


 Life is really hard 

During the pandemic a friend of mine lost her job and she went back to the village that we both came from. We were so close I used to check up on her almost everyday. Each time we spoke I could tell that she's not okay,she was getting less okay by day. I decided to invite her to visit me just for a week just so I can try to cheer her up.

Vele she's a mom and I'm not so she came with her child. I understood her home situation. My friend was going through depression. I wanted her to be able to relax and just reconnect with herself so I got her daughter a creche not far from my work place. In the morning I'd wake up,get ready while she prepared her child and I'd drop her off at creche on my way to work and pick her up after work.

Also I had a helper coming in three times a week to clean,do laundry and and and. I had to pay a little more because I added two more people and I did it out of love so I didn't mind at all. A few weeks turned into a few months then two full years of them living with me. I was really okay with all that and really didn't mind at all.

My friend is a very neat person so the house was always intact and we always went home to a delicious home cooked meal. I didn't even mind buying them clothes but because I couldn't really afford we used my clothing accounts. I didn't even mind when she would wear my clothes at all because I saw a sibling in her.

At my work place they were hiring in 2023. I helped her with her cv and applying. She got called for an interview and I helped her with preparing for the interview and she got the job in March 2023. Boy was I not excited for her? We cried tears of joy and we were in so much disbelief.

We even went shopping with my clothing accounts for her new work clothes. She needed to look very good so that she can be confident and do her job very well. Since she got the job I realised that she's been talking more with her baby daddy who left when she lost her job. 

Her relatives were also reaching out. By the way she was an orphan who lived with relatives who treated her bad when she wasn't beneficial to them. I kept quiet because I didn't want her to think I wanted to dictate her life.

Then I started getting sick and missing work, I started losing focus at work aswell. I didn't like my job anymore,life was just heavy for me and my workplace was my worst nightmare. People at work just started distancing themselves from me and I'd have a lot of arguments with different colleagues over petty things. 

It went for so long that I eventually lost my job and went into a slight depression. Four months after losing my job my friend told me on the day that she was moving that she was moving out. We didn't discuss this nor did she atleast warn me. She packed her things and took her child and left. A week after she left I found a piece of paper in her wardrobe with my name and it was written " lose your job so I can have it". The piece of paper was tied with a wool and there was also a piece of hair which I'm suspecting is my hair. This paper was closed in a glass jar with a bit of salt inside it not sure if it's soil or it's muti.

I could not believe it. I took a picture of it and sent it to her with the caption " you forgot something". She blocked me everywhere same time,no explanation no apology. Just like that she disappeared.

I wanted to find out if I would be wrong to take the jar to her workplace or just take it to a sangoma to do a back to sender ritual please. I shot myself on the foot by helping a friend that I loved with all my heart.