



I was a troublesome young man who honestly did not care for their own future. I was my family's black sheep. I brought mystery and embarrassment to my parents.

The sad part about it is that I am their only child. My parents got married many years ago and in those years they struggled to conceive. They struggled until they accepted help from my paternal grandmother.

My father's mother who hated my mother will all her being helped my mother to finally conceive. I am told that my grandmother was the biggest witch of them all in our village. I wasn't told b mom but most people in the village would say it in passing. I was young but I understood.

I remember this one time the community wanted to burn her alive because they found her wandering about at one of the houses at midnight. When they caught her she was naked and kept on saying her transport left her.

The village got very angry and one of our neighbors quickly called my dad to go rescue his mom but he called the police instead. He was scared to go as he said the community might just attack him.

The community had already did a bit of mob justice on her. But the police arrived on time and it was later stated and confirmed by Doctors that she has what is called amnesia and it happens mostly in the older citizens and that's how she survived.

Anyway back to why my grandmother hated my mother. My grandmother had a wife for my dad she wanted. Apparently the chosen woman for my dad is also a part of their black magic society. So my mom not being a part of their society meant that she will make life hard for my grandmother in her own yard.

My dad was also the only child. So after my mother got help from my grandmother it was all happiness all around. But soon the happiness turned to sorrow and tears. They gave birth to a troublesome son. My parents joy turned to sorrow as I grew older each year.

I started by stealing very small things at home until it escalated to the neighbors next thing I know I became worse. I started stealing at shops and it got to a point were I quit school. My parents were shattered but there was nothing they could do about it. I remember once my mom told me that she regret the day I was born and if she knew I was going to bring her so much pain she would've unalived me right after birth. Those words angered me so much that I slapped her and walked out of home.

My parents then got a protection oder against me. That's how I ended up at the streets going from bad to worse. I was constantly in and out of jail for different cases. My life got so much out of hand that one day I saw a poster that there's a s certain foreign Doctor who buys human organs.

I was tired of being battered by the mob and I was also tired of the in and out of jail movements. So I saw selling my kidney being a way out of my very filthy life. I tried going home on numerous occasions but each time they would allow me back I would do the worst to my family.

The one thing I couldn't help was the amount of hate I had for my mother was so bad that I ended up forcefully sleeping with her. She was scared to speak out because I had made threats.

When my father found out he died of a heart attack. So when my mom finally decided on the real that I was no longer welcome home and tighten the home security so that I can not go anywhere near her. I looked elsewhere.

After my grandmother died I started having regrets of everything I did and I started actually having a conscience and I'm not even sure how or why. But after my grandmother's passing It was like I was a brand new person. I wanted to make peace with my mother and ask for forgiveness more than anything but she wanted nothing to do with me.

I on the other hand was so desperate to win my mother back that I wanted a very quick turn around. I tried sending pastors and elders to ask for forgiveness from my mother but she made sure to let them know that her son died a very long time ago and she had no living son on earth.

The only way I thought I would win my mother back was to go home looking like someone who has succeeded in life. But with My very poor educational background I sincerely stood no chance so I opted for a quick fix.

I took down the number on the poser and contacted them. They gave me directions as to where they were and I went. When I arrived there the place was a very dodgy place.

It was what looked like an abondoned flat where people just decided to turn into a rent free resident. It really wasn't a descent place but it was a little to late to turn back.

I went ahead and braved it away. Even the people who lived there were dodgy and suspicious looking that includes the kids. Anyway I finally got the flat number I was looking for. Everyone in that entire building looks somewhat like robbers or thieves even murders.

I will not get too much into details as I might be putting my life in danger. The flat inside where I went had proper surgical equipments. I was impressed. The operation went very smooth and I spend 12 days there to proper heal and it was a success.

On the 12th day I was given a large sum of money in big snake print bag. I left the Building and I went and bought a car and fixed my life a bit. I got myself an apartment and after a week or so I went back home and upon arrival I found that it was my mother's funeral. My mother passed away before she could even forgive me. 

Nothing hurts me more than that. Eventually I moved back home because no one was left there. After a couple of days I started having very weird dreams. At night I dream of all this animals chasing me and each time they catch me my chest are in pain. Not only that but I have maggots coming out of my chest, not even where the operation was done.

On a totally different spot. Sometimes I don't even know where they are coming from. But I'd just wake up surrounded by worms. I will panickly search my body for holes or wounds but there's nothing there. Not just that but also out of nowhere when I'm seated at home maggots just all over my body but no sign of where they coming from.

I have now resorted to staying home and not wanting to be seen because honestly this is just embarrassing. How do I explain that to people? Does anyone here know what could be the problem?

I am torn between these could be punishment from God or the gods or it could literally be the black market turning into black magic. 

I hope I will find help on this platform.

Before I forget, sometimes at night I dream eating raw meat and in the morning when I wake up I find my hands and mouth covered in blood but when I check there's no sign of where I could've gotten the blood. I am starting to even think it's eaither the house is haunted or I am. Anyone who can help please save me I will leave my number with thee crew for anyone who would like to set me free from this very painful life.