



Growing up I've always believed that I will work very hard and become successful. It was hard when I lost my mother at a very young age and that made my dad to marry another woman.

The woman came with her own kids and that led me into being a slave in my own home. I then started dating at an early age so that I can stay away from being at home where I am not wanted. My step mother and her children made life very hard.

As I grew older I got played by different men because I was desperate for a live in situation with any man who was willing to take me in. I became the township bicycle until my father eventually disowned me.

Later in life when I had just given up I met an elderly man. The man was a sangoma and he was 20 years older than me. He took me in as his stay in girlfriend. He had just lost his wife so he took me in and showed me the kind of love I've never experienced. He loved me with all his heart and wanted only the best for me.

His wife was a midwife, apparently he has been married three time and they were all midwives but unfortunately they all passed away. He took me back to complete my matric and he later took me to nursing School were I majored in midwifing. He kept on supporting and encouraging me to study hard so that I can pass and be employed.

He was an advocate for education and I loved that about him because I believed that this then meant that he wanted me to be independent.

As soon as I graduated,he quickly started helping me with job hunting. He specifically made it clear that I shouldn't work for a private sector but a public one. He said that public hospitals are in dire need of dedicated and young nurses.

A few months after applying tirelessly for a job, I was finally called for an interview and boy was I not happy? He was more happier than me. I got the job at a different location from where we live,it was a bit far from home so I had to rent a room and I'd only go home when I was off.

As soon as I got the job he then told me that I needed a body cleansing since I'll be working with many energies. I knew him to be someone who wanted only the best for me so I trusted him completely.

He took me in a dark room at night,the room was inside our home but in all the Years that I lived with him I had no idea that the room existed. He told me to take all my clothes and get into the metal bath that was there. There water was black but I wasn't scared. This was done to me by someone I trusted with my whole life.

While I was in the bus I started feeling dizzy and everything was moving in slow motion. My body had gotten too heavy for me and I also realised that my vision was now blurry.

I saw three naked women getting inside the bath with me,but I couldn't see their faces as it was a blurry eyesight. They all walked the same and in a very slow motion. Kinda like they were zombies. To this day I still believe that they were his ex wives. They walked inside the bath and started pushing my head down in the water like they wanted to drown me and I eventually ran out of breath and I think I might have passed out.

I can tell you now that I felt them push me out of the water and on to the floor. Everything was happening as if it was a dream. I'm not sure what they did to me but a lot was done to me that night. 

The next time I woke up,I was on the floor n@ked smeared with a lot of different mutis and I had little toes that are evident that they are that of a new born. One was in my mouth, the others in both my hands.

As much as I don't remember much as to what happened, I think I remember being surrounded by little new born bodies. As I was in shock my husband opened the door and told me that my cleansing was a success. I wasn't being cleansed I was being initiated into witchcraft.

I asked about the little toes and he told me that I wasn't allowed to ask questions. Since that day my life hasn't been normal at all. A lot of weird things have been happening around me and I can't seem to be able to stop them. I do the weirdest things to innocent babies.

So I went to start at my job and Since I've started working,I always wake up very tired. New born babies pass away at the hospital and somehow I manage to take their souls and put them in a black calabash covered by a red cloth. I then travel with the calabash by foot to my husband's house. All this I do at night. I can see myself walking there by foot but it seems as though it's kind of like a dream.

I walk to my husband's house and I find him and three n@ked women waiting for me. Upon arrival they then whip me three times with a sjambok and tell me that it is nothing but a dream.

Then I leave, I go back to the room I rented where I wake up on the floor n@ked. I've recently noticed that each time I go home i find different rich looking men in luxury cars consulting at my husband's.

It is very recent that I've learned that these men use the souls of the Innocent babies to become rich. I've come to the realization that this sangoma man does not care about us or our future. He makes us study nursing for his benefits. It absolutely has nothing to do with us.

These days when I go back to his house,I hear strange voices. I hear women and babies crying in the house. There's some sort of coldness that's happening in the house. He is an evil man who uses us for his own evil ways. 

Everytime I try to run I always come across snakes in the house blocking the way for me to leave. Then I will get serious whipping with a sjambok. I don't even get to see who's giving me a beating but I get beaten up so bad and the next day my husband wakes up very very angry at me. He won't even look at me nor talk to me.

He will literally ignore me the whole day until I apologise lord knows for what. So basically I've been married only for the purpose of witchcraft. I am doing dark things that I don't want to do.