


 A lot is happening in this world. So I want to anonymously share something that happened to my mother a few years ago. My mother was a very successful business woman what ran her own bakery.

With years we watched her business grow from strength to strength. One day as she was at her bakery around closing time, an elderly woman walked in. The woman first of all asked for water, she looked really tired according to my mom.

My mom adores elderly women. So not only did she give her water but also she gave her a loaf of bread. That woman then started crying and prophesying my mother and guess what? Everything that she was saying was the truth. 

She unpacked my mom's life from the past,present and also predicted the future. Heyi ugogo even shared about things that my mother has never shared with anyone. My mother gained trust right there and there.

And mind you my mom was a non believer. You'd never see her going to any sangoma or even church. She would just sit at home,read her bible and pray here there. She wasn't very hardcore on such.

Suddenly she started seeing this elderly woman behind our back. Now she was using Muti and candles. Before we know it she gathered the whole family and shared her story with us. Mind you this was months after she's been sneaking around with this elder woman.

Our things were falling apart and becoming a mess. Her business? Was still doing very well but she was no longer seeing her profit. Well she would actually give all her profits to this elderly woman. Business Yona was booming but profit was going to another person.

My mom was now this woman's tikoloshi who just worked for her. Another thing that we had noticed was that my mother would disappear on some nights and come back the next day very sick and exhausted.

We never understood this but we never did anything about it. It was like something was holding us back from interfering. My mom's troubles started when she was taken to the river for cleansing.

She said that she was under the impression that she was getting cleansed for protection. Only to find that she was been sacrificed to the river god. Yes,she got cleansed by a group of sangomas on pretence that they were saving her. When they knew very well that she was the sacrifice and that's how they stole her brains and not only that but they also controlled her every move and action.

I saw a TV show where a woman was in the pretence of cleansing her mom only to later learn that she was sacrificing him. Well allegedly! But my family suffered so long because of such behaviour and we lost our mom due to this.

When she was ready to expose them they then took her life. But to this day we still believe she's not resting in peace. She is still seen in the craziest hours working at her bakery that is now owned by someone else.