



I have been practicing UKHUTHWALA since I was 25 years old. I am a mother of two and after struggling for a very long time. The father of my kids left me for another woman and he stopped helping us financialy. His wife hates my kids so much that when I asked for help she would swear at me and my children.

I looked for a job for about three years until I saw a pamphlet in town talking about getting rich fast from a certain sangoma and I took my chances. The sangoma didn't even ask for money all she said was that I will pay her after I get my first batch of money.

I was so happy to hear that because this meant she wasn't a scam. Little did I know that the consequences were heavy and painful. During a time of desperation you don't even think about consequences even though you were warned before hand.

I didn't have to do much all I had to do was bring a hard body live chicken and my picture. I went to meet the sangoma with the things she asked of me. There was a black small calabash in a hut where she told me to take off my clothes and enter.

I did that and she took the chicken and slaughtered it. After slaughtering the Chicken she used it's blood. She made me drink the blood and she smeared some on my picture,then she pricked my index finger then made me draw an eye with my blood on the chicken. She then threw the chicken in a big hole that's in the hut.

Then she told me to drink the water that's inside the black calabash. I drank the water and after a while I started feeling light headed then I asked to sit down and a bit and I was ordered to lie on my back facing the roof. I did that and suddenly the room got very Cold.

It became dark and i could hear drum sounds getting closer. I started feeling like I was getting choked by something and I was running out of breath. In my head at that time I was thinking indeed I sealed my own death wish because everything was too good to be true especially the part where I didn't have to pay anything.

I was crying inside but everytime I wanted to pray the choking got worse. I eventually gave up the fight and just laid there still and I had accepted that it was over for me. I felt something slithering and moving on my body.

I knew it was a snake and now more than ever I was convinced that I had given myself as a sacrifice to a total stranger. Then I passed out. I was shocked to wake up very tired and weak. I had no power nor strength.

I woke in a very fancy bedroom,I was on white sheets and I was wrapped around with black doek. My clothes were nicely packed next to me with my phone on top of them. I reached out to my phone and the date shocked me. It meant I had passed out for three days because I went to the sangoma on the 7th but now my phone indicates it was the 11th.

I had to be sure that my phone didn't have the wrong date . There was big smart tv in the room and I switched it off and instead of showing anything a message appeared on the TV. It said " welcome to the cult, your initiation was a success and you are not hallucinating it is indeed the third day since your success. We need you to now listen to your body as there is your wealth living inside you now, your body will give you instructions when it's time just be very vigilant".

Then the screen went off. I woke up wore my clothes and left the room. I didn't even know where I was but finding my way home was so easy. I arrived home and my kids were happy to see me. The neighbors took them in and they had reported me missing. 

I lied and told them I don't know where I was or what happened but I was struggling to find my way home. I wasn't a rebel so they believed me. But since that day weird things have been happening to me. I sometimes speak to myself because there was something speaking to me from inside me.

I would crave uncooked meat ,I had changed a lot. I then grew a serious craving for a man. That thing inside me told me to sleep with a man within three days or I would die. It had to be a random man not someone I was in a relationship with. 

I went to the local tarven and picked a man. We did the deeds behind the tarven toilet. It was like I was a total different person. I couldn't fight the edge of sleeping with a random person. After the deed I walked home. I was so tired and I passed out. 

But the way the man I was doing the deeds with was screaming was still playing in my head. It wasn't a scream of pleasure but of pain. It was like something was eating him inside me. After a couple of weeks I started feeling sick and I bled so much. I rushed to the clinic and I was told I had a miscarriage.

It was a complete miscarriage so I was given antibiotics,pain killers and told to go home. That night I heard sound of the drums that I heard at sangomas house and in my sleep I could feel that there were people dancing to the drums but I couldn't move,scream or open my mouth. In the morning I found a big handbag full of money.

I knew that this was the sacrifice money and I must be honest I was very happy. My kids didn't have food And I bathed them and took them to school and went straight to town. I bought them new school uniform,a few toys and lots of groceries and I bought a fridge. Something I've always wanted but couldn't afford.

You should've seen the joy in their eyes when they came back from school. For the first they came home to a warm cooked meal and cold soft drink. When they saw the fridge they screamed with joy and they cried with so much happiness when they saw their new school uniform.

We all went to bed satisfied that night. We had all the food we wished to have in so many years. But in the middle of the night I had a very sharp pain between my buttocks. I couldn't even sit up I had to stand on my feet to understand what was happening. Within 2 minutes the pain dissapeared.

Okay fine I tried touching where the pain was and I felt a little something had grown there and assumed it might be pulse. I tried looking into the mirror and I could see some short thing with hair had grown there.

The next day the pain was gone but that short thing was still there so I went to the Dr and the Dr had never seen anything like that before. He was absolutely shocked and said it looked like a growing tail. Was I not in shock? The sangoma never said anything about this.

Anyway a month passed and that urge to sleep with a man came again. I went to a different tarven this time and I did the same thing behind the toilet. Few weeks later the miscarriage happened and I then went home and the next day I woke up to money again. As usual my kids were a priority and I bought them Tv and other things.

The pain followed and of course the short tail had gotten longer. That went on and on for months until I went to ask the sangoma what was really happening and he told me that with every pregnancy I lose this will continue growing and eventually it will hit the ground and that will be the end of my life.

I've been this ritual for the past 18 months and I can tell you now that I am always scared and I am not enjoying my life at all anymore. I have the money but I don't want it anymore. I am a mess and I tried to go undo the spell and all I was told the only way to undo the spell is through my death.