


 Please hide my identity admin this is a very sensitive matter.

I am writing to you with a very broken heart. I don't know what to do anymore but I have been hiding from the world since my mother trended for confessing to being a very strong witch with belts.

My mother Neh? Yoh I am even crying just writing about this. This is the first time I am opening up about this since the incident. We are from Bochum and we are experiencing a lot of crazy things here at home since her confession.

I don't know whether to believe that she is capable of what she said that day or whether to believe that she was just used and bought as an actress by the pastor but since that day our lives have been a mess.

My mother seen on the video has since been mentally sick and it's troubling me and my entire family. Even now she still says those weird things and more but we took her to the hospital because we got worried and that is when we were told that she has a mental problem and she was put under treatment.

The treatment works but the problem is she becomes very quiet when she takes them and also she becomes jumpy and looks like someone who is lost and scared of her own thoughts. We are now seen as witches in our village and no one wants anything to do with us.

I am 17 years old and had to quit school because of the trending video. Even my teachers became very scared of me. Everyone didn't want to sit next to nor talk to me at school. I tried being strong but I ended up quitting because I felt isolated.

A part of me believes that when my mother made the confession she had already started losing her mind or she was just used to make the whole set up believable but at who's cost. She once came home with a lot of money claiming that she was actress and she got paid. 

An actress where because we have never seen her on TV and why was she paid in cash and not in her account? Since that day my mom's mentality fell through. We have also taken her to a traditional healer who told us that she sacrificed her brains for money.

According to the healer they say she agreed to giving away her soul and brain for money and the sacrifice was to a man who owns a church. Someone else also said that she had been going around many different churches in Gauteng making the same confessions. So now we don't know which church did this to her.

My life is nothing but a mess and I am not the only one. My entire family is suffering and we are even scared that one day we will burnt alive in our home. Please help me find help for my mother and also how can I community accept us again.

We are innocent and this is hurting us so much and our image has been destroyed to an extend that we doubt it will ever be fixed.