



In the shadowy corners of folklore and superstition, tales of transformation linger as warnings. The notion of altering one’s reality, in bizarre and surreal ways, offers a glimpse into psychological depths far beyond the surface. This is a story not just of strange metamorphoses but of the moral toll that such changes exact on an individual and those caught in the undertow of greed.

At the heart of this unsettling narrative lies a figure entwined in wealth and deception, reveling in the riches accumulated through unsavory means. The act of converting partners into baboons serves as a stark metaphor for control, signifying a hubris that blinds one to the gravity of their actions. What appears as a fantastical manipulation is, at its core, a reflection of deep-seated fears and desires—an attempt to maintain power amid the chaos of life.

Yet, the cost of such power comes at a price. Relationships built on shallow foundations crumble, leaving behind a trail of sorrow and confusion. Those who were once cherished companions find themselves trapped in an absurd façade, their humanity stripped away in a moment’s greed-driven whim. They become symbols of lost potential and shattered dreams, echoing the consequences of vanity and the yearning for unattainable wealth.

As the transformation takes root, the dichotomy between wealth and empathy becomes stark. The baboons, once vibrant women, now walk the earth as mere shadows of their former selves, embodying the folly of valuing material riches over meaningful connections. The irony lies in the realization that true wealth is not measured in assets but in the bonds forged with others, understood only when it is too late to reverse the damage done.

Emerging from the depths of this cautionary tale is a question that lingers: what truly constitutes wealth? The glittering façade may mesmerize for a moment, but it cannot fulfill the void left by genuine human connection. The darkness of transformation serves as a haunting reminder that in the race for success, it is the heart that pays the ultimate price. In this twisted saga, the foolish pursuit of power leads to a barren existence, devoid of the warmth found in embracing one’s own humanity.

His name is Thabo Mofokeng from Lesotho,he came to South Africa for greener pastures. When he arrived in South Africa he used to hide in his wife's cottage. His wife's name was Litebogo and she came to South Africa to work in a wealthy family's home as a domestic worker.

When she had that few houses from where she lives they were looking for a stay in gardener she then called her husband to quickly come and try his luck. Unfortunately by the time he arrived in South Africa the job was already taken and that meant he was stranded. So his wife decided to take him in her cottage at the back of his boss's mansion and hide him there until something else came up.

During the day Thabo would go hide in the basement because during the day there were other workers in the yard who had access to the cottage. They would put their lunch boxes and clothes in there during work and after work they used the cottage to clean up before knocking off.

He had to hide so that no one would see him. But something strange was happening in the basement and Thabo couldn't put a finger on it. There was a huge red cloth plugged on the wall and there were black and white candles that never stopped burning. 

There was also a very big and green tree infront of the red cloth. The tree had only 5 strange fruits on them. The fruits were fresh and tempting but Thabo swore that he would never touch them as he remembered what had happened to EVE.

But one day he was rushed into the basement without food and he got hungry. He decided to eat just one fruit from the tree and hoped no one would ever find out. He says the fruit was the most delicious fruit he has ever tasted and to this day he still isn't sure what fruit that was. After eating the fruit he started feeling weird.

Later on he was called back to the cottage as always. He was so full and sleepy that all he wanted that night was the bed. The next morning when he woke up he was filled with so much energy and great ideas. He asked R100 from his wife and told her he was going to multiply the money in the street.

He sneaked out of the yard and went to a local butchery where he bought a pack of cool time. It was a scorching hot day so he knew they would sell fast. And indeed they were sold out within 10 minutes. He went back and this time bought three packets and went back to the streets again. 

He was selling at a very busy taxi rank but also he didn't even know how he found the place because he was new there. Many of his customers would tell him to keep the change and most of them according to him were just weird looking.

After a long day he went home in the evening and when he arrived there his wife opened for him as usual and as he entered he saw a very angry old man looking at him from the balcony upstairs. The old man looked straight in his eyes with a very angry face. If looks could kill then he would have died that evening.

When he got to the cottage he told his wife about the old man and she dismissed his allegations because there was no elderly citizen living in the house. It was a mid 40 man with his wife and kids and everyone there was younger than the man of the house.

They sat on the bed and he took out the plastic of money he had and they started counting. But something didn't make sense to him when he took out the plastic,there was more money now than what he had put in. But he decided not to tell his wife that as he wanted to impress her. They counted the man and it was just over R5000 and they were so happy. 

A mere R100 note made R5000. That was worth celebrating. He suddenly got a huge headache and he asked his wife to rest as he believed it must have been from walking up and down in the sun the whole day. He rested and fell asleep. His wife later joined him and they both passed out.

He was woken up by a pinch under his feet and when he opened his eyes he saw the old man from the balcony. He screamed but he couldn't hear his own voice while screaming. The old man told him to save his energy because no one would hear him. The old man then told him that he ate the forbidden fruit and by eating it means he had joined their cult. And their cult had rules and regulation.

He was told that he would experience the headache every night for the rest of his life unless he sleeps with a woman whenever he gets that headache. He was also told that failure to sleep with a woman for two consecutive days will result in him losing a loved one or losing his mind it will on depend on their master's mood on that particular day.

Then the old man dissspeared.  Thabo's voice then came back and he started coughing so hard as if he was choked by something bad. His head was getting worse at that moment and his wife was woken up by his cough. She got him water and the minute she got into bed again he grabbed her and made love to her.

During this love making session he could see his wife turning into a baboon and he jumped off her very quickly. His wife wondered what was happening as her husband looked lost and very much scared of her. His headache was gone.

She quickly turned back into her normal self and they went back to sleep. The next day she woke up with her ears filled with grown bushy hair that baboons have. The hair is still there today she just hides it well. Thabo then asked for only R300 from the money he brought home and went out to hustle again.

This time he added ice cream to his business and it kept selling fast aswell. He went back home and they counted the money and he had made the same amount as yesterday. The headache started and he made love to his wife and she turned into a baboon again but this time he was more calm. The next day the wife woke up with a chest full of fluffy hair.

That is the day Thabo made a vow to never sleep with his wife again. That day he went to sell for just a couple of minutes and sat down under a tree as he was drained from thinking about the changes he had brought in his wife and his own life and how much he hated himself for ever eating that fruit.

His wife was no longer the energetic person she was and even at work she was very sloppy and her bosses were no longer happy with her service. So after a while Thabo decided not to go home that night and he went into a nearby night club where he started drinking.

Women realised that he was carrying a lot of cash on him and they threw themselves on him. The headache started and he picked one woman and booked a hotel for them and he pleased himself and she turned into a baboon just like his wife would. As soon as she fell asleep he left R1000 on the bed and left. She was deep into sleep.

He went back home to his wife and he just slept beside her crying quietly so she wouldn't hear that he was crying. The next morning the wife woke up feeling better and he was so happy to see that. She asked why he came home late and he lied that he has decided to sell at night clubs too as there's more money there.

When he took out the money ,the plastic was almost full. They counted the money and it was R10 000 the woman was so happy she supported his idea to sell at the night club she was even saying that soon she will quit her job because her body is old and tired. Thabo tried smiling but guilty was working on him.

This now became their lives. Thabo slept with a lot of different women and the younger the woman the more the Money. After several months the woman quit her job and they bought a house. They were even able to bring their children from Lesotho to live with them permanently.

As time went the wife became angry and frustrated because she was starved in the bedroom. Their marriage started crumbling, Thabo loved his wife very much that he wasn't going to risk losing her so he would once in a while please her but she kept changing into a baboon bit by bit.

She got sicker everytime. Thabo's guilt was just too much so much that he ended up leaving his home so that his wife can find pleasure somewhere else. He still sends money home . He left her a letter explaining the whole situation from how it started and how it ended.

Out of anger the wife leaked the letter thinking that he was just making it up. She believed that now that he had money he didn't want her anymore he wanted the slay queens he sees at the club. But eventually she found out that Thabo was not lying everything he wrote in the letter was nothing but the truth.

His ex boss confessed to her and asked her to take down the letter she had posted on social media exposing their secrets or else the master would deal with all of them. To this day they don't know where Thabo is but he sends them a lot of money weekly but they can not trace his whereabouts. It's been over 4 years now since Thabo went AWOL.