



So I also did a money a ritual and my money ritual was straight to the point. Unfortunately I do not have a very long story to share just a sad experience of how badly it ended for me. I had everything and my wife made it lose it all.

So I was born in a Christian home where my dad was a pastor and my mom was a pastor's wife. After many years of being married my parents ended up getting divorced because my mom got tired.

My mom got tired of putting my dad first and always supporting him in everything that he does when he supported her in nothing she did.

I remember at some point my mom wanted to further her studies and my dad refuses. A few years later my dad furthered his studies in ministry and my mom supported him.

Then my mom got a job and my dad said no wife of his will work anywhere else except in the house of the Lord but he was later excited that his own sister got the same job my mom had to decline.

Also my mom came from a family of traditional spirituality. That means she came from a long family background of sangomas but she had to cut ties with her family because my dad accused them of practising witchcraft and demonic possessions.

Little did my mom know that one day she would also get the very same calling that she could never ignore. Her calling was so strong that she got very sick at some point.

For a very long time and my dad insisted that it had nothing to do with her calling. He said that all she needed was just deliverable which never worked. It was when my mom was on her death bed that she reached out to her family for help.

They came and fetched her and my dad threatened her with divorce if ever she went back to her family which my mom gladly accepted because she was very tired of how things were unfolding. Their marriage was always about my dad and never about her. He grew so much in the marriage as an individual while my mom was oppressed.

Finaly she walked away from everything she ever worked hard to keep and went back to her family. Ofcos as the kids we left with our mother and that made our dad disown us. I had two younger siblings,girls.

One is now married and unfortunately the other passed away and as expected my dad never bothered attending her funeral. During my little sister's funeral as a family of sangomas a ritual was performed on her corpse and her grave before she was laid to rest. During that procedure it was when I was chosen by the entire family to receive the family wealth.

I forgot to mention that when my mom left my dad's house she was literally on her death bed but the minute she was taken to her maternal home and a few rituals where performed on the same day she became instantly healed it was just so shocking.

Okay, back to rituals done on my sister's funeral. We washed her corpse and the water used was then poured into a bucket for me to use as my bath water after the funeral. I also had to take a piece of her hair and sew it inside my pillow which I'll use every night.

At first I didn't know why I had to be the one going through so much trauma because the truth is it was very traumatic. After the funeral I indeed bathed with my late sister's bath water. I used the water for 7 days as instructed and I'd also drink a bit of the water each time I finished bathing. After 7 days then I had to dig a shallow hole in the back of our yard and I had to take my sister's hair and mine and bury it together in the shallow hole. I also needed to water the hole for 7 days with the bath water used by both my sister and I.

A couple of days after the ritual I started dreaming about a woman whom I'd have intimacy with almost every night. In the dreams twice a week the woman would always point at different places in the house before leaving. The next day when I wake up I'd go to the places and find money there.

That's how I got out of poverty and also took my family out of poverty. The truth is I'd never see the woman's place but I can tell you now that I think I was inlove with her. I started losing interest in my wife and before I knew it I no longer found her attractive enough to sleep with her.

Our marriage started falling apart. But she kept complaining that when I'm sleeping I make funny sexual sounds. She kept on telling me that it's like I'm dreaming being intimate and one day she got up and quickly went to switch on the light while I was making the sounds and she saw a shadow quickly disaapearing into thin air.  

She started suspecting a spiritual wife and from that day on she swore she would get rid of it. She started consulting all kinds of people for help and that angered my spiritual wife so bad.

She would come very angry in my dreams and she would have intimacy with me till I bled. I became very sickly and I'd have very scary dreams.

I begged my wife to stop provoking the Spirit and she didn't care how much pain it was causing me. She kept fighting it until eventually it gave up and left. My entire family became very furious because the spirit started tormenting every single one of them.

Life became very hard for everyone but my wife didn't care. All she cared about was saving her marriage. It got to a point where the family decided to kill her. I begged them not to because she's the mother of my kids.

I gave them an alternative of divorce and luckily they accepted and we divorced. The spiritual wife hasn't been back since though. I am told that the only reason it will return is if one of my daughters pass away. 

Something I can't allow, especially on my watch. So I am here to seek help to break the curse. I regret ever doing it and I no longer want to be a part of it.