



Growing up comes with a lot of challenges and some of those challenges ruins us for a lifetime. I grew up in a child headed family and that led us into being vulnerable and a target for all evil spirits.

I have four siblings and I'd like to believe that our parents were victims of witchcraft. The manner which they died is still very questionable to these day.

My mom went to the forest to get wood fire from the forests and she returned home completely naked and mentaly ill and a few days later she hung herself. How does a mentaly ill person hang themselves.

My father on the other side also followed my mom just a day after her funeral. You know how some family members come together during a funeral and even go to the extend of sleeping over to make funeral arrangements smooth.

That's what happened with my dad. There were a few family members who can attest to this. A day after my mother's funeral we heard weird voices outside and my dad apparently got up saying that it's donkeys.

In the village where we grew up it is very common for donkeys to enter people's yards at night. So we didn't really read much into the situation because it wasn't an uncommon thing.

So my dad walked outside to get rid of the donkeys. Little did we realise that he never went back to his bed that night.

We all somehow fell asleep and we were woken up by the screams of neighbors in the morning as they were up prepping for work. My dad had hung himself on the tree next to the gate. Tell me please how that is even normal. Anyway fast forward life just became extremely hard for us. We became orphans and the entire family members who had promised to take care of us and support us in everything disappeared on us.

For us to get anything from family members we had to beg or work for them. Even to get a plate of food we had to do chores. It became something we got used to.

Our lives changed when a foreign pastor visited our village. He became the father we desperately needed. He used to give us food parcels and a lot of other things such as donated clothes and toiletries.

I don't want to lie my siblings and I became excited and we cherished him because he made life so much easier for us. We didn't have to worry about other things than school. But since the pastor arrived our minds became absent at school.

We started failing and also in life in general we became very slow mentally. We would wake up tired and very drained. We had given him a space in our yard to hold the church services.

He ended up building us a house and not only that but also he built a church in our yard. We didn't mind because he was taking very good care of us and we felt very safe around him.

It started getting weird when we would hear funny voices in the house and not only that but people started distancing themselves from us. The most weirdest thing is that during Sunday services only 5 people would attend but when we held night vigils ,yoh the church would be super full.

As much as it was full the truth is that we didn't know any of those people there. It wasn't people from our village. Villagers started hating us for no reason and also my youngest sibling became handicapped. It was like she saw something she wasn't supposed to then became brain damaged. She couldn't do anything on her own.

But what surprised me was that every morning her feet looked like she had been walking. She always woke up with dirty feet. And she had a very weird smell that smelt like she was someone who lived in the water,more like a fish.

A rumour that our yard turned into a big damn at night started making rounds. The pastor convinced us that people were just very jealous of how well he is taking care of us and they will make up stories.

I didn't believe the rumour until one day I met a man and we started dating so I would sneak out to spend some nights with him and come back before anyone would realise. On the night that I witnessed what other people saw,I had a fight with my now ex because of his cheating ways.

So I left his house right after our argument in the middle of the night to go back to my house because I was very angry and couldn't stand him.

A distance from home I could not believe what I saw. I could see the big dam that was said to be there. I was in shock and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Out of panick and shock I started screaming but my voice wasn't coming out.

I couldn't even hear myself scream but I was screaming with my lungs wide open. Next thing the pastor angrily appeared from the water and told me that I was in serious trouble and I would suffer the conversation for the rest of my life.

I walked in the yard and I saw so many people who passed away from the village under the water. Including my own parents. They were all there and it scared me so much I don't know where I got the strength to even start praying.

I have never in my life prayed so hard. I prayed so much that eventually I found myself outside the water. I ran away and never looked back to this day. I heard that the pastor disappeared with my siblings and no one lives at home anymore. People say that the house is falling apart and there's long grasses that are ready to cover the houses. I just want help in finding my younger siblings Hlamalani and Nkateko Rikhotso. I don't know where the pastor lives or where I can find him but I do know that he is a foreigner from Zimbabwe and his real name is Appearance not sure about the surname because we only called him uncle Appearance.