


 Hiii admin please post for me anonymous 

Although I will be long but hopefully will get some help...

I am a girl who is 28years of Age,  and my boyfriend is 32 years old we started dating in 2015 when I was In tertiary. 

Our research was so perfect until 2020 when he engaged me on my birthday party that was in November.  2021 he changed and started going out more with his friends and drinking alcohol and cheating on me. We always wanted to start our own family I was using contraceptives but stopped in 2016 . We always had pregnancy symptoms but still it's was phantom pregnancy.  Fast forward his cheating made him to impregnate a girl younger than me because he thought I'm barren. 

Last year he moved to limpopo due to job issues, we were in a long distance relationship that I ended up cheating on him and he found out and we fought almost everyday whereby he also stabbed his niece for a slice of polony and was hospitalized. He always insulted me to a point he told me that I can't give him a baby and he bragged to me about his so called family.  I  was hurt, torn apart. 

Well after stopping using the contraceptives I had irregular periods since from 2016 till last year... there came a time last year whereby I did not see my periods for 3 months until I went to the doctor but was not pregnant. I last had my periods on November don't remember the date as they were irregular periods every month they changed. 

On December I didn't get any periods so on 3 december I slept with my side guy but used protection unless it's busted, and on the 20 of December went to limpopo and had sex with my boyfriend until i came back mid January.  I went to visit him back to limpopo in March where he asked me if I'm pregnant and I said no I'm just gaining weight,  and since I last had my periods on November... 

on April I took a pregnancy test and it was positive all along I had a cryptic pregnancy 😢 on the 16 of May I went to the clinic and was told I'm 26weeks far with my pregnancy. I was confused about how come I'm pregnant and didn't have any symptoms. I  told my boyfriend about the pregnancy he was happy but also doubted that it's could be his child.  So I kept attending clinic until I met the guy I slept with on the 3december claiming he dreamed he had a girl child and his dreams are never wrong. 

 That's his child and I started stressing and the guy in limpopo once told me he was prophecied 2times by different people that they see a coming girl child. I went to do scan and the child is a boy.. the guy said I slept with said it's not his child if it's a boy...

on Wednesday I went to consult was told my stomach is too small for me to give birth this time and mind this is my delivery month according to the clinic and the scan. They say this child is hidden by the ancestors since my father's ancestors are fighting for me..

 I'm going to have complications regarding this pregnancy even a miscarriage my dad has to introduce me to his ancestors.what I don't understand is that this is my full term and my little sister once dreamed my boyfriend and some guy fighting for my child and my boyfriend won the child according to the dream. And my cousin dreamed of me being very sick 😫 my mom dreamed her mom who is my late granny helping me give birth at home.  I'm confused...as to whom might be the father of the unborn child and all this dreamed oh they also said I have a spiritual husband that thing that plays in my tummy is not a baby they make me to feel like it's a baby hence I can hear movements and kicks... sorry for the long text hope to find some insight 🙏