of my mother giving my dad a love portion. When I was 17 I finally decided that school was not for me. I gave up on it and started dating a 45 years old taxi driver. My first ever and also my baby daddy.

He treated me so well and even encouraged me to quit school forever because he wanted me to be available for him at all times. He used to buy me groceries and clothe me so why would I not listen to him? I fell pregnant and he dissapeared.

I kept the baby because I was hoping that he would come back to us. He never did and I was broken and hungry again. When my child was 2 years old I met another man who was 50 years. I was 19 and he took care of my baby and I very well.

He kept on telling me that he is tired of taking care of another man's baby and if maybe I had a baby with him then he wouldn't mind. Out of fear of him leaving me I fell pregnant and he was with me through out my pregnancy.

When I was 8 months pregnant his wife confronted and assaulted me. He was there just watching,he denied me and my baby. He called me a liar and a homewrecker and left with his wife and I've never seen him again since that day.

I later dated my age mate, he loved me but his family was against our love. I fell pregnant and he stood by me. We had our baby and we were happy.  When my child was six months he was stabbed to death at a local tarven. I didn't go to his funeral because his family hated me. They made it clear that my child and I were not welcome there.

I met another man who was 40 years old. He infected me with HIV then left me. I became the lady of the streets. I started selling my body to feed my kids. Working locally was so hard because so many people recognized me. 

I moved to Gauteng to continue and one day I met a woman from Malawi who told me about stealing men's luck and happiness through s**. At first I was skeptical until she mentioned that I would become rich in the process. I was desperate the give my children a comfortable life so I accepted.

She was also working in the streets. She took me to a sangoma who changed my whole life. The sangoma has helped me a lot to improve my life so I'm not going to expose any process that was done there.

But I was given a little monkey that only I could see. I would go to clubs with it and it would point out married or committed big spenders. Then I would seduce them and sl€€p with them. Sometimes we would book and other times just a quick one at the clubs.

It didn't matter how or where it was done. They would think they are sleeping with me not knowing that they were sleeping with the monkey. The monkey would extract liquids from them and also insert a worm inside them where they would go back to their wives and pass the worm to their wives.

The worm fed off ovaries and with every ovary my pockets would get deeper. I have been doing this for many years now and now I wish to stop. I am no longer angry and I have forgiven the world for being cruel to me.

My worry now is that my kids are growing up and I don't want them to get punished for my sins in future. To every woman who's husband's goes clubbing, please protect yourselves spiritually and physically too.

Your husband's are putting you guys at warfare's that you know nothing about.