


 Guys I'm hurt and broken. My husband sent me packing because of a video of my grandmother trending. I don't even know how to feel but I know that I am numb towards my husband now guys.

I hate him so much now even though sometimes I ask myself what if he is right and I'm wrong. The truth we were always told that my grandmother is okay during the day but at night she becomes a totally different person.

From a young age, mu grandmother was this sweet quiet person who was very shy and didn't talk much during the day. She was even one of those grannies who does things very slow taking her time in whatever she does.

You'd never ever hear my grandmother's voice from far ,that's how much she couldn't speak loud. But at night there were always funny voices and sounds coming from her room. My grandmother slept alone in an outside three roomed house.

She refused to let anyone else sleep with her except my blind and deaf cousin. We would begg her to allow us to sleep with her but she would never allow us. My blind cousin used to see at night. My uncle's wife says she once saw my blind cousin sitting outside at 3 am counting ants.

I know it sounds weird but it also shocked us. She says that she was going to the toilet at night and the side of that shocked her so much that she couldn't speak or move. We live at a village where we only have pit toilets which are outside. My aunt was so shocked and stood there quietly because she couldn't speak nor move. 

Apparently my cousin turned around and looked at my aunt. She then said to my aunt " Go back in the house or I'll make you mad" my aunt fainted soon after all that. The next day she woke up sick and seemed a bit confused but she was able to share what had happened the previous night. 

A few days after that she passed away. From the day she seemingly saw what she saw, my grandmother has hated my aunt and didn't even want to go near her. After my aunt's passing she seemed very pleased.

So the other day my husband saw a video of my grandmother spotted crossing the road at 2 am. She was spotted by unknown people in the car and took a video of her. Apparently people at his work place were mocking my husband because they recognized my grandmother.

He came back home from work very furious and told me to pack my bags and leave. I've returned home and I can't stand my grandmother. I'm so angry at her I've even shown her the video of her trending and she is acting confused and she's even saying that can't be her.

She even says she's scared of the darkness so there's no way that can be her. Yet I can clearly see that it is her , she's even half naked without shoes too. 

I took her to the Doctor and the Doctor said that it's just dementia and it happens to her age group. The Dr confirmed that it's definitely not witchcraft but DIMENTIA instead and that I should stop accusing her of witchcraft.