



The elders told us to take time to know them first. But being young and inlove can easily turn one into a hot head. I was one of the most beautiful girls in our village.

I have had many families proposing marriage to my family. Luckily for me I came from a family who protected me first and wasn't conrolled by money.

I kept rejecting all those families because none of them had a desirable suiter for me. I was someone who liked and enjoyed spending time alone by the river where we fetched water.

I used to sit by there by myself and just enjoyed nature. I had no friends because most people in the villages hated me, especially my peers.

They used to say that I am full of myself. My mother always told me that it is because of how beautiful I was . Someone even went as far as saying my mother slept with a merman. A merman is a male mermaid to those who don't know.

I had very blue eyes and brown hair with a very light skin. People even went as far as saying that my mother cheated on my father hence I look the way I did.

My father and his mother were never bothered by these rumours because apparently my father's great great grandmother looked exactly like me.

I was also accused of being a merman's child because of my love for the river. The villagers believed that I was connecting with my roots. Anyway as I grew older I moved away from my village to live with my aunt in a township not far from our village.

There I met a man I fell inlove with and I was crazy inlove. Within a few months of knowing the man he then proposed and because we had a very strong connection I accepted.

We got married in the most weirdest way but when you love someone very deeply everything they do you normalise it even though it's questionable.

We had a normal lobola celebration but that night he woke me up in the middle of the night and said we were now going to get married for really. He said the lobola celebration was for the sake of the family and tradition but we needed to do a ritual that marries our souls and spirits for a lifetime.

We walked outside our yard and we found about 6 people, three women and three men wearing black robes. You know I should've known something was off because I saw myself getting up and leaving the bed yet I saw my body still sleeping on the bed next to my husband. Yet I was walking out with him. So our bodies were just there on the bed.

The six people outside were all holding black calabashes with red liquids inside. My husband knelt down before them and they chanted a few things. Then they pushed me down to also kneel down.

We were washed on our heads with a red substance that dripped down to our body. I could slowly feel myself getting weaker and weaker. Everything was becoming very blurry. 

They walked in the House and went straight to the bedroom and when we got there we found our bodies in the bedroom wrapped by a very big snake with a red and white head and a brown body.

The 6 people started playing drums and burning Muti, the room was filled with smoke and disturbing noises. If I say I know what happened after that then I would be lying. 

The next morning when I woke up the room had a smell of smoke and there were reddish paints on me. My husband couldn't even look me in the eyes for about a week. The funny part is we didn't talk much about it. A few weeks later he passed away in an accident.

So much blood was shed on that day. He and three other people died. On the day of his accident,I remember it was at night and I was sleeping. I was woken up by heavy footsteps on top of the roof. It was so loud it felt as if something was dancing or fighting on top of the roof then suddenly there was total quietness. I sat up on the bed scared as can ever be.

The room started being very cold and smokey. I saw some shadow entering the untouched closet. You see, my husband had a closet in our bedroom that I was not allowed to touch nor open. It was always locked. He claimed there were guns and bombs in there if ever I opened they would destroy the house. He said they were a trap for intruders.

The shadow quickly disappeared in the wardrobe. I became so scared but eventually I decided that it is just my imagination. The next morning I was woken up by a knock on my door.

The police had come to inform me that my husband had passed away in an accident. It took me a while to believe that he was really gone.

From that day on my life changed to the worst. A few weeks after the funeral when everyone had gone home the worst started happening.

I would be sleeping and suddenly feel someone in bed with me. Whatever that is would be touching me exactly the way my husband would touch me. I would be so deep in my sleep so much that I would be powerless and it was as if the creature was sipping out power from my body. Yoh I have had the spiritual husband since then. Whenever I kneeled down to pray I'd hear my husband's cry in the closest. 

A very soft cry not a scream out loud cry. It took me a while to finally open the closet. My husband continued sleeping with me as a spiritual husband until I asked for help from my pastor.

Indeed he managed to break the soul ties that a snake did on us. So even in death he was still finding my soul attractive hence he kept coming back for affiction.

After a while I decided to force open the closest. Ofcos I was very scared but I did it anyway. I then found my husband in the closest looking so skinny,dirty and very weak like a sick person. I was so scared I couldn't scream or move. I watched my husband fade away right before my eyes and turning into a big snake then a lot of money. I watched my deceased husband turn into money right before my eyes.

As soon as he disappeared I was then able to move. I screamed so loud and fearfully. I avoided my room for a couple of months. Then I went back to the closet and the money was still there. I decided to consult and that's where I was told that my husband was a ritualist and he used himself as a sacrifice so that I can continue being rich and loving life.

He was waiting for me to just find the treasure in the closest so that he can finally rest in peace.