

My husband's mistress unalived my 2 year old daughter.

 My husband's mistress took my 2 year old daughter's life

If there's one thing I wish I had done is to have walked away from my marriage from the very first day I found out that my husband was cheating on me.

My story is not speculations. His mistress confessed to everything I ever suspected and she even took me to the place where she had done her rituals to take away my daughter.

She's not just a mistress but she's also his ex from the past. They dated for many years until she cheated and he left her. Years later he met me and we got married. We struggled to have children and he seemed to have been the problem.

Apparently that's also the reason why the ex cheated. She wanted children and he was not making it happen so she went out to cheat and fell pregnant. The whole plan was to pin the pregnancy on the man but something within him convinced him to do DNA tests and turned out his guts were right all along. The baby was not his and that is how their relationship ended.

I took him to our church where he finally got help and we were blessed with a very beautiful baby girl of which we were both excited and happy. But still because of his past experiences he still had doubts that the baby may truly be his. But he has never spoke up about his doubts to me. According to his ex they were still in touch and once in a while they would meet up and catch up.

She convinced him to get DNA tests, he made him believe that there is no way the child could be his. Secretly he did the tests without my knowledge and the child was his.

He wasn't only cheating on me with the ex,I had caught him out on his phone with other women and he would always apologise and I'd always forgive him. Infact I never found out about the ex until she approached me after the burial of my daughter.

She got angry and very bitter because after he found out that he was the father of my child,he wanted nothing to do with his ex now. She started looking for revenge. She went on my social media pages of which she had been stalking me for a while and found a pic of my daughter which she saved and printed out.

She took the picture to a sangoma who helped her with performing a ritual to get rid of my innocent baby who's never done anything to any of them.

They put the picture at a forest far from houses. Just as they had hoped my daughter began getting sick randomly and for a good six months she was in and out of hospitals.

She tried fighting but the pain she endured was bigger than her. Eventually she gave up and took her last breath. I was devastated and wondered why God would do this to us.

My husband was fully there for me. We went through every emotion together. But deep down he suspected his ex girlfriend. He didn't say anything to me but he decided to consult with a sangoma and perform a back to sender ritual.

The ritual he performed landed his ex girlfriend on our door step. She confessed to everything and even took me to where she did the ritual. I found a picture of my daughter stabbed. I cried so much because she honestly did not deserve this. I was so angry I started fighting with her and she was not fighting back. She acted as someone who was very confused or rather mentally ill 

I was too angry to care. But since that day I started hating my husband to this day. I filed for divorce and moved out of our matrimonial home. I heard the ex girlfriend passed away but I'm not certain about that but I hope it's true.

As for my ex husband,I heard he is now married to a younger woman and I'm happy for them. I don't think I'll ever forgive him for what he did to me and my daughter.