



Earlier I saw a post where someone wrote about how her contract got terminated for refusing to sl€€p with the boss, I must say I am very proud of you sister and I wish I had done what you did when it happened to me.

I worked at a law firm in Pretoria, it is owned by a very old man. Old enough to be my grandfather not even my dad. This man is from Limpopo and just for Peace's sake I will not mention names. I had just graduated on record time and an admin and trust me I was desperate for a job.

I wasn't one of those who would just apply online and wait for a response. I used to wake up very early in the morning dress up and go job hunting. Those who are familiar with PTA CBD knows how there are maybe companies renting in flats that some looks like residential flats.

But this particular one was in an office flat. I was actually going to old mutual to find out if they are not hiring and when I was on my way out. The security guard at the gate then told me that there's actually more offices in the building and most randomly just hires.

He directed me to just go there and leave my CV by the reception and the boss randomly goes through those CVS and hires almost on a monthly basis. Ha ke motho o nyatsang(I am not a picky person so great I went a dropped off my CV.

It is a decent office and the company rented the entire floor so it was a pretty big company and I was impressed. Even the outlook of it was just attractive and I wouldn't mind working there.

Fine, about two weeks later I got a call for an interview and boy was I excited? I went in and when I got there I can tell you now that I had nailed it. There was no panel it was just an interview between I and the owner of the company.

A very old man as I've mentioned and I had the outmost respect for him because I was taught to respect elders. So naturally I had the grandparent respect towards him. A couple of days after the interview the receptionist called me to let me know that my interview was a success and I got the Job.

I had never been so excited in my whole life. I was genuinely happy. More happy that I would be able to change the situation at home now. I didn't have any child so I was just going to lessen the burden on my mother's shoulders.

Anyway I started working there but to my surprise there was no contract on sight. I just assumed maybe they were still getting it ready and that maybe he was still observing my abilities to get the job done. Being my first job I didn't ask many questions. I just continued working with no contract.

My first salary felt like I had won lottery. It came very handy at home. I finally could help my mother. I worked for about three months and still no contract but believe you me my salary was always on time on the date I was verbally promised.

On the fourth month I started sensing weird vibes from the boss. Let me tell you now that during working hours he was never at the office. I think he used to come in at night when everyone was gone. The next day you'd just arrive at work to tasks on your table.

So he started texting me on my number asking if I was enjoying my job and the office. He would also go as far as telling me to let me know incase I need toiletries and so on. Coming to think of it even the interview was a bit personal. Yes he did ask some job related questions but most were about who I lived with. If I had a child, was I married or committed.

Such questions!!! But I had never attended an interview before,it was my first so I assumed that it was normal. His texts started making me uncomfortable and eventually I stopped texting back.

He would text on weekends only. One day he sent me a hotel name and number and just after that he sent me an eWallet and sent another text that said" get an Uber and meet me there at 11 am today". I ignored the text and the eWallet. It was on Sunday morning.

Next morning I went to work and I found him in my office. He looked very irritated and asked me if I didn't see his messages. My heart started beating very fast and I was shaking. I told him I did I just assumed it's a wrong text. He said it's not next weekend you better show up or you'll lose your job.

I froze and that day was my worst day ever. I couldn't understand how such an old man could potentially see a woman enough for him in such a young and small body. I didn't know if it was even safe to talk to someone in the office.

I was jumpy all day and people were starting to ask if I was fine. On Tuesday I texted him and told him that I wouldn't be able to come on Sunday because a family member back at home had passed away. He then texted back and said then take a day off on Thursday and let's meet at the hotel.

I cried so bad because why was this happening to me?anyway I didn't go I dodged him and switched my phone off the whole day. But I went to work as a normal day and as always I did my job.

He then called me on the work land line and told me to pack my things when I knock off and never come back to work. I then apologised so much and begged him to meet me there right away.

He agreed and told me to knock off and go there right away. I then left the office immediately and I took an Uber there right away. when I got there he wasnt there yet but seemed like I had been expected by the receptionist.

I was given a key and room number and I saw pain in the eyes of the receptionist. It was she wanted to communicate with me but she was scared. She had this pity eyes but my eyes were teary too because I cried all the way there in the Uber. 

The Uber driver tried to get me to talk but failed. No one could get me to talk because I myself was still in so much shock and I was so scared but what can I do? Poverty was not an option.

I asked the receptionist to please ask room service to bring me something very strong in the room and she said no one is allowed to enter that room. That alone gave me the biggest shock of my life and I started wondering if he permanently booked that room and if he sleeps with all his female workers there.

I walked to the room and when I got there I felt my hair stand and my skin getting chicken skin. Opened the room and sat on the chair. The room had a funny smell,like a mphepho kinda smell. It was rather very cold in there.

I wanted to leave but as I was running to the door I started feeling like I was running out of breath. I started coughing and I dropped down on the floor. And I started hearing a lot of voices whispering and oh my god what was happening.

I became very dizzy and i suddenly couldn't feel my feet. Then I saw my boss walking in. He wasn't alone he was with two elderly women and an elderly man. They all sat around me while I was laying helplessy on the floor and they started burning things and making me inhale the smoke.

Also they kept on saying words I didn't understand. My boss then came on completely undressed and came on top of me. I could feel that he was getting intimate with me but I couldn't push him away. Suddenly he turned into a snake and went all the way inside me and then that's when I passed out.

When I woke up I was on the bed,with no one in sight and next to me was a contract and a stash of mine . I woke up and bl00d ran down my feet and my womb was very painful. I couldn't walk and I also realised that they left me a pack of adult nappies and I knew that they did something horrible to me.

I left and every three month I find myself going to the hotel and it's been happening for the past 8 years and I have no children and no man looks my way. I live a very comfortable but very lonely life. 

Sometimes when you sleep with men for job opportunities, you are selling your soul. It's just not intimacy that's taken from you. Be careful.