



Please keep me anonymous adzi, but I've shared my confession with someone on twitter already although they haven't posted yet. Shared this with you guys on the same day so who ever sees it first can post. I got married to a very wealthy Limpopo witch and my life turned into a movie instantly.

If this had not happened to me I'd never have believed that witchcraft is real. So I was someone who liked finer things in life from a very early age. I lived with my grandmother in Soweto. my mom died when I was 6 years old and unfortunately I never met my dad but all i knew about him was that he was from Limpopo.

My grandmother did her best to raise me well and I'll forever be grateful for that. She passed away when I was in matric and from that day on its when I understood what being alone meant. My grandmother was Zimbabwean but married a Zulu man. Her in-laws never liked her at all so it has always been just the two of us. My mother was her only child.

After matriculating I went to the university of Limpopo to persue my social work dream. I was there for two years and passing well. Everytime people went home to their families during the holidays I remained at school because I had rented out my grandmother's house in Soweto so that I can sustain myself with the money here at school.

Until one December my room mate from Venda invited me to spend the December holidays at her home with her family because i seem lonely. I was so grateful because honestly it's always so quiet and kinda scary at school when everyone has left for home. Although I would distract myself by studying hard there was always that element of loneliness and being scared.

I accepted the offer and off we went to Venda. Venda people have money,I was so shocked at how big and beautiful the houses were. They had all sorts of mansions. It's the Limpopian Sandton I thought to myself. But we however were going to a village not those house.

Even in the villages the houses are huge and beautiful. My room mate's family welcomed me with open arms and it was a very warm home. My room mate was just a simple and quiet kinda shy girl at school so it was interesting to learn the other side of her when she was home.

She was loud,fun and outgoing. She even had a car that they bought for her on her 21st birthday and she's never said anything about it. She was living the life that I've always dreamt of. Her family had a few businesses around which we would sometimes go and just help out only when we are bored.

My favorite one was the pub they have in town. I would always nag her to go there because I was a jozi girl and I loved dressing up,looking good and vibing with rich men. One day while we were there I met a very handsome and shy guy. He looked very rich ,his dress code was screaming paper money. 

However I noticed that he spoke less and he was more of an observer. He didn't seem like a going out type it just seemed like he was just there to accommodate his friend. We locked eyes and both shyly smiled and looked away. There was definitely chemistry there.

I asked my friend about him and she told me he comes from a very wealthy family. His family owned a construction company and they also had buses. What a catch I thought to myself. He didn't make a move but I knew I had to go back again because I needed to see him. 

December vibes in venda was everything and thank God my friend wasn't uptight and boring. Her family too were not strict at all. We had visas and it was fun. I felt like a part of the family. She had older siblings who lived at their houses and she as the last born was left home with her parents and the helper. I really belonged.

I told my friend about crushing on the guy and she said don't worry I'll hook you up. She would tease me and call me a venda makoti. I liked the sound of that a lot. She got me his number and I texted him immediately and he was so happy to hear from me. 

He asked me out on a date and we went out on a couple of dates and we made our relationship official. Time goes by so fast when you are having fun. February was time to go back to school and I didn't want to leave my baby alone. We were the admired couple let me tell you. We were always together and always all over each other.

I was the yellow bone with a body that's thick in all the right places. Most guys tried their lucks and failed and he was so proud to have been the one to have gotten me. Apparently the entire village spoke about me and the men all wanted a chance with me. So him being the one to get me made him very proud and he showed off with me.

Even after I went back to school he would still pick me up for vacations on weekends. He would randomly send me money just for being his girl. I was inlove and had found myself a home in him. Now during the holidays I didn't have to be a loner, I would go to his home. He introduced me to his family and they liked me.

But we hardly slept there we were always out and above experiencing life. We spent most time on vacations. That guy was a dream come true. Sometimes when he took me back to school when I open my bag I'd find hidden gifts and sometimes money.

I was every girl's dream because of his love. He made sure I was never in need and he bought me your Gucci's and and and. On my graduation day he proposed and I have never cried so much. I was happy to be so much loved. 

He even helped build rooms at the back of my grandmother's house. Life was really so much easier. But I was struggling to get a job. But I was never in need of anything. I lived at his home with his parents and i must say I experienced weird things there. 

At night he would dissapear and in the morning he used to wake up with dirty hands and nails as if he was out digging something. Since I moved into his home I'd hear weird sounds at night and there would also be like there are things walking on the roof. When I woke tell him in the morning he told me not to ask many questions and just ignore everything and stop asking questions.

These other night I woke up to a sound of people whispering in the passage. When I looked on the side of his bed he was not there but his pyjamas were on the bed. I slowly tiptoed to the passage,I thought it was a burglary or something. I peeked through the door and I saw his mom and grand mother naked in the passage.

I ran back to bed and hid under the sheets then I heard our door slowly opening. I peeked through the sheets and it was him. He was tip toeing to the bed and I thought he was going to harm me so I screamed. He said hey baby it's me. Then he quickly got into bed and held me tight and asked me what was wrong.

All I said was that it must have been a nightmare. I was now so scared of everyone in the house but I never told anyone about this. But there are many nights when I dreamt of my fiance changing into a snake while we are being intimate and the next morning I would wake up with semen inside me.

I had even begun to have a bad odour down there.  We hardly had s*x him and I infact he hated s*x but when we did have it when it was time for him to come he would always cover my eyes. And when he would come he would grasps for air so much and he would get even more heavier like there was something else on top of me not just him alone.

I fell pregnant and I told him. He was so happy that he ran to tell his whole family and everyone was excited and they made sure we got married asap because they wanted the baby to have their surname. From that day I felt like I was being watched everywhere I went,it was like I was being followed.

Finaly I gave birth, they said I should have a home birth and organised everything for me. I gave birth to twins. Two boys and they were over the moon. After giving birth they smeared somethings that were green in colour it's like a greed mud. One twin didn't cry when they put it on him and the other cried so much. They all looked at each other and they looked disssapointed at the one that cried but seemed pleased with the one that didn't.

We were then taken to the Dr so the babies and I would get checked and everything was fine. When my babies were three weeks old, I was sleeping and I had a weird dream. I dreamt my mother in-law coming into my room with her mother and they asked for the babies.

They took them and I followed them. They went to ab outside back room where they took off their clothes and they took the first twin and threw him at a wall and the first one stuck on the wall while the second one bounced back to their arms. They celebrated the one hanging on the wall and they started steaming the one that bounced back.

When I woke up I ran to check on the babies in their bed and they were sleeping peacefully. What a huge relief that was for me. I was very glad. From that day on I noticed that they liked the one twin better and didn't pay much attention to the other one who seems to have failed their tests.

The day I packed my bags was when I was up during the night praying and I heard my husband's grandmother screaming in horror. When I ran to see what was happening,I was told to go back to my room. They then told me the next day that in that house they don't pray and anyone who wants to pray should leave.

How did they know I was praying? I then knew that I was married to a wrong man in the wrong family. I took my kids and moved back home. My other twin burns up whenever I pray. Even at school he does not attend assemblies because prayer or the word of God burns him up.

Even a simple prayer for food gets him burning. Luckily my husband's family don't know my grandmother's house and my husband hasn't shown it to them. All he does is send money monthly.  But I remembered at some point he once told me to take the twins and run away or I'll lose one of them. 

I need help for my second twin. I need him to stop burning up everytime we pray.