


 Please keep me anonymous as I share my painful experience with you. A lot will have many unanswered questions after I've shared this painful experience but best believe that I also have a lot of unanswered questions myself.

I met a very quiet and intelligent man in varsity. We were in the same class and he was always alone and rather looked very sad at all times. We were in our third year when I noticed him. It was weird because I was someone who knew a lot of people on campus especially my classmates.

On the third year this new face just surfaced but he didn't look lost so he definitely looked like someone who had been around indeed. Each and everyday I noticed how more and more sad he looked so I decided to reach out to him.

He looked like someone who was really having it hard in life. At first he wouldn't let me get close to him but I was persistent and he finally gave in. Another weird thing about him was that he wore the same clothes each and everyday. He wore a T shirt that had a washed off blood stain on the collar.

Anyway he told me that the blood belonged to his younger brother whom died in his hands. He said the younger brother was stabbed to death by thieves who robbed his house. So he tried to save his brother by carrying him to the hospital and that's how he got the blood stains.

He also mentioned that he hasn't attempted to wear anything else since that day. I found this very sad and heartbreaking so I asked no further questions as it now made sense as to why he's always looking so sad. It all made sense and I felt truly bad.

I became his new friend, clearly because I hated it when someone suffered. He lived off campus but he would only leave campus after midnight. He was such a hard worker and was always studying. Being his friend also made me improve my marks because time spent with him meant studying.

Anyway we finished our studies and graduated. We got our first jobs and somehow we fell inlove. I had encouraged him to let go of the clothes finally. This was just a month before our graduations and he did let go and it made me so happy.

I watched him transform into a happier person, but one thing I also noticed was the fact that he hardly spoke about his family. Well I also didn't like pestering him much with questions as it was clear that he had been through some serious trauma.

Our relationship was amazing. We spent so much time together if we weren't at work then we were always together. He was such an amazing spouse and I can proudly say he has never cheated on me. His phone was never hidden and had no passwords and it was never silenced.

So the only calls or messages he would receive was just from his colleagues and they were only work related. What an amazing man he was. Anyways one thing about him that I noticed was how much he hated light, he only preferred natural light. 

He was so commited to me that everything that we bought was only in my name. Everything he would buy would be in my name. We bought a house and it was in my name. We each had a car and the cars were also in my name even though he was the one paying for his car.

He said that's how much he wants to show me he is dedicating his entire existence to me. I was literally the only friend he had. He was such a genius that he always preached just how much he would not stop at Just 9-5.

He eventually opened a business for us and on weekends that's where we put our time on. The business too was registered under my name. He got it off the ground and it became very successful. It was a poultry farm. We supplied big companies and life was nothing but a dream.

We were blessed with twins, a girl and a boy. He loved looking at them and saying life after death is more beautiful but I never read too much into that statement because I thought he was just fooling around.

One day he told me that he had been distant from his family so he was going home to try and make things right with them. That honestly made me very happy and I packed his favourite clothes for him but at the end he chose to wear the blood stained clothes. His excuse was that he wants them to recognise him since he hadn't seen them in over a decade.

I was a bit disappointed at this but I didn't fight it. When he left he refused to take his car with,he preferred using a bus instead so I dropped him off at the bus station. It was the first time since we've been together that he was going to be away from me and I was torn.

The kids were sad too...They said their goodbyes and we all said our goodbyes like it was the last. We cried,hugged and kissed. We even forgot we were in a public space. The kids and I drove home and it's been so lonely without him. I was not okay and not coping.

Since he left I only spoke to him once when he told me that he had arrived. Couldn't get a hold of him soon after that and it was stressing me out so much because I didn't know where he came from or even knew anyone from his family.

Two months passed and still no sign of him. His workplace were on my case and I had no answers. The twins were also breaking down and I on the other hand was falling apart. We reported him missing but still nothing was happening.

It was so hard to keep it together honestly. He was from Zimbabwe and I had never been to Zimbabwe before so I wouldn't even know where to start looking for him. I was even starting to think that he was married that side and he went back to his wife.

It now made sense why he hated pictures and why he didn't want me posting him on any social media platform. The reason was because I and the kids were his secret family. I started hating him and resenting him. He was not making any contact at all.

One day,6 months later. His family came to the house. They said his mother kept on dreaming of my address so that's how they ended up there. The mother was a sangoma so her son always showed up her dream telling her to go to the address in South Africa because that's where his spirit is.

I found out from his family that they had buried him over 15 years ago. He came to South Africa to further his studies and he was murdered on his way to campus one night. He had been buried but clearly his soul had not rested. So they came to the address to collect his spirit.

His mom had been having the dream for almost 6 months now and that's the time he had left to go home. I was so confused and still am. They were shocked to hear everything I told them and had proof of everything even his colleagues were shocked.

When I introduced the kids to his family they all agreed immediately that the kids looked exactly like him. Amongst the family was a young lady who looked like my daughter and they say she was his little sister who is now 18 years old.

I don't know what to make out of everything and to this day I still attend counseling. This is 5 years later now and I still don't know what to tell my children about their dad. How does something like this even happen? If it had not happened to me I would never believe that something like this could happen.

Since his passing I have not been with anyone and I don't wish to be with anyone at all. I am still traumatized and I can't even begin to explain my life. I have moved back home because how do I continue living in that house. I've rented the house out and our business is still standing firm and a part of me still believes that he's secretly running it because it continues to grow even when I've stopped putting effort in it.

I've quit my job because how do I go on after such a shocking revelation? I just want to wake up from this nightmare.