



I got married very young to a man who was all over the place. My husband was a very big cheat and most of all a manipulated. He used to make me feel guilty about why he cheated everytime I caught him. 

We had four kids and that was basically one of the reasons why I couldn't leave him. I used to complain so much to his family and some of my very close friends. A lot of them eventually got tired of me complaining and wouldn't listen nor advice anymore.

His behaviour traumatised me so much that I ended up seeking help where someone told me to make a soul tie on the both of us,where I steal his brain put it in a calabash and control it from there. He would do whatever I tell him to do.

My husband and I both worked well and earned enough but he never brought any money home. He would spend his money with his women and alcohol. His money would be finished within a week of getting paid and that's when he would start being the perfect husband who's always home so attentive and caring because he needed petrol money for the month.

I've spoken to him so many times,he would apologise and promise to change but nothing changed because as soon as month end hit he would run back to the streets and when I spoke to him he would be so rude and mean to me. He would tell me that I will not control him and his money and that I should stop acting like his mother.

I had no one to talk to anymore. Everyone I spoke to was now tired of our never ending problems. I ended up venting out to my Lesotho helper. She found me crying at 6 am on Saturday morning. The morning after my husband got paid.

He had not come back home and we were almost out of electricity plus there was no food in the house. He got paid a few days before me so I had told him that there was nothing in the house for the kids to eat and electricity was almost finished. He said he would send the money when he gets to work.

Then he switched off his phone and didn't even come back home. The last time I spoke to him was during the day when I reminded him not to forget to send the money. He said it was hectic at work and I am disturbing him. After work when I called his phone was off.

My helper found me crying and she started crying with me telling me how she has seen everything happening in the house and how much she has seen me struggling by myself. She said something like "you are a widow even with your husband alive you are mourning him".

I understood her very well because I was always in tears because of this man. She told me that her own husband was like that and she had to heal him traditionally. She told me how he has been a star husband who deserves awards since she got help. 

She spoke about how he now listens to everything she says and how he gives her his salary and how she is in control of their finances now. She says she gives him a small part of his money to spend on himself and the rest goes to their house and children.

She and the boyfriend are both in same country for work so they send money home monthly.s he showed me pictures of their huge house they have just recently finished building and now they are saving to buy a car. Their house was very beautiful one would swear they earn millions looking at it. Team work made it all possible.

She showed me how much her husband sends her on a monthly basis and how much she sends gin and I was very impressed. They say give a woman a house and she will turn it into a home anyway. This woman was putting his money to very good use.

I begged her to help me do what she did to get that much peace of mind. She said she would take me when she was off. I gave her the off immediately and called my little sister to come babysit for me for the weekend because I was going to Lesotho. I lied and said I was going to see where my helper comes from Incase she runs away with my things one day.

I was embarrassed to tell her the truth because that's not how we were raised. She told me what I needed to take with me to make this happen. I needed my husband's picture,his cap,belt and dirty underwear aswell as my dirty underwear.

When we got to Lesotho we didn't waste time ,we went straight to the sangoma who helped us. He took out a black calabash and boiled my underwear with my husband's and told me to give him the water in the calabash to drink. He poured the water he used to boil our underwear into a bottle and said I should use it to cook for him.

I should add the water in his bathing water and also pour in his food. He performed some ritual with the cap and belt. He said after feeding him the water then I need to make sure he wears the cap and once he takes it off I must take it and put it in the calabash with my earrings then burry it at night in the yard.

He also performed another ritual on the belt and said once he wore it, he will never see another woman as attractive. I'll be the only attractive one. He said when he wears the cap I must make sure I cook chicken heads, the ritual will work faster.

When he cracks open the chicken head he will be eating away his brains and I'll be in full control. We stayed in Lesotho until Sunday as I also needed to be cleansed from all the iscitho and other bad auras.

Imagine I had to loan all the money to do all this rituals and also for travel from my helper. It was embarrassing but I was desperate so it had to happen because I was tired of being used by that man.

When we arrived at home on Sunday night,he was still not back since Friday evening. It gave me enough time to hide away all the things I brought from Lesotho. Or even the need to be explaining where I have been.

He arrived at home and went straight to bed. The following week was my pay week and he was broke so now he was sweet and all that . That's when I got the chance to perform all my rituals and I now had to sit back and wait for results.

Let me just say the following month when he got paid,he gave me his card and told me that he had sent himself card less R1000 for fuel. He told me to take care of  the house hold needs and pay electricity. 

I immediately took the card and did groceries during lunch and kept them in the car. I thought he would call to ask why I spent R3000 but he didn't call so I called him to check the mood and he was so happy I was astonished. Wow those things really work I thought to myself.

After work I passed by the municipality to pay the rates and when I got home I found my husband back. He had told the helper not to cook because he was taking everyone out for supper. Something he hadn't done in many years.

We went out for dinner and he was the happiest I've ever seen him in the longest time. From that day on we had been a finger and a nail. Always together and planning to better our lives,our homes and everything. We were smashing goals. 

We even travelled to work with one car to save on fuel because we didn't work far from each other in town. We worked just 10 km away from each other. Life was very rosey and I was at my happiest,I was even gaining weight. My home was a happy home.

His family was very unhappy because now he wa only sending them R2000 monthly for food. They were always calling demanding more money but he would tell them that that's all he had. Anyway I was also sending my own family R2000 a month now because all those years I couldn't afford to send them anything because I needed to take care of all the bills.

So my family was happy now and more appreciative. I used to borrow money from them all the time and never returned it because things were not working out and they would understand although it was making them suffer.

Two years into the happy life my husband died in a car accident. A month after his burial he started coming home to sleep with me every night. It has been my life ever since his passing. He is now my spiritual husband and it's messing with me emotionally.

Apparently there is no undoing the spell ,the only way he will no longer haunt me is when I am also dead.