



My grandfather was a very rich man and he introduced me to all the world's finest things. He had many wives and amongst his wife there were a few that he particularly married for the snake without their knowledge. I was 17 years old when he told me the secret to his wealth and I was left flabbergasted.

He told me all that when he was bedridden and about to lose his life. I remember it was a very cold day and he gave all his wives money to go out, including my grandmother.

Out of all his children and grandchildren he asked me to stay behind. I was very scared of him after finding out his darkest secret but I still stayed Because disobeying him was unusual.

We've always known that my grandfather didn't have a bank account because he preferred carrying cash with him. We never really questioned why that was so. Most of us just assumed he was old fashioned.

He had this outside room that was more like a roundavel but a very nice and modernized one. No one was ever allowed to enter that room except for him. 

And that's where he kept all his money. My grandfather was a very very rich man no questions asked about that. On the day that he asked only me to stay behind,he waited for everyone to clear and said now it's time to work grandson.

He told me how much I was the chosen one. My grandfather had a very huge yard where he built all his wives the same houses. His compound was more like an entire village.

A lot of people in the village used to say he is a witch but no one ever came forward with proof so it was just rumours back then. Some villagers used to say my grandfather's compound turns into a cemetery at night but we never believed them because we've never experienced such.

Well he had one rule and the rule was that no one leaves or enters his compound after 1 am until 3am. Many drunkards claimed to have seen my grandfather's compound as a cemetery during those times.

Eventually people stopped talking about that nor using that route at night because they would go mad the next day and the mental illness never get cured.

Anyway that day when I stayed behind with jus my grandmother the most shocking thing happened. He was bedridden as I've mentioned but as soon as everyone cleared he got out of his bed looking very healthy and fresh and for a some seconds I felt like I was looking through the mirror.

He looked exactly like me as he walked towards me. He looked like a split copy of myself but as he got closer he looked more and more like his own image in his old age.

At this point I was confused as to what exactly was going on. He opened the roundavel room that no one has ever entered and told me to take off my entire clothes and shoes then enter. He was telling me this as he was also taking off his clothes and shoes.

I am naturally a very curious person but that day the cat caught my tongue. I did as I was told and entered the room. As soon as we entered the door we used just dissapeared. To this day I am still not sure how but the roundavel from outside had windows but on the inside there was no single window insight.

The room was very cold and it had a lot of whispering voices going on. My grandfather then held a stick he found in the room and said here is the inheriter of my sacred my Lord please accept and welcome him.

Suddenly the room went silent and there was smoking coming out from the roof. Surprisingly I wasn't scared, I was so chilled and I somehow felt a bit high. Everything felt like some kind of dream of some sort. Hence I'd like to believe that I was high on something.

The stick my grandfather held turned into a very huge snake with weird but very beautiful colours. The snake also had beads on it. From a snake it turned into a very short human being. Everything in that room was just weird I don't want to lie. The small person welcomed me and also introduced me to the different voices I could hear but not see in the room.

Then I was put into a metal bath tub that was in the house and a lot of things were spoken upon my life while I was being bathed by that very short human being. 

We spent hours performing different rituals in that room and the last thing I was told was that I am now wealthy and healthy. Then we exited the room and I felt like a very different person.

A few days later my dad called me and told me that his journey had reached it's end and he trust and believe that I will take care of his family and continue his legacy without favour nor fear.

He then gave me a very big but light feather and said keep this safe. Take care of it and it will take care of you. He later continued to say that  the feather will guide me through everything. The only thing he told me that the feather will change colours when there is money in the room and also when the snake in the room needs to be fed. He said don't be scared to feed it the person it chooses. Don't even feel bad or guilty, our families have been doing this for many years and that is how we have been able to live the life that we now live.

He said he was going to his house to eat as he felt dizzy and it might be due to the fact that he hasn't eaten anything all day. He went into his house and I remained sited where he left me with the feather he gave me.

A few minutes later, out if nowhere lighting just appeared and struck my grandfather's house. And that is how he lost his life. He was struck by lightning.

Since I went for cleansing in everyone's absence. When they came back they all started giving me their utmost respect and started treating me like their leader.

Everyone looked to me for the burial and I executed the task. I became the man of the compound even though I wasn't the oldest. I was just the chosen one so it wasn't really a very heavy task to carry. The feather guided me so well and swiftly. Everytime there was money in the roundavel it would indicate and I'd go get the money and share it amongst my grandfather's wives to share it amongst their children.

Three years later and everything was running smoothly and I was 100% sure that my grandfather was very proud of me wherever he was.

Everything changed three years later when it was time to feed the snake. The feather indicated that I needed to sacrifice my mother. The woman I love wholeheartedly. I tried to negotiate but my plea wasn't considered. My mom was struck by lightning and we buried her. The truth is we don't really bury them.

We bury the coffin and I hide the bodies in the roundavel and to this day I don't know what happens to the bodies. I'm just guided by the feather.

Anyway another shocking that happened is that a day after my mother's funeral the feather indicated that I needed to get married and it also pointed me to the woman I had to marry. We got married in less than a month of getting to know each other and we got blessed with twins. A. Boy and a girl. Three years later the feather indicated that I had to sacrifice my wife.

Again I pleaded and begged and the only option I was given was to sacrifice my kids instead. And that is how I ran away from my grandfather's compounds with my wife and kids.

Since we ran away life has been very difficult. My children are developing snake skin on their bodies and my wife seems to be mentally ill especially at night. 

These are the problems I'm currently facing and I am pleading for anyone who can disconnect me with the ritual so that my family and I could live a better life. Not just better but a normal life.