


I would like to please share my experience anonymously so. I am a woman in my early thirties and I am Malawian born and bred. 

I come from a family that isn't poor but doing fair financially. By that I mean we would never go to bed on a hungry stomach or even spend the whole day worrying about the next meal.

My father was a teacher and my mom was a street vendor who sold fruits and vegetables at the market. So my life was okay. The problem started when I passed and moved to South Africa. In South Africa that's where I went to live with my aunt who worked as a domestic worker.

We lived together in a shared flat in Sunnyside. The flat had only 3 bedroom but we used boards to make the living room a bedroom aswell and that is where we slept.

The truth is the flat was over crowded and it made it almost impossible to feel at home. Most people who lived there were not South Africans,including ourselves.

I was registered at a college in town and that's how my life became difficult. Sometimes I'd even go to school without bathing because hot water was finished or maybe the bathing cue was too long so I'd be late if i waited any longer.

Being in college I saw just how poor I was. Other kids were living the life,having all recent fashion clothes,recent phones and all that. Some would even change their hair styles on a weekly basis but I on the other hand had none of that and it was sad.

I was looked down on and truth is I wasn't academically very strong so that led to me feeling lonely and sad. I almost opted to stealing but chose not to go ahead with it because going to jail was definitely not an option. I was scared I'd even be deported back home and face my shamed and embarassed parents.

It was when my mother passed away and my father married another woman that I knew I was in very big trouble. He started neglecting us and I was back home because my step mother insisted that I don't return to South Africa because I just go there to waste money they don't have.

She insisted that I find a job and help with bills at home. That's when I started working at a local club and there I met really wealthy men but they never took a liking to me .

I used to knock off very late and walk home. One night I bumped into an elderly woman who said to me that I have bad luck following me and I needed to cleanse to get rid of it. I was very scared at first but the more she spoke the more I relaxed. It was as if I was getting hypnotised. The old lady looked like an older vision of my mother.

To cut the long story short the woman asked me what I wanted to do or rather what was my wish. I told her I wish to be very rich without having to work. She then gave me a black box sealed so nicely like a gift box and said when you get home put this away without opening it and wait for the day you go on your periods to open it.

Whatever you find in there ,take it and put it inside your bath tub and sit on it,allow it space to move around your private part and just sit there for an hour daily until your periods are done. Once you are done with your periods you will see miracles happening.

I followed the instructions and to my suprise I found three nails in the box and I did as I was told and the snails went inside me through my private part. It kinda felt good and since that day I have been approached by very wealthy men who gives me everything I ask for after sleeping with them. 

It's like I hypnotise them and whatever I say they do. I now live in a mansion bought by one of the men, driving a car bought by another and having a fat allowance from another. So I basically have three men and each is represented by snails.

My problem is that with all this now, I don't sleep at night. I see scary things in my room but maybe I'm hallucinating although it feels so real sometimes. I am only able to sleep during the day and come night I then suffer.