


 Please keep anonymous.

I really need to vent. There's honestly nothing anyone can do about my situation. I was sold by my own parents to a heartless ritualist. My parents auctioned me to the devil and I'll never forgive them.

In our village there's this very rich family whom most parents look up to and they literally worship the family without even asking questions like where do they get their money.

The only person working in that house hold is the mother,and she's only a nurse. There is no way her salary alone is giving them such a soft life. There is literally no way at all. But no one has ever cared to look deep into this matter.

That's because the family was a very generous family and they would randomly just donate food parcels to the villagers. That's how the village decided to ignore all the red flags about them.

Anyway what we didn't realise was that they go into the village to Scout for their next victim and when they do that they then start being extremely generous to the targeted family. That's how they win people's trust and then they strike.

They had a son who was just a few years older than me. We became friends ,I was very uncomfortable with this but my parents pushed me to befriend him and be very kind to him or I should leave their house.

I obeyed my parents but I was still not happy with this though. There was something about that guy, he made my heart beat very fast each time I was left with him,not in a good way though. In the most scariest and inappropriate way.

Also there was a rumour in the village that everyone decided to ignore. Apparently whoever dates in that family ends up getting Cancer. So I was really scared of him but I had to do it for my family. When we would go to this guy's house he would never do anything to me.

He would juts be there treating me like an absolute princess then later take me home. But his house had a very bad energy. One would never be comfortable there. After months of hanging with this guy I stupidly developed a liking towards him.

Yeap,I fell for him. But I was still very uncomfortable around him more over when we were at his home let me tell you. Anyway one night it was a full moon and he was extremely thirsty for me. He was acting very inappropriately.

He was like a hungry wild animal and I was just a peace of meat. On the night he was not himself at all. I think I saw a wolf in him but I thought maybe I'm just drunk. He took me to his house that day and for the first time in the months that I've known he actually initiated the deeds.

But I can't even remember a single thing from the moment we entered his dark room. Even today I'm struggling to remember anything. It's like the moment we entered that room everything went blank and that was it.

All I remember was waking up in the next day in his car and he was driving me home and my private part was in discomfort. So I believe we did the deed. When I opened my eyes I was in his car and he smiled and said I told you that our first night will be extremely special and you'll be tired for the next month.

I forced a smile. We arrived at my gate and he took out a black plastic bag and said please give this to your parents and thank them for me for giving me such a beautiful gift. When I opened the plastic bag I was in disbelief. It was money.

He dropped me off and left. When I got inside the house my parents were very happy. We counted the money and it was exactly R50 000! It was nice to see my parents joy on their faces. Words were even failing them.

But the truth is something was happening to me and I was in pain. I went straight to my room and passed out again. In the Middle of the night I was woken up by serious pain and I screamed so loud my parents came running.

The pain required me to just push as if I was pushing out poop. My parents didn't know what to do, they were scared because they saw how much pain I was in. I pushed until something that looked like a dead rat came out of my private part.

Now everyone was scared and very uncomfortable. I went and slept in my mother's room that night because I didn't want to see the dead rat and also because I was very scared. The next morning we wanted to go to the hospital but surprisingly I woke up healed and in no pain at all .

When I went to my room the dead rat was nowhere to be found. At first I assumed my mind had taken it but she was also as surprised. That night when we slept we all slept soundly. It was a deep sleep for everyone. Surprisingly none of us even remembers the dreams there.

Anywhere we decided to forget about the whole situation and move on with our lives. A year later I started having excruciating abdominal pains that led me to being admitted at the hospital. I was shocked when I was told that there's a very small piece of my womb left and it looks rotten.

That's when I was diagnosed with stomach cancer. I didn't suspect anything but my life became a mess. Mind you since that night I've never seen or heard from the guy from the rich family and his family stopped coming to our house.

My dad once bumped into his dad and the dad just pretended like they've never seen my dad before and that was the end of their ties. I became an alcoholic because I wanted to run away from the reality of never having kids of my own.

My life was a mess and I had senseless fights with people. Literally everyone hated for no reason. I would literally be at pubs every weekend. One fateful day I bumped into the guy and he mocked me about my womb. It later clicked that hayi no man how did he know?

I've never told anyone that my womb was rotten and removed. I even lied to my own parents and said they removed Gul stones. I begged the nurses and doctors to keep it that way.

Am I wrong to think that the family has something to do with my ordeal?