


 Please post for me anonymously

I'm that lonely boring type of a girl,I love and enjoy my space whether with my kids or alone ,I easly get bored around people ,I don't share with other people eather my mom or someone else about anything in my the only person I was able to talk to was my cousin.

But recently everything changed she changed I can't talk to her anymore cz even if I try she won't understand or believe me,she was staying with her boyfriend and I was staying at home with her kids I also have my own 2 kids,so at home I was always the one doing everything like cooking , washing dishes and so on ne so every time when her boyfriend comes he'll find me up and down doing those chores my cousin's kids will be sitting resting everytime they are grown girls they can do everything for themselves but bcz they are lazy well we are all lazy but bcz my kids are still young(6 and 3years) they can't anything for themselves.

I their mother have to do everything for them whether I like it or not, so yeah I do everything for them ,so everytime when my cousin come home she'll tell us that they had a fight with her boyfriend bcz someone told the boyfriend that I'm being abused I do the chores alone while we're are all girls,mind you I don't talk to her boyfriend like privately I'm never with him just the two of us no never I don't go to cry or complain to him about anything yet it seems like I do but trust me I don't if I wanted to talk.

 I would've talked with my cousin as she's the only one I can talk to. I'm not complaining about anything as I told myself that I'm doing all this chores because I have kids,the problem is since I decide not to say or complain about anything my cousin's boyfriend decided to do all the talking all crying all the complaining for me and I never asked him to do that ,he always say I see everything that's happening and I don't like it and that's when their fights starts.

The fights went on and on to the point where I got insulted by my cousin she even layed her hand on me saying that I'm bad mouthing her and her kids to her boyfriend while I'm not ,she even ended their relationship she said I must keep her man her boyfriend must make me his wife ,I tried to talk to her but she doesn't wanna hear or believe me, I believe her boyfriend said all those things because he saw with his own eyes not that he heard from me no I've never said anything to him , truely I never said anything to him but no one believes me even my aunt and my grandmother are taking her side.

 They don't wanna hear my side they take and whatever my cousin is saying now they all don't talk to me ,I so wish I had that power to gather them all of them as say my side but I don't have that power as they all know that I'm that quiet person I don't talk much I'm always alone , I'm really hurt that my own cousin can really think that I wanna seperate her with her boyfriend that I want her boyfriend that I am bad mouthing her I mean she knows me very well more than anyone else more than my parents.

 I can say but today I'm bad mouthing her and her kids and I want her boyfriend , we've been through a lot me and her never in my life thought of betraying her I took her as my sister,my friend cz I don't have friends I almost died because of friends,I took her as my mom as for betraying her that never crossed my mind even once ,i was raped she's the only person.

 I told and she never told anyone as I've asked I trust her with my life I thought she also trust me but no all this time I was wrong ,my heart is in pieces I cry myself to sleep every day I pray that everything go back to where it was ,I miss her a lot I just hope and pray that one day she sees me like she did before and trust me again ,who am I to go and bad mouth her I mean this person helps me a lot 

I really miss our relationship ,I don't wish to see her newborn baby to grow up without a father (as she think) no I don't want that bcz I know how painful and hard it is as I'm raising my kids alone I don't wish that to anyone,I don't know what to do to fix all this I really miss my cousin .😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Any advice please 🙏🏼