


 Hi Admin please keep me anonymous..

I've been dating a guy from high school which is we are/were now 8 years in a relationship. He always cheated embarrassed me made me a laughing stock to everyone, but I still had hope that one day he'll realize how I love him and need him in my life.💔

Always hoped for the better I never cheated on him there were guys u always wanted to try something with me but I never entertained them cause I knew what I wanted but the guy I saw seeing always been cheating on me I had to cry and beg him not to do so anymore he continously did it anyways. I'm still asking myself why I never left the relationship sooner,but it's probably because he was always begging me making me believe that he really loves me and never wanna lose me.

I had a miscarriage in 2022 and he always told me not to tell our parents...he still cheated after that treating me like a crazy person, I wasn't perfect I had my own flaws but u never did things that will turn people to laugh at him like he always did to me.

Earlier last year he made a group call of me and the other girl telling us that he loves us both and so it's up to us that we stay or leave ,the other girl probably chose herself and I decided to stay...

little did I know that there's a lot coming which I never thought he'd ever do something like that to ,he cheated impregnated a girl, then he told me "he wanna end things with me he really f*cked up" telling me how sorry he was ,I was so curious wanting to know what's happening with him he said I'll find out soon...

I couldn't sleep I them decided to go to his crib and he confessed everything he told me he impregnated another girl and he need my help wadawada...i tried helping but I didn't know I was still made a fool...I need help theres a lot I'll share p2 of the story I can't type anymore my eyes  are full of tears rn .

I NEED HELP.i sometimes thing of k!ll!ng myself I'm having sleepless night  losing weight this is just too much for me.💔😭